Saturday, September 19, 2015

Who would Jesus Christ vote for in Canada?

Who would Jesus Christ vote for?

 Canada is having a federal election and the question is who would Jesus Christ vote for if he were a Canadian citizen?

 What if Jesus Christ lived in Canada today and decided to vote for a political leader who best represented his personal values?. Which particular leader would Jesus choose to run Canada? Would it be Stephen Harper or Thomas Mulcair or Justin Trudeau?

To answer that question we need to understand what social values Jesus Christ cherished most and respond accordingly. For example, Jesus was absolutely a man for peace and it stands to reason Jesus would vote for a leader advocating world peace. Jesus would never go to war and would not vote for a politician who has given millions of Canadian tax dollars to the military. Our present day leader, Stephen Harper, continues to align himself and Canada's military, to a U.S. military war effort originally delegated to protect Oil fields here and around the world.

 Here is another value based question. Would Jesus and his representative, Pope John, vote for a Canadian federal politician who advocated polluting the planet with Oil and close his eyes to the destruction of our natural environment; all for the sake of maintaining in power and in profit a one percent economic elite of our human population? I believe not! I believe that Jesus was a nature lover and a populist and if alive today, would advocate protecting the environment. I also believe his advocate, Pope John, believes in the same values. If you want to find and ask the Pope himself, his site has mysteriously unlinked from my index. It used to be:

 Now here is another question you might appreciate pertaining to our Canadian federal election. Who would the Dalai Lama vote for if he were a Canadian citizen? Do his values correlate with economic profit and Oil pollution? Why not ask him yourself? Here is his Web site:

 Another value based question would be who best represents our basic values as Canadians and also as citizens of the world? Who would support a United Nations international police action to identify and arrest greedy and cruel psychopathic politicians before they created humanitarian disasters involving thousands of refugees? Which Canadian leaders are motivated by democratic humanitarian values?

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