Wednesday, May 18, 2016

This kid hammers facts into our heads!

Shared publicly  -  Dec 25, 2015
Bill Gates went vegan. Beef uses 150 times the water, 200 times the land, 160 times the emissions of legumes per protein calorie. Reasons why I did not eat meat for 20 years and no dairy for 12 years (12% of millennials have already given up meat in America):

The Survival of Humanity Argument

Veganism reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which is key to preventing ocean acidification. If the ocean is too acidic, plankton dies and with that 50-80% of the oxygen we breathe is gone, making life impossible ►

The Hunger Argument

Number of people worldwide who will die as a result of malnutrition this year: 20 million
Number of people who could be adequately fed using land freed if Americans reduced their intake of meat by 10%: 100 million
Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by people: 20
Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by livestock: 80
Percentage of oats grown in the U.S. eaten by livestock: 95
Percentage of protein wasted by cycling grain through livestock: 90
How frequently a child dies as a result of malnutrition: every 2.3 seconds
Pounds of potatoes that can be grown on an acre: 40,000
Pounds of beef produced on an acre: 250
Percentage of U.S. farmland devoted to beef production: 56
Pounds of grain and soybeans needed to produce a pound of edible flesh from feedlot beef: 16

The Heart Disease Argument

Vegans have lowest rate of heart disease and low fat low sugar vegan diets have been used extensively by many doctors to reverse heart disease in patients ►

The Diabetes Argument

Vegans have the lowest diabetes rates ► See in this post how to reverse diabetes with a vegan diet.

The Obesity Argument

Vegans are the only group with a healthy BMI, body-mass index on average, being the thinnest group of all. With 2 billion people overweight, it is essential for people to think about going vegan ►

The Alzheimer and Dementia Argument

Vegans are 2-3 times less likely to get dementia and Alzheimer compared to meat eaters ►

The Osteoporosis Argument

Studies show that countries with highest milk consumption have highest osteoporosis ► Kale, greens, oranges, broccoli, spinach, beans, lentils are good sources of calcium.

The Environmental Argument

Cause of global warming: greenhouse effect
Primary cause of greenhouse effect: carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels
Fossil fuels needed to produce meat-centered diet vs. a meat-free diet: 3 times more
Percentage of U.S. topsoil lost to date: 75
Percentage of U.S. topsoil loss directly related to livestock raising: 85
Number of acres of U.S. forest cleared for cropland to produce meat-centered diet: 260 million
Amount of meat imported to U.S. annually from Central and South America: 300,000,000 pounds
Percentage of Central American children under the age of five who are undernourished: 75
Area of tropical rainforest consumed in every quarter-pound of rainforest beef: 55 square feet
Current rate of species extinction due to destruction of tropical rainforests for meat grazing and other uses: 1,000 per year

The Cancer Argument

Latinas eating bacon and Caucasians eating tuna have increased breast cancer risk according to a February 2016 study in Cancer Causes and Control Journal ►

VEGANS have lower risk of PROSTATE CANCER ►

The higher the intake of dairy, the higher the prostate cancer rate ► See a recent review of studies at

VEGANS can have 3 times lower rate of OVARIAN CANCER ►

According to Harvard researchers, when dairy intake exceeds the enzymes’ capacity to break down galactose, it can build up in the blood and damage the ovaries. Women with low levels of these enzymes have triple the risk of ovarian cancer when they consume dairy. ►

The World Health Organization has ruled that bacon, sausages, hot dogs cause cancer, while beef, pork, veal and lamb are "probably carcinogenic" ►

Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat meat daily compared to less than once a week: 3.8 times
For women who eat eggs daily compared to once a week: 2.8 times
For women who eat butter and cheese 2-4 times a week: 3.25 times
Increased risk of fatal ovarian cancer for women who eat eggs 3 or more times a week vs. less than once a week: 3 times
Increased risk of fatal prostate cancer for men who consume meat, cheese, eggs and milk daily vs. sparingly or not at all: 3.6 times.

The Waste Argument

Animal agriculture produces millions of pounds of waste daily in America alone. A 2500 dairy cow farm produces more poop than the city of Minneapolis (almost half a million people). This has to be gotten rid of. It can be infested with mad cow disease at times, swine flu, bird flu perhaps if not beef. Fecal matter from dairy farms is starting to destroy our drinking water supplies and it has already been causing huge dead zones from the Chesapeake Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. 11 HEALTH Reasons to avoid milk are explained here ►

The Cholesterol Argument

Number of U.S. medical schools: 125
Number requiring a course in nutrition: 30
Nutrition training received by average U.S. physician during four years in medical school: 2.5 hours
Most common cause of death in the U.S.: heart attack
How frequently a heart attack kills in the U.S.: every 45 seconds
Average U.S. man's risk of death from heart attack: 50 percent
Risk of average U.S. man who eats no meat: 15 percent
Risk of average U.S. man who eats no meat, dairy or eggs: 4 percent
Amount you reduce risk of heart attack if you reduce consumption of meat, dairy and eggs by 10 percent: 9 percent
Amount you reduce risk of heart attack if you reduce consumption by 50 percent: 45 percent
Amount you reduce risk if you eliminate meat, dairy and eggs from your diet: 90 percent
Average cholesterol level of people eating meat-centered-diet: 210 mg/dl
Chance of dying from heart disease if you are male and your blood cholesterol level is 210 mg/dl: greater than 50 percent

The Natural Resources Argument

User of more than half of all water used for all purposes in the U.S.: livestock production
Amount of water used in production of the average cow: sufficient to float a destroyer
Gallons of water needed to produce a pound of wheat: 25
Gallons of water needed to produce a pound of California beef: 5,000
Years the world's known oil reserves would last if every human ate a meat-centered diet: 13
Years they would last if human beings no longer ate meat: 260
Calories of fossil fuel expended to get 1 calorie of protein from beef: 78
To get 1 calorie of protein from soybeans: 2
Percentage of all raw materials (base products of farming, forestry and mining, including fossil fuels) consumed by U.S. that is devoted to the production of livestock: 33
Percentage of all raw materials consumed by the U.S. needed to produce a complete vegetarian diet: 2

The Antibiotic Argument

Percentage of U.S. antibiotics fed to livestock: 55
Percentage of staphylococci infections resistant to penicillin in 1960: 13
Percentage resistant in 1988: 91
Response of European Economic Community to routine feeding of antibiotics to livestock: ban
Response of U.S. meat and pharmaceutical industries to routine feeding of antibiotics to livestock: full and complete support

The Pesticide Argument

Common belief: U.S. Department of Agriculture protects our health through meat inspection
Reality: fewer than 1 out of every 250,000 slaughtered animals is tested for toxic chemical residues
Percentage of U.S. mother's milk containing significant levels of DDT: 99
Percentage of U.S. vegetarian mother's milk containing significant levels of DDT: 8
Contamination of breast milk, due to chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in animal products, found in meat-eating mothers vs. non-meat eating mothers: 35 times higher
Amount of Dieldrin ingested by the average breast-fed American infant: 9 times the permissible level

The Ethical Argument

Number of animals killed for meat per hour in the U.S.: 660,000
Occupation with highest turnover rate in U.S.: slaughterhouse worker
Occupation with highest rate of on-the-job-injury in U.S.: slaughterhouse worker

The Survival Argument

Athlete to win Ironman Triathlon more than twice: Dave Scott (6 time winner)
Food choice of Dave Scott: Vegetarian

The Fear-Stress Hormones Argument

When animals suffer for seconds/minutes during the sudden slaughter death, they release stress-fear hormones that age and sicken us ► Fear hormones as well as astral vibrations that contaminate their flesh also prompt us into human-human conflict more often; we and animals share a lot of hormonal pathways, as neuroscience shows. Bill Gates is vegan and so are some CEOs ( Gandhi, Tesla, Edison, Einstein, Newton, DaVinci were vegetarian:

The Amazon and other Key Forests Argument

Rainfall and preventing desertification is achieved thru a complex hydrologic cycle that involves forests. If we wipe out all forests, we are in big trouble, since forests generate 20-50% of the oxygen we breathe and ensure we get rain. Beef uses 160 times more land and 200 times more water per calorie than wheat, lentils, beans, potatoes do. Beef requires 28 times more land and 11 times more water than chicken and pork ► If people go vegan or just without beef, you help save lots of water and forests.

ESP-Telepathy Argument

It has been noticed that telepathy and other ESP functions become enhanced when meat is given up ► See also the telepathy and biophotons connection ► The MIT paper on biophotons in fresh fruits and veggies ►

Space Exploration Argument

How can astronauts go in space and raise cattle on their spaceship to get to Alpha Centauri? lol. You got to be kidding me. The nice thing about veganism is that with vertical urban farms, people can get local food (fresh - picked up 2 hours before, thus very rich in biophotons) easily in any area and Earth can thus feed 50 billion vegans easily. Going off-planet is a lot easier too when there are more scientists/engineers working on space travel, terra forming planets, etc. Creating perfect weather, eliminating deaths from natural disasters, etc all these things require a lot of science.

The Longevity Argument

Vegetarians and vegans were shown to live 7-12 years longer than non-vegetarians (take your B12 or a normal vitamin pill with B12 in it, as it's scarce in vegan foods and get B12 even if you eat meat and are over 50, because animal foods B12 is harder to assimilate as people age). The Longest living people in North America are the vegetarian Adventists in Loma Linda, who reach 105 often. Here is a Loma Linda doctor (I talked to him) who did surgeries at 95:, after decades of being vegan. This shows meat is not needed for longevity. Mahatma Gandhi was vegetarian, just like 500 million people in India today and Albert Einstein, Leonardo DaVinci, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Pythagoras. Did you know India is the most vegetarian country in the world? :) RED MEAT CAUSES CANCER ►

The Flu and other Diseases Argument

Without incredibly toxic and filthy factory farms, there will be no frequent epidemics of swine flu, bird flu, mad cow disease, etc.

The Poop Argument

There is fecal matter in virtually all American beef according to Consumer Reports ► Also much of chicken meat has poop in it ►

The IQ Argument

It's been noted that people with higher IQ are far more likely to give up meat. "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” Einstein. On a similar note he stated, “Our task must be to [widen] our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” And on the day he became a vegetarian, Einstein wrote in his diary, “So I am living without fats, without meat, without fish, but am feeling quite well this way. It always seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.” For more quotes on giving up meat from world's most amazing people, see this post ►

The Renal Acid Load Score Argument

Vegans have a much lower renal acid load score, which prevents a series of health issues. The United States Department of Agriculture has come up with the PRAL (Potential Renal Acid Load) Chart to help people prevent ingestion of acid forming foods, which then lead to chronic secretion of ammonia in the kidneys, and damage to kidneys and other organs. Most raw fruits and raw veggies are alkaline forming. All meats and grains are acid forming. Most legumes are alkaline forming. Foods can be categorized by the potential renal acid loads (PRALs). The best foods are those with negative PRALs, see the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) table here for each food (per 100 grams) ► or you can search 8000 foods for the PRAL score at (human milk has negative PRAL, like alkaline forming foods do). Our renal acid load for overall diet should be negative according to many doctors and nutrition experts. :) Chronic acidosis can lead to lots of diseases, even more acne breakouts which are far more common in people ingesting foods with high PRAL. There are lots of papers published about PRAL, for example ► Alkaline diet benefits study ► High acid forming or positive PRAL diets lead to calcium stones too ► and For more databases of foods and their content see Vegans need B12 vitamin from a multivitamin or B12 fortified foods, even vegetarians need it and meat eaters after the age of 50, as the body cannot produce it well anymore. :) Costs 2$ a year to get B12 vitamin.

The Telomere Length Argument

After a low fat whole plant foods vegan diet (the Ornish diet), Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn found that telomerase activity increased by 30% in 3 months (telomerase reportedly helps us live longer by repairing the end of our chromosomes) ►

Eye health (more carotenoids), bone health, Heart health (higher magnesium intake) and other reasons (57 reasons) ►

Heart Rate Argument

Vegetarians heart rate is 20 beats lower, leading to less heart wear and longer life.

Toxic Chemicals Argument

Animals are fed 80% of antibiotics in America, and all kinds of hormones banned in the EU. These things don't go into lentils, grains, beans at all. Also, a cow eats 21 times its weight of vegetables before slaughter, meaning it ingests huge amounts of insecticides, pesticides, etc that are found in the cow feed (mostly GMO corn and soy). So, the meat accumulates all these toxins absent in non-GMO lentils, beans, etc.

Water Argument

Vegans use 4 times less water than vegetarians and 13 times less than meat eaters► It's clear that veganism is the most compassionate choice. :)

Alex P

Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 11:36 PM
Dried Moringa leaves have 10 times the vitamin A in carrots, 17 times the Calcium in milk, 12 times the vitamin E of almonds, 15 times the potassium in bananas, 25 times the iron in spinach, 9 times the protein in yogurt, while fresh Moringa leaves have 14 times more vitamin C than dried ones and 7 times more vitamin C than oranges. Moringa contains 90 verifiable nutrients, 46 types of antioxidants, and 36 anti-inflammatory compounds, 18 out of the 20 amino acids in the human body, all nine of the essential ones that our bodies don’t produce. Every part of the tree is edible and highly nutritious: the pods (string beans taste), leaves, seeds (peanut taste) and roots (horseradish taste). The drought-resistant tree grows from seed to 15 feet in just one year, being one of the or the fastest growing tree in the world. A few crushed seeds of moringa can purify dirty water within 1 hour, as the seed protein is a flocculent and coagulant causing bacteria and dirt to settle. ► It's been used to cure many diseases too.

A seed bomber can plant 1 million trees in one day ►

TIME Magazine covered it too ►


For 100+ reasons I didn't eat meat for 20 years and dairy for 12 years see ►
Read more (29 lines)


Stiv Wilson, Story of Stuff

9:37 PM (53 minutes ago)
to Joseph
Story of Stuff Project
We just helped pass a groundbreaking ballot initiative in Oregon to protect public water against Nestlé's grab. Help us achieve more victories elsewhere.
Dear Joseph,
The people of Hood River County, Oregon where Nestlé was trying to open a new water bottling plant have stood up and spoken out.In a landslide victory, voters passed a countywide ordinance that shuts down any hope of Nestlé or any other large commercial bottling company setting up shop in Hood River County. Citizens in Hood River County launched this ballot initiative to protect their water resources after local officials had been egregiously influenced by Nestlé’s false promises of economic growth.
With our film, Our Water, Our Future, The Story of Stuff Community shed a big spotlight on this small town battle, elevating it to the international stage. The film serves as a great reminder that no matter how small we might feel, if we take a stand together, we can win.
Personally, I am deeply moved by the passion and dedication of the folks on the ground in Cascade Locks who shared their story about standing up and speaking truth to power. Together, we ensured that Nestlé will not be allowed to operate in the shadows exploiting our people and our public resources. Those of us on The Story of Stuff team will continue to tell powerful stories about communities coming together for change and to work alongside them to support their efforts.
What’s Next?
The big question is: will Nestlé sue? Nestlé has invested over seven years of its time and hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not millions) in attempting to influence local politics in Hood River County. A Nestlé official made a press statement saying, ‘we respect the democratic process,’ but it remains to be seen if Nestlé will attempt to undermine the will of the voters of Hood River County with a lawsuit. We stand united to ensure that they won’t be successful.
This victory sets a huge precedent for building solidarity among an ever-growing movement of concerned citizens fighting water privatization and exploitation of public resources around the world. Additionally, this win also prevents roughly 750 million plastic bottles from being wasted annually. That’s an elimination of 6% of the total bottled water consumption in the United States!
We Fight On!
In June, we’ll have our first hearing on Nestlé’s occupation of federal public lands in the San Bernardino National Forest where the corporation continues to draw water using a permit that expired 27 years ago. There we'll be working to strike the second of a one-two punch aimed at Nestlé’s Arrowhead brand. We are also convening a group of like-minded organizations to further develop strategy and tools that will enable even more citizens all over the world to stand up against Big Water.
Today we hope you’ll join us in celebrating this powerful accomplishment in the long fight to unbottle water.
Thank you for being a part of this historic victory.
Stiv Wilson
Campaigns Director
The Story of Stuff Project
P.S. Your donation can help us achieve more victories like this. Visit our campaign contribution page to learn more!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Of Life, Energy, Science and God!

Hello gentle people:

 When I was a student in school, I was taught that energy cannot be created or destroyed and like most sleepy students bored by school and school teachers, I thought nothing of the concept. Today, I am thinking of the concept. What is eternal energy?! Holy smoke, Batman, WHAT IS ETERNAL ENERGY?!

 Energy cannot be created or destroyed but it certainly can be measured and manipulated and changed and converted into different forms and we humans are doing exactly that. We are working and playing with energy and making different forms of energy. Steel and Glass and Plastics and chemicals are different forms of energy. If my teacher was correct, energy cannot be created or destroyed therefore there is no beginning or end to energy and we are simply manipulating energy forms! From solids to liquids to gas and back again!
 No beginning to Energy!! HOLY ETERNAL ENERGY BATMAN! Are we playing with God?!

 When we measure the speed of changing energy, we call the measure, Time. We use Time to see how slowly or how quickly Energy changes around us and we also use Time to measure the Energy changes within our own Human forms. Time is Energy and Energy is Time and except as a human measure, Time does not exist. We can safely say that all the energy that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe.

  The concept of eternal energy terrifies many human minds and social cultural groups have created Gods in order to sooth and allay the fear of changing energy.  Life changes from the conscious sentient state to the unconscious state of energy. A state we know as death is completely devoid of thought but not of energy. Remember, there is no beginning or end and therefore our energy, dead or alive, will always continue. What will not continue is this essay, which ends now! Bye!
 Your friend: Joseph Raglione.

How to organize for positive social changes.

Attention Nestle!

 Don't fight honest people who are trying to save the environment! Use your money and power for creating positive changes for everybody. For example, you can find a manufacturing company that makes water purification systems and you can distil and clean dirty and polluted river water. You will have to market the concept but then you are excellent marketers!

 Selling clean bottled water is not difficult. Ask the French Perrier company. They have been doing it for years! You do not need to take water from water starved areas. Ask the Coca Cola company. They clean their own water and they help to clean water for people in water starved areas of the world.

You can do the same thing and you will change from villain to hero. We will even give you the free publicity!

Nestlé is scared


Michael O'Heaney, Story of Stuff Project

4:01 AM (6 hours ago)
to Joseph

Story of Stuff Project
Dear Joseph,
With our climate changing, how we manage our water has never been more important. And today, May 17th, citizen changemakers in Hood River County, Oregon are showing us what’s possible.
For nearly a decade, Nestlé Waters has been attempting to gain access to water from the publicly-owned Oxbow Springs, which it would then bottle in nearby Cascade Locks, a small town in the scenic Columbia River Gorge. But residents of Cascade Locks, and of Hood River County, have stood strong to defend their water, most recently qualifying a county ballot initiative that would place significant restrictions on industrial-scale water bottling, effectively ending Nestlé’s attempted water grab.
The ballot initiative, which voters are considering today could set an important precedent for water protection across the western U.S. Not only would it limit the amount of water that could be bottled in the county, it would also force companies that bottle water to sell it locally, keeping that resource in the watershed.
While the ballot initiative would be a big win for the environment, Nestlé hasn’t taken this citizen powered campaign lying down. Nestlé has contributed $105,000 to fight the ballot measure, which will be voted on by Hood River County’s 22,000 residents. Even more outrageously, Nestlé tried to illegally hide its contributions to the so-called “Strong Gorge Economy” political action committee (PAC) opposing the measure, which is 90% funded by Nestlé. "[Nestlé has] been running the most expensive campaign in the history of our county while not reporting a dime of expenditures until days before the election," said Aurora del Val, campaign director for the Local Water Alliance, the citizens group backing the initiative to protect Hood River County’s water from bottlers like Nestlé.
Nestlé has deep pockets and a track record of subverting government for corporate aims, but the people of Hood River County have stood up in an incredible way—bringing together a coalition of small businesses, farmers and orchardists, native people and others to stop the company in its tracks. The Story of Stuff Community helped counterbalance Nestlé’s influence by supporting the creation of an online campaign video to tell their important story. And today, voters in Hood River County will have their say.
We’re also keeping up the pressure on Nestlé in southern California, where a hearing on our case against the Forest Service over Nestlé’s extraction of water from the San Bernardino National Forest on an expired permit is quickly approaching. That case also represents an important landmark in our efforts to protect public water.
In just a couple of weeks, our lawyers will be in U.S. federal court challenging Nestlé’s removal of millions of gallons of water for its Arrowhead brand of bottled water. Along with our co-plaintiffs Courage Campaign and Center for Biological Diversity, we’ll ask a federal judge to force the U.S. Forest Service to turn off the spigot.
We have high hopes: although the hearing was originally scheduled for last month, the judge issued a delay so that he could consider further information submitted by both us and the Forest Service, an indication he is taking our complaint seriously and is looking for a remedy.
And in a sign we have Nestlé on the run, last week the company challenged the government’s very authority to regulate its operations on public lands. In a last minute ‘friend of the court’ brief Nestlé attempted to submit in our lawsuit against the Forest Service, the corporation claimed that even minimal restrictions on its water removal would “create a problematic precedent nationwide.” Namely, of course, the public’s power to regulate use of our water!
These two community fights, in California and Oregon, are significant because they point to the global high stakes surrounding water today worldwide. It’s up to citizens like us to insist on sustainable protection and management of our increasingly scarce public water resources—and to defend them from private companies primarily driven by their profit margin.
For the past year, Story of Stuff Community members like you have provided an incredible level of visible solidarity to the people of San Bernardino, CA and Cascade Locks, OR:
You raised the money for short films about each fight, reaching millions of viewers worldwide with their heroic stories; you’ve written to decision makers and showed up at public meetings; you’ve helped us place ads, make campaign contributions and organize expert testimony.
In short, you forced a company that prefers to operate under the cover of darkness to face the light of public scrutiny. And now, thanks to recent statements by Nestlé Waters—a multi-billion dollar corporation and the world’s largest water bottler—we know you’re having an impact.
Much of this story remains to be told. But with the support of Community members like you, we think progress is on the horizon.
I’m proud that our Community has stood with the people of Hood River County, OR and San Bernardino, CA over the past nine months. I hope you’ll keep your eyes and ears open for updates over the coming week and will continue to support this work.

If you’re able, please make a contribution today to help us keep fighting this fight.

For public water,
Michael O’Heaney
Executive Director

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Is it possible to change cruel company plans? Yes!

5 things to brighten up your day


Taren S-K,

May 14 (1 day ago)
to Joseph

These five stories from the SumOfUs community made me proud, happy, and brought tears to my eyes.
Ever feel like you could use some good news? Here are 5 things to brighten up your day. These five stories from the SumOfUs community made me proud, happy, and brought tears to my eyes. Most of all, they reminded me of the one simple reason I started this organisation: when we work together we are powerful.
When a fresh corporate scandal hits the headlines, it’s easy to forget the difference we make every day. This email is designed to remind you, and to say THANK YOU for standing with us as we take on some of the biggest corporations in the world.

1. Máxima
Peruvian farmer Maxima Acuna made a brave decision five years ago that Newmont mining would not take her land to build a giant copper mine.
The SumOfUs community knew we had to stand with her.160,000 of us joined the campaign to protect her land, and we donated tens of thousands of dollars protect her from lawsuits from Newmont, and threats by the company's security forces.
The good news: Newmont has backed down -- for now. It has dropped its plans to put a gold and copper mine on Maxima’s land. But unfortunately, Maxima’s safety is still under threat. We’re going to keep fighting until Newmont cancels its plans for the mine and ends its harassment -- for good.
Stand with Máxima
2. Seaworld
Forcing large, intelligent animals to live in small underwater cages for profit is unethical. But that’s exactly what Seaworld has done for years, keeping Orcas and marine mammals in captivity for entertainment.
Stop SeaWorld's orca cruelty
Millions of SumOfUs members sent a clear message to SeaWorld that they won't pay to watch animal cruelty in action.And last month they listened: SeaWorld announced it will stop breeding orcas last month.
3. Palm oil
Indonesia is burning. Its beautiful rainforests are being ravaged by forest fires, deliberately set to clear the way for palm oil plantations.
SumOfUs members have sent a clear message to food giants that we won’t let them profit from deforestation.
Stop conflict palm oil
And we are having a real impact. Starbucks announced a new policy on palm oil only hours after SumOfUs members held a protest outside the first ever Starbucks in Seattle. And SumOfUs members are keeping up the pressure on Unilever and PepsiCo.
We’re having success with our palm oil campaigns, but this industry is huge and we’ll be keeping up the pressure to make sure that all palm oil is responsibly sourced.
We won't rest until all big food companies source conflict-free palm oil. 
4. WestJet
SumOfUs campaigners were alerted to a flight attendant who was fired by WestJet Airlines for speaking out about a pilot who sexually assaulted her. When Mandalena “Mandy” Lewis launched a lawsuit against WestJet, we launched a campaign calling for the company to change its ways and for CEO Greg Saretsky to resign.
Westjet protest
Together we made a lot of national headlines. After 30,000 of us signed petitions and SumOfUs members held a protest at Vancouver International airport, eight more women who were sexually harassed at WestJet were brave enough to come forward. The company has taken notice: it just hired independent auditors to review their sexual assault policies.
But there’s more work to do to ensure that all staff at Westjet can work free of sexual harassment.
5. Airbnb
When SumOfUs members learned that Airbnb was listing holiday homes to rent in the occupied West Bank, 140,000 spoke up to get the company to stop breaking the law.
Help keep Airbnb accountable!
When I saw photos of SumOfUs members from all around the world at Airbnb offices, I realised our community is now so big and powerful it can match the reach of the world’s most powerful corporations.
Airbnb haven’t budged yet, so we’re going to keep the pressure building on them. Watch this space.
And you can help make sure it happens.

I hope this email has brightened your day like it did mine when I sat down to write it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do, it gives me hope and energy every day.

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in CA$3 or become a SumOfUs core member with a regular monthly donation.
Have a great idea for a SumOfUs campaign? Start your own petition and the best ones could be emailed to the whole SumOfUs community.
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From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

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