Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Microsoft achieves speech recognition milestone.


The Official Microsoft Blog
The Fire Hose
Microsoft On the Issues
Microsoft researchers achieve speech recognition milestone

Microsoft researchers have reached a milestone in the quest for computers to understand speech as well as humans.
Xuedong Huang, the company’s chief speech scientist, reports that in a recent benchmark evaluation against the industry standard Switchboard speech recognition task, Microsoft researchers achieved a word error rate (WER) of 6.3 percent, the lowest in the industry.
In a research paper published Tuesday, the scientists said: “Our best single system achieves an error rate of 6.9% on the NIST 2000 Switchboard set. We believe this is the best performance reported to date for a recognition system not based on system combination. An ensemble of acoustic models advances the state of the art to 6.3% on the Switchboard test data.”
This past weekend, at Interspeech, an international conference on speech communication and technology held in San Francisco, IBM said it has achieved a WER of 6.6 percent.  Twenty years ago, the error rate of the best published research system had a WER of greater than 43 percent.
“This new milestone benefited from a wide range of new technologies developed by the AI community from many different organizations over the past 20 years,” Huang said.
speech-graphicSome researchers now believe these technologies could soon reach a point where computers can understand the words people are saying about as well as another person would, which aligns with Microsoft’s strategy to provide more personal computing experiences through technologies such as its Cortana personal assistant, Skype Translatorand speech- and language-related cognitive services. The speech research is also significant to Microsoft’s overall artificial intelligence (AI) strategy of providing systems that can anticipate users’ needs instead of responding to their commands, and to the company’s overall ambitions for providing intelligent systems that can see, hear, speak and even understand, augmenting how humans work today.
Both IBM and Microsoft cite the advent of deep neural networks, which are inspired by the biological processes of the brain, as a key reason for advances in speech recognition. Computer scientists have for decades been trying to train computer systems to do things like recognize images and comprehend speech, but until recently those systems were plagued with inaccuracies.
Neural networks are built in a series of layers. Earlier this year, Microsoft researchers won the ImageNet computer vision challenge by utilizing a deep residual neural net system that utilized a new kind of cross-layer network connection.
Another critical component to Microsoft researchers’ recent success is the Computational Network  Toolkit.  CNTK implements sophisticated optimizations that enable deep learning algorithms to run an order of magnitude faster than before. A key step forward was a breakthrough for parallel training on graphics processing units, or GPUs.
Although GPUs were designed for computer graphics, researchers have in recent years found that they also can be ideal for processing complex algorithms like the ones used to understand speech. CNTK is already used by the team that helps Microsoft’s virtual assistant, Cortana. By combining the use of  CNTK and GPU clusters, Cortana’s speech training is now able to ingest 10 times more data in the same amount of time.
Geoffrey Zweig, principal researcher and manager of Microsoft’s  Speech & Dialog research group led the Switchboard speech recognition effort.  He attributes the company’s industry-leading speech recognition results to the skills of its researchers, which led to the development of new training algorithms, highly optimized convolutional and recurrent neural net models, and the development of tools like CNTK.
“The research team we’ve assembled brings to bear a century of industrial speech R&D experience to push the state of the art in speech recognition technologies,” Zweig said.

Xuedong Huang in his office
Xuedong Huang (Photography by Scott Eklund/Red Box Pictures)
Huang adds that the speech recognition milestone is a significant marker on Microsoft’s journey to deliver the best AI solutions for its customers. One component of that AI strategy is conversation as a platform (CaaP); Microsoft outlined its CaaP strategy at the company’s annual developer conference earlier this year.  At that event, CEO Satya Nadella said CaaP could have as profound an impact on our computing experiences as previous shifts, such as graphical user interfaces, the web or mobile.
“It’s a simple concept, yet it’s very powerful in its impact.  It is about taking the power of human language and applying it more pervasively to all of our computing,” Nadella said.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016


   This page reminds me to keep writing to government members in the slim hope someone will have the courage to make political and economic changes for the near future. I do not own a car but I do wish I could afford an Electric vehicle! I will, however, fix my Bicycle.
Death does not scare me. I feel sorry, however,  for the younger people and the children who will survive into the near future.  P.S. If you notice polluting gas burning cars advertised on the bottom of this page they are both unauthorized and unwanted and the same goes for anything that creates pollution. Joseph Raglione.
Pierre Marcus:

Visualizing the Warmest August in 136 Years

August 2016 was the warmest August in 136 years of modern record-keeping, according to a monthly analysis of global temperatures by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS). It follows last July ( which also was the warmest in 136 years of modern record-keeping.

Eleven months heat streak

Actually this record warm August continued a streak of by now eleven consecutive months (starting October 2015) to set new monthly temperature records.

Read the full article and get more information here:

NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies:

Where to start when looking for information on climate change?

Check out NASA's Global Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet website with lots of information on global climate change:

Image credit: NASA Earth Observatory chart by Joshua Stevens, based on data from the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)

On another note: Thank you for your interest in this collection which, actually a few weeks ago, reached over 100,000 followers. Maybe take a look at my other collections as well? Try the Space/Space Technology collection ( or the Astronomy/Astrophysics collection (, or follow me +Pierre Markuse to get every of my posts.

#science #earth #climate #climatechange #globalwarming #temperatureanomaly #nasa #giss #august #warmestmonth
Animated Photo

The Monster is coming...The Monster is coming!


Creamy Cheese [Vegan]

If you have been to France, I don’t have to remind you about how much cheese there is - every menu, fridge, and supermarket shelf has the most unbelievable choice of cheeses...except...Raw Vegan.

Inspired by my trip to Mont St Michel in France and my cravings for cheese the raw vegan way, this recipe has the creaminess of Cream Cheese and the tanginess of Cottage Cheese and is so divine it's hard to believe there are only 3 simple ingredients!



  • Blender
  • Colander
  • Cheese Cloth/ Nut Milk Strainer/ Nylon Mesh
  • Plate
  • Bowl
  • Something heavy to weigh down the bowl (I used dry peas, but dumbbells or jugs with water will also work well)
  • 1/2 Cup Macadamia Nuts
  • 1/2 Cup Cashew Nuts
  • 1/2 Cup + 2 Tbsp Pure Water (or just enough to cover all the nuts when in blender)
  • Optional: Herbs and Spices


  1. Blend everything together (If you are not using a high speed blender, you may need to occasionally stop and scrape the mixture off the sides back onto the blade. Pulse from time to time, making sure there is always some mixture touching the blades). Make sure the nuts are well ground and the mixture is creamy.
  2. Place the colander on a plate (this will stop the whey, which will be strained out in the process, from making a mess on the table). Place cheese cloth inside the colander.
  3. Pour the mixture onto the cloth (on the right, you can see the consistency is blobby, not liquidy).
  4. Place the bag inside another one, or if you only own one- try turn it over itself, just as long as no mixture can escape when placing a weight on top.
  5. Place whatever you decided to use as a weight on top and put the stack in a place away from draughts (mine is inside the dehydrator with trays out).
  6. Walk away for 24 hours. (I must admit I can never just walk away and readjusted the weight from time to time to squeeze more Whey out and also tasted the cheese in the process, but 24 hours seems to be the perfect time).
  7. Transfer to the fridge for half an hour to harden, shape into logs and then roll into any herbs or spices you like (I had one log in Cracked Black, Red Pepper and Paprika and the other log in a Mix of Dried Herbs including Thyme, Marjoram, Parsley, Oregano, Sage and Basil).


I hear it lasts in the fridge for over a week too, but I wouldn't know…


All Vegan CheeseCashewCheesy Recipes (Vegan)Macadamia Nut


Tanya Alekseeva is a wellness coach, chef, author, Reiki do Satori master healer, and a renowned raw food and detox expert. Born in Russia, raised in New Zealand and now living in London, she focuses her coaching to ensure busy individuals achieve their most desired wellbeing and ultimate health objectives. She is the founder of Better Raw, co-founder of Lush Escapes, and author of eBooks which are available on Better Raw.

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