Friday, September 25, 2015

Women saved from being raped!

Dear Joseph,

We have encouraging news to share about Meenakshi Kumari and her 15 year old sister who were ordered by a village council in India's Uttar Pradesh state to be raped and paraded naked as punishment. 

Yesterday, the Supreme Court of India recognized the risks to Meenakshi and her family and ordered the Delhi Police to provide the family with protection. 

Thank you for taking action to help make this happen! This case is so extraordinary because Meenakshi, a Dalit woman, courageously reported human rights violations that were taken seriously by authorities and resulted in a ruling to protect her and her family. 

But this isn’t over yet.

The family must receive justice and reparation, and if they are unable to return to their village they must receive support to rebuild their lives in another community. 

Meenaksi and her family still need justice. Please use your Social Media channels to ask your friends and family to take action today!  

You were one of more than 500,000 Amnesty supporters worldwide who spoke out for Meenakshi and her sister. Your willingness to defend their rights can help us bring about change in attitudes and laws in India, and protect other women and girls at risk of gender discrimination. Thank you so much for taking action and sharing this important story.

Learn More: 

Gender-based discrimination and violence against women and girls is widespread in India. In response to increasing levels of violence, our colleagues at Amnesty International India launched a "Ready to Report" campaign to raise awareness and support victims of gender-based violence, like Meenakshi, to come forward and report crimes against them.

Learn more about Amnesty International India's incredible work to combat gender-based violence.

Thank you again for speaking out for women's human rights. 

In solidarity,

Jackie Hansen
Women's Rights Campaigner
Amnesty International Canada

P.S. Want to get involved with Amnesty International Canada's women's human rights work? You can start right here! 

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