Sunday, December 17, 2017



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64.=   (The secret of money.)
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Posted by  (Subtle influences on the human brain.)

Babies are dying of starvation in Venezuela as economy collapses!

A message for all parents in North America! 

 There is a severe crisis in Venezuela and a quick fix solution is to collect and send baby pablum and baby food to all the hospitals in Venezuela.  
 Parents are bringing their starving and dehydrated children to hospitals only to be told they cannot be helped because there is no baby food in the hospital!

From the New York Times:
  "Hunger has stalked Venezuela for years. Now, it is killing the nation’s children at an alarming rate, doctors in the country’s public hospitals say.
Venezuela has been shuddering since its economy began to collapse in 2014. Riots and protests over the lack of affordable food, excruciating long lines for basic provisions, soldiers posted outside bakeries and angry crowds ransacking grocery stores have rattled cities, providing a telling, public display of the depths of the crisis.
But deaths from malnutrition have remained a closely guarded secret by the Venezuelan government. In a five-month investigation by The New York Times, doctors at 21 public hospitals in 17 states across the country said that their emergency rooms were being overwhelmed by children with severe malnutrition — a condition they had rarely encountered before the economic crisis began.
“Children are arriving with very precarious conditions of malnutrition,” said Dr. Huníades Urbina Medina, the president of the Venezuelan Society of Childcare and Pediatrics. He added that doctors were even seeing the kind of extreme malnutrition often found in refugee camps — cases that were highly unusual in oil-rich Venezuela before its economy fell to pieces.
For many low-income families, the crisis has completely redrawn the social landscape. Parents like Kenyerber’s mother go days without eating, shriveling to the weight of children themselves. Women line up at sterilization clinics to avoid having children they can’t feed. Young boys leave home and join street gangs to scavenge for scraps, their bodies bearing the scars of knife fights with competitors. Crowds of adults storm Dumpsters after restaurants close. Babies die because it is hard to find or afford infant formula, even in emergency rooms.
“Sometimes they die in your arms just from dehydration,” Dr. Milagros Hernández said in the emergency room of a children’s hospital in the northern city of Barquisimeto, noting that the hospital had started seeing an increase in malnourished patients at the end of 2016.
“But in 2017 the increase in malnourished patients has been terrible,” she added. “Children arrive with the same weight and height of a newborn.” "
For more information visit this web site...

Produced by Craig Allen, David Furst, Meghan Petersen, Andrew Rossback and Greg Winter.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Big Switch is on from fat meat to healthy Vegan.


Another Country Is Getting a Vegan McDonald’s Burger – Here’s Why That’s Such a Big Deal

We recently shared the exciting news that McDonald’s was testing “The McVegan,” a soy-based patty topped with vegan fixings and an egg-less McFeast sauce at a location in Tampere, Finland. Well, now we have great news to share about the test … it was a success!
Starting December 28th, The McVegan will begin rolling out not only in all Finland locations permanently but Finland’s neighboring country, Sweden will also get to enjoy the vegan burger. Woohoo!
McDonald’s teamed up with Anamma, a brand of Orkla Foods Sweden to create the burger to meet the rising demand for plant-based options. “We are very proud that McDonald’s chooses to build his new burger on Anoma roadmap. It gives more opportunity to discover how good and easy it is to eat vegan, while at the same time we reduce the climate pressure on our planet, ” Nina Sandström, Marketing Manager for Anamma, explained to My News Desk. Of course, if you’re avoiding all animal products, then you’ll want to skip the fries. Unfortunately, McDonald’s fries contain “natural beef flavors,” an ingredient that is made from wheat and milk derivatives. Don’t worry, though — you can pick up an order of vegan fries to-go at Wendy’s.

So Sweden Is Getting a Vegan McDonald’s Burger – Why Is This a Big Deal?

A majority of the meat served in fast food chains comes from industrial animal agriculture or factory farms. Now, this might seem like common knowledge, but what many don’t know is the destruction caused by these concentrated animal feeding operations.
Industrialized animal agriculture currently occupies around 50 percent of the world’s arable land and uses a majority of our freshwater stores. Asdemand for cheap meat and dairy expands across the world (which it is, at exponential rates), these finite resources are being pushed to the brink. In fact, if we hope to feed the world’s population when it reaches 9.8 billion in 2050, we will need to expand mass-scale deforestation to convert rainforests into fields for livestock – and their feed – leaving little behind but polluted air and water. Species extinction and climate change have also been attributed to our current livestock system, as it currently releases more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation sector and destroys natural habitats in favor of monocultures like soy and corn (again, animal feed). Despite all this damage done, nearly one billion people suffering from hunger across the globe. So clearly how we produce food and what we eat needs to change.
McDonald’s adding a vegan burger to their menu in Europe might not seem like a world-changing action, but considering this company has a presence in 160 countries and territories and serves 68 million customers every day (it’s estimated that McDonald’s sells 75 burgers every SECOND), this one new option has the potential to make a HUGE positive impact.
One more vegan option means one more chance for consumer demand to shift the tides away from industrialized meat production. According to the 2017 Protein Alternatives Report by global market research firm Mintel, Millennials are especially open to meat alternatives; 64 percent have tried meatless burgers. Meanwhile, only one in five Millennials has tried a Big Mac. Whether one is gravitating towards meatless options due to diet, environmental concernshealth, or animal welfare concerns, plant-based burgers are way more than just a tasty choice.
For all of us who are stateside, don’t worry, you can still get your meat-free burger fix at fast food establishments. The plant-based Beyond Burger will be coming to 500 T.G.I. Friday’s locations starting January 2018 and White Castle offers two different vegan burgers. Not to mention, the drool-worthy Impossible Burger is now available at all Bareburger restaurant locations!
While we might not support all of McDonald’s choices, the move to add more vegan options globally is commendable. Fingers crossed for the McVegan to make it’s way to the U.S. soon!
To learn more about trends and developments in the plant-based food space, check out our podcast #EatForThePlanet with Nil Zacharias.
Image Source: mcdonaldssverige/Instagram

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

They are blocking Tesla and Electric cars in general in order to continue selling gas burning cars to poor fools who accept their zero percent financing scams and are generally clueless about global warming.

As part of its current legal battle over the right to sell its electric cars directly to customers in the state of Michigan, Tesla is trying to subpoena communications between automakers, auto dealers, and legislators over the law that banned direct sales from automakers.
They have been trying to get the communications from three specific auto dealers and today, a judge denied an appeal from those dealerships, which should force them to turn over their communications to Tesla’s legal team.
We might get to see some secrets…
A change to the law in 2014 prohibits direct sales from automakers, which is blocking Tesla from obtaining a dealership license and selling cars in the state.
Last year, Tesla filed a lawsuit against the state after claiming that the ban on direct sales violates commerce laws and that it was pushed by car dealers and GM in an attempt to block the electric automaker at the last hour.
Already a year in, the legal battle is expected to take a while and right now it revolves mostly around what information Tesla gets to use to prove its point.
One of the lawmakers, Sen. Joe Hune, R-Gregory, is the senator who introduced the last-minute amendment that created the ban in 2014 and his wife, Marcia Hune, is a lobbyist for car dealerships.
The other, Rep. Jason Sheppard, R-Lambertville, is being subpoenaed because Tesla claimed that he confirmed to one of their representatives that the reason behind the ban is that “Michigan auto dealers and manufacturers don’t want Tesla in Michigan”.
The two lawmakers fought against the disclosure of their communications – claiming that there would be a backlash, but U.S. Magistrate Judge Ellen Carmody denied their bids in August. The communications haven’t been released to the public and are for lawyers’ eyes only for now.
Now Tesla also wanted the communications from Ann Arbor Automotive, Serra Automotive and Shaheen Chevrolet with the state’s dealers association (MADA) and legislators.
The dealers appealed to the request claiming that it would chill them from interacting with lawmakers and regulators in the future.
Yesterday, the court rejected the appeal in an order obtained by Electrek and embedded below. A case of the disclosure of a Ku Klux Klan membership list is cited as an example on several occasions in the court’s order.
More interestingly, the document continued by stating that dealers can’t claim a bystander status in Tesla’s lawsuit against the state – going as far as stating that they were the ones who drafted the law:
“But particularly unique to this case is the evidence that despite their status as nonparties, the Dealers’ are not merely ‘bystanders’ in this case, given evidence that the automotive dealers themselves drafted the anti-Tesla law in response to “the Tesla situation”. Accordingly, the communications sought in discovery are directly and highly relevant to Tesla’s claims.”
The case is far from over, but it’s getting increasingly interesting.
Here’s the court order:

About the Author

Fighting Glioblastoma with mini-brain research..

These Creepy Mini-Brains May Finally Crack Deadly Brain Cancer

Brain organoids look like something between a malformed human brain and a character from Monsters, Inc.
But don’t be fooled by their grotesque appearance. Ever since their introduction three years ago, brain organoids—charmingly dubbed “mini-brains” and “brain balls”—have been a darling in neuroscience research.
Made from cells directly taken from human donors, these tiny clumps of cells roughly mimic how a human brain develops. Under a combination of growth chemicals and nurturing care, they expand to a few centimeters in diameter as their neurons extend their branches and hook up basic neural circuits.
Brain balls are as close as scientists can get to recreating brain development in a dish, where the process can be studied and tinkered with. To most neuroscientists, they could be the key to finally cracking what goes awry in autism, schizophrenia, and a myriad of other brain developmental disorders.
But when Dr. Howard Fine, an oncologist at Weill Cornell Medicine, first heard about these bizarre quasi-brains, development was the last thing on his mind.
What if, he thought, I’m looking at the solution to brain cancer?

Glioblastoma Terror

An oncologist studying glioblastoma, an especially aggressive type of brain cancer, Fine has treated over 20,000 patients in his 30 years at work.
“Almost all of them are dead,” he said recently to STAT news.
A diagnosis of glioblastoma—like AIDS in the 1980s—is essentially a delayed death sentence. Survival rate is a measly two percent three years after diagnosis. There are no effective drugs on the market. Every person’s brain cancer is its own amalgam of tumor cells. Like a mortal game of whack-a-mole, destroy one type, and the others can still spread and roam free.
Physicians have long thrown everything they’ve got at the aggressive cancer. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation. Glioblastomas have little tentacles that cling onto normal brain tissue, and even surgically removing all the visible bits doesn’t work. In one extreme case, a surgeon excised the entire half brain that harbored the tumor—and the patient still died because the malignant cells had already invaded the other half of the brain.
The problem, according to Fine, is that oncologists have been pigeonholed.
Like most medical fields, scientists heavily rely on mouse models when studying glioblastoma.
How it usually works: a physician takes a sample of a patient’s brain tumor, expands the cells in a dish and transplants those resulting cells into a mouse. There, the hope is that the tumor cells will spring back into action, taking over the rodent’s brain as they had in the patient.
Unfortunately, this standard approach doesn’t really work. One of the reasons  glioblastomas are so insidious is that they contain tumor stem cells, which are notoriously hard to target with standard chemo—like a spark, they readily ignite the entire cancerous flame if even one escapes therapy.
As it happens, tumor stem cells are also tough to grow in the lab. So when scientists carefully prepare the cells to transplant into mice, they inadvertently miss one of the most crucial populations. The result is that glioblastomas are mysteriously tame after transplantation: they’re not nearly as aggressive as their original source.
In other words, scientists don’t really have a good way to study glioblastomas. Lacking a suitable model makes testing potential new drugs or other therapies extremely difficult. It’s no wonder that prospective treatments in mice hardly ever translate to successful clinical trials.
It’s oncology’s “dirty little open secret,” says Fine.
“My stance as an old man in this field is, someone has to start doing something different,” he says.

Quasi-Brains With Real Cancer

When Fine came upon the first report of brain organoids in 2013, he immediately perked up.
Could these quasi-human brains replace mice brains? he wondered.
After a few unsuccessful bouts with the brain organoid recipe—the first few batches took a wrong route towards quasi-pancreases and colons—he figured out the ingredients to make it work. In roughly six weeks, his team grew mini-brains roughly the same level of development as a 20-week-old human fetus.
Immediately, the brain organoids proved their worth.
When placed together with glioblastoma stem cells from patients in a dish, the cancer cells readily clamp onto the mini-brains. Within 24 hours, they begin driving their tentacles deeper into the brain-like tissue in a pattern “that looks 100 percent like what happens in the patient’s own brain,” says Fine.
What’s more, the brain-like environment of mini-brains revealed some strange properties of the cancer normally not detected in mice models.
Individual tumor cells seem to extend lengthy tubes that connect each other, much like an elaborate subway system. This network could be why these tumors are so good at resisting chemotherapy and radiation, saysFine.
It’s a strong lead: drugs that dismantle these networks already exist and could be tested in future studies against glioblastomas.

Me-Too Mini-Brains

Although Fine began making mini-brains using healthy cells, in the past few months he has turned his attention towards organoids grown from cancer patients.
Glioblastomas are known for their individualized “signatures”: each one harbors a slightly different soup of cells depending on the mutated DNA and signals from the environment.
Recapitulating the right combination of cells in the right percentages is exceedingly difficult—but because mini-brains mimic the patient’s own brain development, they offer a one-stop solution.
The plan is to “make hundreds of brain organoids for any given patient and use them to screen for drugs that can shrink that patient’s tumor,” hesays.
According to STAT, earlier this year, Fine received approval to test out the strategy in one patient with advanced glioblastoma. His team created brain balls from her cells, added her tumor cells to give them cancer, then threw drug after drug onto the brain surrogates.
Unfortunately, the patient died before the team found a hit. But Fine still believes in his approach.
Glioblastoma patients are often too sick to withstand a drug screen. Even if, by some slight chance, a drug did magically work for a specific patient’s tumor, often there isn’t enough time for doctors to find that “unicorn” drug.
With hundreds of brain organoids simultaneously taking the brunt, that search may end a lot faster with a much happier outcome.
Last month, Fine received the prestigious National Institute of Health (NIH) Director’s Pioneer Award for his foray into cancerous mini-brains. With support in hand, Fine plans to further enhance the realism of their organoids by adding two bonus components: blood vessels, which support the health and growth of both normal brain cells and tumor cells, and immune cells that are an integral part of the brain’s natural defense system.
It’s high-risk, high-reward research; a “bold departure” from traditional ways; a paradigm shift in a long-stymied field.
“[This work] may lead to consequential scientific advances for our patients: new and more effective treatments and therapies,” says Fine. “I am deeply grateful for this opportunity.”
Image Credit: Glioblastoma brain cancer cells under microscope / Anna Durinikova /
Shelly Xuelai Fan is a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco, where she studies ways to make old brains young again. In addition to research, she's also an avid science writer with an insatiable obsession with biotech, AI and all things neuro. She spends her spare time kayaking, bike camping and getting lost in the woods.


Hello friendly people!

 It looks like the cyber attacks have subsided for a while! Somebody or some organization knocked me off the WWW for two weeks. It usually happens around this time of year when merchants drive customers into their stores using every trick imaginable! These last few years, cyber warfare attacks have increased beyond the limits of civility!

  I did cave in temporarily and bought a refurbished computer which used Windows 10 as it's operating system but that was a mistake! The first second I opened the machine it literally began talking and asking questions.Then it produced dark images on my old monitor screen and was so complicated I decided to bring it back to the store for a refund. When I returned home I loaded Ubuntu on my old XP and it has the effect of scaring off big computer pushers. The possibility of having individuals gain unrestricted freedom to roam the web outside the influence of Microsoft or Apple, could be creating panic within those organizations!

I wish you happy holidays gentle friends and may the future be kind to all of you!
Joseph Raglione

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...