Monday, November 16, 2015

Canada, an example for the world...Not!

Gentle readers:

  If Canada as a country is an example to world, it is a bad example! A country so filthy and polluted and unimaginative, it has recently allowed one of it's provinces, Quebec, to dump 5 Billion Litres of raw sewage into the once magnificent St. Lawrence river!

 For Ten long years, the Conservative and money oriented Federal government of Canada,  has catered exclusively to industrial economic expansion without a thought or a care for the Natural environment.
For one sad example, the ' Tar Sands ' a  prime minister Stephen Harper protected project in Alberta, continues to be a pollution filled eye-sore from outer space. If we begin tomorrow the Tar Sands will take over a century to clean up and restore to pristine wilderness, however, and less understood is the constant expansion of Condominium buildings across Canada.
  These Bee-Hive style buildings are popping up in every Canadian city and the new inhabitans occupying these buildings will create a desperate need for sewage removal infrastructure. Infrastructure most cities like Montreal,  cannot afford and often allow to deteriorate before doing emergency repair work. It's been Thirty Years from the time we thought of balancing the economy with the environment and nothing was done to mitigate the pollution! The natural environment took a back seat to big business. Instead of creating national sewage cleaning facilities using new sewage pipes leading to brand new sewage treatment plants, the federal government under Stephen Harper, backed by private international financiers, focused on extracting as much Oil as they could from the Tar Sands to sell to Asia and China and they attempted to create cross-country pipelines to pump the bitumen to shipping harbours using money gleaned from Canadian Tax revenue! This became headline news and a social problem as both Canadians and Americans began to realize they were being duped. To mitigate their pollution tracks based on Oil, companies began Green-washing their products. Every product sold in print and on television become ecologically friendly while the truth and the facts behind the truth were hidden from public view and often forcefully suppressed.

 Greenwashing is not over, but now we are going to name names. Beginning in Canada and the United States, we are going around the world to spotlight the individuals and their companies behind the pollution. Polluting companies are going to be exposed for the dangers they create to human health and for the destruction they cause to the natural environment. They will have a chance to save themselves from humiliation, however, by creating projects and products that help nature and do not cause pollution. We will again be offering imaginative and creative as well as practical solutions to pollution but this time we expect honest changes and if not, the spotlight will shine constantly on the losers who refuse to change!

 Fossil fuels are finally close to depletion but their legacy continues in the form of gas burning vehicles. That is changing quickly as Electric vehicles enter the marketplace. The faster the better!

  In Canada, the companies and individuals involved in creating pollution will see their products boycotted.  Their Puppet members of parliament will be hounded and exposed. We Canadians have had it with polluters and with their economic greed. We demand a better lifestyle based on a clean and healthy and Natural Environment.

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    My Dear Friend: Valdemar Oliveira. I am overjoyed to read your letters! They prove you are alive in this fast changing world  of dynamic...