Monday, October 10, 2016

Great ideas never die, they are merely hidden in archives.

This lady is a heroine of the environment movement and deserves more recognition. If she is still alive find her and learn her wonderful ideas for growing food plants everywhere.

Pam Warhurst: How we can eat our landscapes

What should a community do with its unused land? Plant food, of course. With energy and humor, Pam Warhurst tells at the TEDSalon the story of how she and a growing team of volunteers came together to turn plots of unused land into communal vegetable gardens, and to change the narrative of food in their community.
Pam Warhurst: How we can eat our landscapes.

Published on Aug 9, 2012
What should a community do with its unused land? Plant food, of course. With energy and humor, Pam Warhurst tells at the TED Salon the story of how she and a growing team of volunteers came together to turn plots of unused land into communal vegetable gardens, and to change the narrative of food in their community.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, global issues, the arts and more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages at

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Sunday, October 9, 2016

On Thanksgiving I am thankful I am not indoctrinated.


 From a basic and constant reality the human imagination takes and creates and combines to make spectacular new objects we call Art! Also, the human mind can and does combine emotions with reality to create wonderful books of fiction. Our most powerful emotions of love and fear and curiosity are often combined to compose wonderful new fantasies which are then used to create even stronger fantasies.

 For many superstitious people books joined solid icons to perpetuate their religious beliefs. Imagination, however, does have a dark side! Much past art depicted images of imaginary angry Gods and later books often based on fiction perpetuated the myths produced by the solid Art.

 Through the centuries the concept of an all-powerful God evolved from a fear of the unknown. Even today our most intelligent teachers: scientists, philosophers and high priests do not completely understand the eternal energy of the universe. The very concept of eternal energy creates fear and that fear over centuries translated into artistic expression. In every culture artistic expression created a solid form for a fictional God or Gods. One of the best known artists from the past who expressed his particular religious concept of a God was Michael Angelo. His beautiful statues continue to exist everywhere in Rome and during his creative years the religious rulers of Rome pushed Angelo to create as many statues and artistic representations of their God as his vivid imagination could create. Angelo's art on behalf of the Catholic church followed centuries of religious culture and artistic expressions depicting some form of God or Gods.

 Every superstitious Homo Sapient group around the planet today continue to have deeply held beliefs based completely on vivid imagination. In the past once the image of a God was created with Art, a high priest used his new iconic symbol to dominate potential followers. Along with a visual aid the best methods of control were and are peer group pressure and constant repetition. Both these human motivators drive home the subliminal message that God exists in reality and was and is all mighty and must never be questioned. Books were created to help perpetuate this concept and through decades children were supplied with thousands upon thousands of books and leaflets and flyers perpetuating the concept of God. Children were and continue to be the easiest receptors and targets for indoctrination. As children grew into adults, generation after generation of loyal followers were created for religious groups and for cults around the world.

 Religious concepts were subliminally repeated for centuries to maintain religious social control within every culture on Earth! Today, the one constant for every culture continues to be the fear of death! Creating omnipotent Gods who would reward or punish human behavior in an after-life became a constant theme for many religions and cults and the fear of death and the fear of punishment in the after-life continues to be a tool used to maintain religious control. Religious indoctrination and peer group pressure continues to be used on children and on slow witted adults today for the sole purposes of mind control and social domination but there is change in the wind.

 Ritualistic indoctrination is breaking down and being replaced with modern concepts. Children today have new emotional and mental protection from fear inducing religious groups. Young people today now own hand held computers which are helping them to quickly communicate with each other and with the outside fact based world. Honest facts are seconds away from curious fingers and the Human race is now learning new ideas evolving away from fictitious religious concepts. Sadly, however, there is another serious and dangerous cultural trap!

 A technological revolution continues to shift the power away from high priests and is placing the economic power into the hands of corporate managers. Today children are subject to new and ruthless rulers who understand human psychology and who demand and take economic power and who seldom care about human welfare outside their own economic interests.
 In the past Gods were created to sooth and comfort lonely and curious minds and if there was not an answer for a complicated emotional problem the solution was simple, God did it and God will fix it. Today, computers solve many problems extremely fast and except for fictional Gods presented in movies, religious beliefs presented as reality are being pushed aside with the use of better communication. There is, however, a dangerous flip side to faster and better communication. Money!

 Many people still believe in imaginary Gods because a deep religious faith helps alleviate the fear of death and comforts the lonely. Culturally and socially religious beliefs are losing ground however as education and instant technology slowly destroys old world cultural traditions. The ancient system of indoctrination still continues today but it is now in a new form. It is now used by faster and better communication systems to sell consumer items for economic profit and for the purpose of creating “consumers” to buy those items.

 Actors with smiling faces on large screen televisions have replaced the high priests of the past and today media advertising repeatedly bombards lonely minds for the purpose of selling basically useless products. Fictional fantasies in full color with sound and incredible animation are used to sell products to lonely people and if that sounds familiar it is the concept of religious indoctrination transformed for modern consumption. It has become a more dangerous and faster form of indoctrination because hand held computers are today in the hands of millions of children and the applications in those little computers are filled with advertising. A few giant multi-national companies are using constant repetition to create millions and millions of  indoctrinated “consumers!” The result is rampaging industrialization creating uncontrollable pollution!

The new God is commerce!
 It is a fact that everything within reality is constantly changing energy and therefore dear lovers of life, before using fiction to guide your lives, struggle to understand the wonderful facts that exist and which create a bases for fiction and Art. Study slow changing energy before it changes into other forms! Nature is a magnificent example of constantly slow changing energy! It is a place to go and visit in order to calm lonely feelings! Begin your search for artistic expression with flowers and trees and small animals and community vegetable gardens. Once you have a solid hold on reality you will be able to use your wonderful imaginations to combine basic facts into Art. I suggest, however, that you create Art representing the wonders of the Universe and to stay far far away from repetitive religious and commercial indoctrination!

Have a great life! Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


 Love is like a river floating through time...
 It creates life and is spoken softly in rhyme...

On our river of love we float gently through life,
On our river of love we seldom feel strife...

Love can be sensual, sexual, passionate and hot...
Organic, orgasmic, or not!
But there is one thing true love can never be...
It can never be bought.

                                                     Joseph Raglione.       

Friday, October 7, 2016

Its going to be!

October 7, 2016

Sunrise, 7 billion years from now

Sunrise, 7 billion years from now | Red GiantSunrise, 7 billion years from now | Red Giant

Once the Sun changes from burning hydrogen at its core to burning hydrogen around its shell, the core will start to contract and the outer envelope will expand. The total luminosity will steadily increase over the following billion years until it reaches 2,730 times the Sun's current luminosity at the age of 12.167 billion years. Most of Earth's atmosphere will be lost to space and its surface will consist of a lava ocean with floating continents of metals and metal oxides as well as icebergs of refractory materials, with its surface temperature reaching more than 2,400 K (2,130 °C; 3,860 °F). The Sun will experience more rapid mass loss, with about 33% of its total mass shed with the solar wind. The loss of mass will mean that the orbits of the planets will expand. The orbital distance of the Earth will increase to at most 150% of its current value.

The most rapid part of the Sun's expansion into a red giant will occur during the final stages, when the Sun will be about 12 billion years old. It is likely to expand to swallow both Mercury and Venus, reaching a maximum radius of 1.2 AU (180,000,000 km). The Earth will interact tidally with the Sun's outer atmosphere, which would serve to decrease Earth's orbital radius. Drag from the chromosphere of the Sun would also reduce the Earth's orbit. These effects will act to counterbalance the effect of mass loss by the Sun, and the Earth will probably be engulfed by the Sun.

The drag from the solar atmosphere may cause the orbit of the Moon to decay. Once the orbit of the Moon closes to a distance of 18,470 km (11,480 mi), it will cross the Earth's Roche limit. This means that tidal interaction with the Earth would break apart the Moon, turning it into a ring system. Most of the orbiting ring will then begin to decay, and the debris will impact the Earth. Hence, even if the Earth is not swallowed up by the Sun, the planet may be left moonless. The ablation and vaporization caused by its fall on a decaying trajectory towards the Sun may remove Earth's crust and mantle, then finally destroy it after at most 200 years. Following this event, Earth's sole legacy will be a very slight increase (0.01%) of the solar metallicity.

Alternatively, should the Earth survive being engulfed to the Sun, the ablation and vaporization mentioned before may strip both its crust and mantle leaving just its core.

Explanation from:

1 comment:

  1. I and several Billion biological life forms presently inhabiting this Earth will be long dead before your projected Solar expansion happens but by that time we will have sent thousands of giant space ships filled with highly intelligent metallic and robotic humanoid style life forms into space with the purpose of re-establishing Homo Sapient thought patterns on planets throughout the Universe. Even planets without atmosphere will be ideal for these new life forms.

Sunshine children need your help.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Step up to fight climate change!

President Obama marks a historic moment in our global efforts to combat climate change:


The White House

6:59 PM (3 hours ago)
to human4us

President Obama marks a historic moment in our global efforts to combat climate change:
Today in the Rose Garden, President Obama announced that enough countries have acted to bring the Paris Agreement into force -- a historic step forward in saving the one planet we’ve got. Watch his remarks:
"Today, the world meets the moment. And if we follow through on the commitments that this agreement embodies, history may well judge it as a turning point for our planet."
Here's how we got to this point: Last year, leaders from nations across the globe gathered in Paris to announce a historic agreement to combat climate change. The Paris Agreement established the strong global consensus that reduces carbon pollution and sets the world on a low-carbon course. For the agreement to go into effect, 55 countries representing 55 percent of global emissions had to formally join. In September, the U.S. and China, countries that represent 40 percent of emissions, officially joined. And today, the world crossed the threshold needed to bring the Paris Agreement into effect.
Watch the President's statement, or read it below.
"Ten months ago, in Paris, I said before the world that we needed a strong global agreement to reduce carbon pollution and to set the world on a low-carbon course. The result was the Paris Agreement. Last month, the United States and China -- the world’s two largest economies and largest emitters -- formally joined that agreement together. And today, the world has officially crossed the threshold for the Paris Agreement to take effect.
"Today, the world meets the moment. And if we follow through on the commitments that this agreement embodies, history may well judge it as a turning point for our planet.
"Of course, it took a long time to reach this day. One of the reasons I ran for this office was to make America a leader in this mission. And over the past eight years, we’ve done just that. In 2009, we salvaged a chaotic climate summit in Copenhagen, establishing the principle that all nations have a role to play in combating climate change. And at home, we led by example, with historic investments in growing industries like wind and solar that created a steady stream of new jobs. We set the first-ever nationwide standards to limit the amount of carbon pollution that power plants can dump into the air our children breathe. From the cars and trucks we drive to the homes and businesses in which we live and work, we’ve changed fundamentally the way we consume energy.
"Now, keep in mind, the skeptics said these actions would kill jobs. And instead, we saw -- even as we were bringing down these carbon levels -- the longest streak of job creation in American history. We drove economic output to new highs. And we drove our carbon pollution to its lowest levels in two decades.
"We continued to lead by example with our historic joint announcement with China two years ago, where we put forward even more ambitious climate targets. And that achievement encouraged dozens of other countries to set more ambitious climate targets of their own. And that, in turn, paved the way for our success in Paris -- the idea that no nation, not even one as powerful as ours, can solve this challenge alone. All of us have to solve it together.
"Now, the Paris Agreement alone will not solve the climate crisis. Even if we meet every target embodied in the agreement, we’ll only get to part of where we need to go. But make no mistake, this agreement will help delay or avoid some of the worst consequences of climate change. It will help other nations ratchet down their dangerous carbon emissions over time, and set bolder targets as technology advances, all under a strong system of transparency that allows each nation to evaluate the progress of all other nations. And by sending a signal that this is going to be our future -- a clean energy future -- it opens up the floodgates for businesses, and scientists, and engineers to unleash high-tech, low-carbon investment and innovation at a scale that we’ve never seen before. So this gives us the best possible shot to save the one planet we’ve got.
"I know diplomacy *can be [isn't always] easy, and progress on the world stage can sometimes be slow. But together, with steady persistent effort, with strong, principled, American leadership, with optimism and faith and hope, we’re proving that it is possible.
"And I want to embarrass my Senior Advisor, Brian Deese -- who is standing right over there -- because he worked tirelessly to make this deal possible. He, and John Kerry, Gina McCarthy at the EPA, everybody on their teams have done an extraordinary job to get us to this point -- and America should be as proud of them as I am of them.
"I also want to thank the people of every nation that has moved quickly to bring the Paris Agreement into force. I encourage folks who have not yet submitted their documentation to enter into this agreement to do so as soon as possible. And in the coming days, let’s help finish additional agreements to limit aviation emissions, to phase down dangerous use of hydrofluorocarbons -- all of which will help build a world that is safer, and more prosperous, and more secure, and more free than the one that was left for us.
"That’s our most important mission, to make sure our kids and our grandkids have at least as beautiful a planet, and hopefully more beautiful, than the one that we have. And today, I'm a little more confident that we can get the job done.
"So thank you very much, everybody."
Watch the President's statement here.
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From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

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