Monday, November 2, 2015

On the subject of Time.

  Recently we Canadians adjusted our clocks and put them back one hour. Next summer, when the days become longer, we will again adjust our Time to match the reality of the changing energy we call Nature.
 The question is why not simply get rid of the clocks and live in the reality of timeless changing energy?

  The answer to that question is the fact that our economic industrial systems depend on individuals giving up portions of their individual freedom in exchange for power coupons...or Dollars.

 In the past and in order to make sure that individuals gave up most of their basic individual freedom, religious leaders struck large Bells or climbed up in towers and shouted or sang at the top of their lungs. They needed hard laboring peasant workers to toil in the farms and fields in order to provide food for the community, and they indoctrinated hard working people with the fear of God! This still goes on today, but the religiously motivated bells and incantations have modernized and changed into computerized clocks that ring and sing for schools and industrial corporate groups. The fear of God has been replaced by the fear of authority and the reason authorities now ring and sing is to indoctrinate children and adults into waking up early and going to study or to work or to religious gatherings. Our industrial economic and political systems depend on indoctrinated workers who respond in historic order to Church Bells, and School Bells and industrial Time Clocks. Most of the economic benefits of individual labor, however, is no longer distributed equitably within the community! That has to change!

 Because many religious groups are receding into history, industrial groups have filled the vacuum and taken the concept of energy stealing indoctrination to a whole new level! They are using a constant bombardment of television commercials to indoctrinate people into working for and buying their products. This form of indoctrination uses actors to sing and dance and smile at people while introducing products that perpetuate the economic system and does little to improve the health of the community, nor does it give more time and freedom to individuals, nor does it do a good job of protecting the natural environment! An economic system that uses power coupons or Dollars as a means of exchanging work for worthless industrial products is not natural. Money should be used for preserving and enhancing Life. All Life!

 Without governing: moral, religious or ethical principals, corporate groups are stealing our individual freedoms with blatant attempts to indoctrinate us into giving up our Time. They are attempting to force us into working for them and they are using the mass Media to do it! With television and computers, commercialism has replaced past religious indoctrination. The beneficiaries of this intense commercial advertising are the industrial  group leaders with their political government allies. They are taking huge chunks of our individual energy and basic natural freedom to benefit themselves. Our human liberty and energy would be better served saving and helping Nature and all Life on Earth!

The concept of allowing individuals to sleep as long as they want and doing exactly what they want when they want goes against the religious and political and industrial economic group mentality. It goes against the need for indoctrinated obedient followers and workers. Thank you for reading this article and now I am going back to bed.
Signed: Joseph Raglione.

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