Monday, September 29, 2014

Gentle People at Tesla:
I am surviving below the poverty line and I would love to own a Tesla but cannot afford it on my pension.
 For over twenty years I have been informing and providing details of climate change to major political figures. Barack Obama paid attention and so did his opposition. I once sent an email and asked new president Obama to help fund Tesla. To his credit he over-hauled General Motors and then he funded Tesla. Today, I believe the next question is how and where to provide accessible charging stations for Electric vehicles doing long distance travel. The solution is as close as your nearest Telephone pole.

 You can use modified Electricity directly from the power wires on the Telephone Pole or you can wrap Solar Panels around Telephone Poles and provide plug in Super-chargers that can be utilized with a special credit card at the bottom of the Pole. Electric Cars will then be able to stop and charge their vehicles almost anywhere in North America.
  Attention Tesla sales people! This idea is now free for you to take and push up the social ladder. Please ask Elon Musk not to visit Mars until  millions of Electric Cars have replaced gas burning engines. Grin!

 As for buying a Tesla think of all the Baby Boomers now barely surviving on pensions. They are bombarded with Television advertising attempting to sell them gas burning vehicles. Many will buy cheap gas burning cars at second hand dealerships and will not buy an expensive Electric Car, even if it means mitigating climate change for their children and grand children. This is because your Oil and Gas selling enemies are highly intelligent and super rich and without social conscience. They also own the Media.
Signed: Joseph Raglione
Ex/Dir: The world humanitarian peace and ecology movement.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Joseph --

Right now, the EPA is collecting public comments about President Obama's Clean Power Plan.

Add your name to make sure your voice is part of it -- and we'll make sure the EPA gets it.

The New York Times called this plan the "strongest action ever taken by an American president to tackle climate change." It will reduce carbon pollution from power plants 30 percent by 2030.

That's a HUGE deal.

Of course, that means it's also under attack from pretty much every polluter and climate change denier you can imagine.

The status quo works pretty well for them, after all.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that groups like the Koch brothers are going all out, spending millions to try to tear down the President's plan. They recently organized rallies around the EPA's public hearings to try to drown out the voices of ordinary Americans who support getting serious on this issue.

There's no telling what they have left up their sleeve.

We're fighting back the best way we know how -- showing just how many Americans support the President's Clean Power Plan.

The EPA's public comment period is a huge way to do just that.

Every single name makes a difference -- make sure yours is part of it:



Lindsay Siler
National Director of Issue Campaigns
Organizing for Action.
Dear Lindsay Siler:
 I would add my name if Barack Obama's plan was updated for 2020. The fact his plan is for the year 2030, which is so far away it makes me believe this is just another stalling tactic for a government filled with Republicans and Democrats controlled by the fossil fuel industry. What I can say is this: the Canadian federal government under prime minister Stephen Harper is losing power and his U.S. and multi-national friends who have invested heavily in the Tar Sands and Oil Pipeline projects are universally hated. They will be losing their investments. The next Canadian election will shift the balance of power away from the Fossil Fuel Industry and no amount of money is going to stop this process. What is sad and worse is that it is almost too late to slow down global warming. Signed: Joseph Raglione.

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.

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Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 618120 Chicago, IL 60661

September, 24.  2014

The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology International

Web Site Index.

Laval, West,
Quebec, Canada.
Freedom with honesty and justice and courage…
Compassion with dignity, tolerance and humour…
Peace with love and harmony towards all life on Earth.

"All that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe and the only constant is constant change. Author: Joseph Raglione."

Gentle People:
Welcome to my index of fun web sites and return as often as you like. Joseph Raglione/
18. =
30.=  How to greatly improve our school systems.
31. =
32. =
33. =
34. =
35. =
36. =
37. =  

Monday, September 15, 2014

                          A JOKE or TWO or THREE.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him
shall not perish but shall have ever lasting life."
 He then got back into his space ship and flew home where Mrs.God immediately divorced Him.

 The holidays are coming and once again people will celebrate their religious beliefs and that is wonderful because I enjoy celebrations! Monday for example was created to celebrate the Moon. Of course in those days the Moon was spelled Mon and then it changed to Money and going to work on Money day became a tradition.

George Carlin never rode on a plane because it was too dangerous. He rode in a plane.
George also believed that WHAMO was a terrible name for an airline.
For George a near miss between two air planes was unbelievable. It was a near  hit!

        A BABY'S POEM.
 I can live for months in life with a smile and a kiss,
And I won't create a ripple...
But what I really need in life is this,
Momma and her nipple.
Samuel Clemens alias Mark Twain made people laugh around the world. His humor and philosophy and ideas can be found on this site.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Gentle Readers of this Blog, please help save the birds and the bees from pesticide contamination. J.R.
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The bees‏

To: JOSEPH Raglione

New studies show the pesticides wiping out the bees are killing many more animals, threatening "the heart of a functioning ecosystem." 
Tell Bayer to stop making bee-killing neonic pesticides!
Dear JOSEPH Raglione,
The vanishing of the bees is just the tip of the iceberg. Recent studies have found that the neurotoxins killing off the bees are also threatening to wipe out "the heart of a functioning ecosystem." So many birds are dying National Geographic says it could be a second "Silent Spring."

"We are witnessing a threat to the productivity of our natural and farmed environment," said Jean-Marc Bonmatin of France's National Centre for Scientific Research (NCSR), co-author of the report. After studying over 800 reports gathered over 20 years, scientists found "clear evidence of harm" "sufficient to trigger regulatory action".
Bayer, one of the largest producers of neonics, has been under enormous pressure to reign in the killer pesticide. Instead, Bayer has launched a lawsuit at the EU in an attempt to overturn neonic regulations. These new studies could not be any clearer that the time for waiting is over.

Tell Bayer to stop making the neonics causing mass destruction of our ecosystem!

The latest study says these pesticides, absorbed by plants, are also harming other insect pollinators, fish and birds as they leach into soil and water. The most affected species were terrestrial invertebrates such as earthworms, which are crucial soil-enrichers, said the NCSR in a press statement. Bees and butterflies were next, followed by water-born insects, then birds, and finally fish and amphibians. The effects are working their way up the food chain
"The combination of their widescale use and inherent properties, has resulted in widespread contamination of agricultural soils, freshwater resources, wetlands, non-target vegetation, estuarine and coastal marine systems." This four-year assessment was carried out by The Task Force on Systemic Pesticides, which advises the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the world's watchdog on species loss.
But with these mounting studies finding neonicotinoids responsible, the big pesticide companies are starting to engage in tactics they learned from Big Tobacco by pumping out their own research to cast the blame on mites, climate change -- anything other than their own toxic products. We can't afford pesticide companies to subvert science and threaten our global ecosystems.

Tell Bayer to stop making the pesticides that are wiping out the food chain!

Neonicotinoids are particularly pernicious pesticides that seeps into every part of the plant.They damages the brains of insects that land to feed on plants -- whether they eat the fruit or just the pollen -- and then wash out into the surrounding soil where they wipe out most of the surrounding life.
Millions of tons of pesticides are dumped onto our crops, into our rivers, and carried throughout our ecosystems around the world. This is a clear example of "more" not meaning "better".
The more toxins we dump, the more the real pests they are designed to kill grow resistant, and the more the animals we rely on to maintain a clean, healthy planet are endangered. In the old story, the solution to any farming problem is more -- more machines, more fertilizer, more pesticides. This constant push for more is endangering the natural world, pushing nature out of balance. We're here to tell a new Story, one where we focus on making things better, and cultivating a healthy, safe environment. Please join today in helping us tell this story and fight for a cleaner planet.

Tell Bayer that we can't keep dumping neonicotinoids into our ecosystem!

Thank you for all you do! 
Claiborne Deming, on behalf of The Story of Stuff team

At the Story of Stuff, we're rewriting the narrative that has us overworked and trashing the planet.
 We're working to build a world that is healthy, sustainable, and just.
Gentle People: Bardarbunga is a hot name...literally. See for yourselves!
 Every day my friends from NASA provide me with Earth surprising information.
 I can't handle this much info all by myself and so I am passing it on to you. Please share!
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[eo-announce] Earth Observatory: What's New Week of 09 September 2014‏

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The latest from NASA's Earth Observatory (09 September 2014)

Latest Images:

* Roiling Flows on Holuhraun Lava Field

* Smoke in Yosemite

* Thunderstorms over Borneo

* Measuring Earth's Magnetism

* Acid Lake in Java

* Flooding in Bangladesh and India

* Infrared Views of Bardarbunga

* Ash on New Britain


Recent Blog Posts:

Earth Matters
* Puzzling Evidence

Notes from the Field
* May the 4STAR Be With You

* Aerosol Measurements in Hurricane Cristobal


NASA's Earth Observatory
Where every day is Earth day.

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Friday, August 29, 2014

I believe in Ethics and Principles and in Truth and in Justice. I believe in both our human laws and in nature's laws.
I believe that all that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe.
I believe man has labeled the eternal energy of the universe with his own cultural interpretations understood around the world as: God, or Mohammed, or Buddha, or Vishnu and many other wonderfully descriptive names.
I believe, therefore, that the concepts describing supreme all powerful beings are attempts to define the Eternal Energy of the Universe and so far not a priest or a scientist has explained eternal energy.
"All is relative" said Einstein. And surprise! Einstein believed in God!
I believe that all successful religions are based on: Peace, Love, Compassion and Ethics.
I believe that not all peaceful and loving and compassionate ethical human beings are religious or need to be religious to do good work.
I believe that all rules based on love and compassion will promote good will and peace to the degree in which they are obeyed.
I believe what good a person creates on this Earth returns to that person. It is commonly known as Karma but it can also be called free love and it spreads around quickly from person to person.
I believe that free and honest and fair trade between people and countries creates good will and the opposite creates ill will.
I believe that territory and food and shelter must be shared in a crowded world and that borders and fences create fear and fear creates enemies!
I believe that sharing honest and true facts as well as goods and services leads to peace.
I believe that hoarding money and food and goods and services leads to violence.
I believe that allowing poor human beings to go hungry in order to maintain an imperial economy is cruel and foolish and dangerous and the same goes for  imperial communism.
I believe that voluntary soldiers working as trained Peace Keepers for the United Nations are better at keeping World Peace than their military counterparts who are trained and paid to kill.
I believe that Doctors without borders are heroes and visionaries and necessary!
I believe that farmers and ecologists and teachers doing their best to feed and save the planet using natural non polluting systems are necessary heroes and visionaries.
I believe that every person: young, old, weak or invalid, must be given the opportunity and the training to work for themselves in order to gain merit and self worth, as long as the work is non-polluting.
I believe that all those who need help must be given a helping hand and all those willing and capable of working must be paid honest and fair wages.
I believe all governments must support in dignity and comfort all citizens who are medically proven to be unable to support themselves. Privatizing any medical system unnecessarily burdens the poor and the helpless as they simply cannot pay for the medical help they need.
I believe that dollars must be used to focus on life sustaining systems and not on polluting non-life sustaining systems. All powerful multi-national companies should invest in life sustaining business.
I believe our Medicare and Social Welfare systems must be improved and maintained.
I believe that prisoners must be given work and credited for their work with their money re-directed towards the victims of crime and to non-profit charities.
I believe that Human Beings live a more fulfilling life when they live by the sweat of their brow...but not so much they break their backs simply to survive!
I believe that if we work to enhance and replenish Nature, she in return will replenish and enhance our lives!
I believe that today there are still a few large corporations left who are working against Nature and they continue to create severe harm to many species existing on this Earth, including our own.
I believe that Life is Good and Love is wonderful and birth control an absolute necessity.
I believe that men who live and abide by moral and by ethical as well as by natural principles, live more abundantly than those who believe that there are no such principles.
I believe that understanding Nature's Laws is the best way to be useful to one's self and to our fellow Human Beings. 
If you also believe the way I do, then please join the world humanitarian peace and ecology movement or the Green Party or the Sierra Club or Green-Peace or the World Wildlife Fund or any other of the wonderful and honest non-profit organizations working to save and enhance Life on this our small Blue Planet Earth.
You can also start your own group and do something wonderful for yourself and for your family and friends and all life on this our little Blue planet.

Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...