Thursday, August 11, 2016

Pierre Markuse has let the Cat out of the bag!

Hello Gentle People:

 SHHH....keep it a secret! Don't let anybody know how bad the heat is getting! Pretend everything is fine in your air conditioned home or apartment or car. Keep your car motor running and don't worry about global warming. After all, you just bought your new shiny internal combustion engine at zero percent financing and global warming or no global warming, you are not going to give up your cool ride for anybody!

 Who cares if the Glaciers have melted! Who cares if the Arctic has melted! Who cares if old people die in the heat and desertification replaces farm lands! Monsanto will continue to feed you with great tasting genetically modified and pesticide resistant Serial crops grown in other countries and McDonalds can provide you with nice fat and juicy hormone fed beef. And don't worry about those pesky environment protection people. They have limited power and the super rich Oil producing countries will do their best to dominate the governments of the world so that nothing changes to disturb your comfortable life styles.

  In some areas of the world the opposite is true. Flooding and hurricanes and humidity are the norm and native Trees are dying by the thousands to be replaced by tropical species and insects that normally live in jungles. But hey! As long as you are comfortable in your air conditioned offices and homes and cars, the occasional Black Widow spider will not worry you! That's what pesticides are for! Why worry about the millions of suffering people who don't have the luxuries of an oil based industrial economy to keep them comfortable and so keep up the great secret and SHHHH!

NASA Analysis Finds July 2016 is Warmest on Record

July 2016 was the warmest July in 136 years of modern record-keeping, according to a monthly analysis of global temperatures by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York. Because the seasonal temperature cycle peaks in July, it means July 2016 also was warmer than any other month on record. July 2016’s temperature was a statistically small 0.1 degrees Celsius warmer than previous warm Julys in 2015, 2011 and 2009.

Full story here:

More information here:

Where to start when looking for information on climate change?

Check out NASA's Global Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet website with lots of information on global climate change:

Image credit: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

#science #earth  #climate   #climatechange   #globalwarming   #temperatureanomaly   #nasa   #giss  

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