Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Gentle People:
 It is a shame but General Motors continues to sell anything but pure Electric Cars on Television and in the print media hoping against hope that average people are stupid and have short attention spans and they will forget about Electric vehicles. It has been proven that pure Electrics are faster than gas burning cars, create zero pollution and have the capacity to travel up to six hundred Killometers without a charge. Electric vehicles are on the market but the Oil cartels with their political allies in Washington and Ottawa along with their advertising friends on Madison Avenue, continue to block their progress. The good news is however that average people everywhere now have the communication ability to spread the truth and the CAA has a web site that provides somewhat slanted information about Electric vehicles. Slanted towards gas burning vehicles which proves my point but hey anything is better than nothing!. http://electricvehicles.caa.ca/types-of-electric-vehicles/   Until Tesla produces more cars and reduces their cost, Nissan will continue to be a front runner for Electrics. http://www.nissan.ca/en/electric-cars/leaf/charging-range/

 Companies like G.M. who refuse to change and are willing to gamble with the future of their children and grandchildren, have the selfish and ignorant hope that global warming is not dangerous! They now also have the ability to quickly place their advertisements everywhere on the world wide web and feature smaller Hybrid cars that continue to burn gas. Look below this article for proof. With new electronic components copied from the magnificent Tesla Electric car company, many auto makers pretend to have modernized but nothing is further from the truth! Smaller cars do burn less gas but not when twice as many jam the highways! That equals the same amount of pollution.

For True Believers
Copyright: Joseph Raglione

They could not explain Eternity
Though they certainly tried.
But could not explain Eternity
And so they lied!

They lied about Eternity
And were so very good,
They created fraternities of True Believers
Who would follow them as only True Believers would.

And pods of imaginary Gods to terrify those who should,
According to them, be True Believers...
And believe in Them or face the wrath of their
Omnipotent Gods!

With strife and damnation and pain for none believers,
A Supreme Being will never deign to explain creation
To foolish sinners here on Earth...
But if YOU obey without question,
Follow orders without disruption...
The Gods will heap rewards upon YOU in the

Obey the Gods and they will gladly explain creation to you
After your dead...
But will only give mercy and love to you
While you live...
If you are a True Believer.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Gentle readers, if honesty is the best policy, why am I not rich?

From: Ivan Frishberg, BarackObama.com (info@barackobama.com) 
Sent:Wed 6/04/14 7:47 PM
To:Joseph Raglione (human4us@bell.net)
Friend --

Some of the reaction to the President's climate plan from the other side this week has seemed straight-up bonkers.

One group likened it to a terrorist act, the Senate minority leader called it a "dagger in the heart of [...] representative democracy"...

This would all be kind of funny, too, if the opposition wasn't backed with a whole boatload of cash.

The polluters and special interests are prepared to fight this with everything they've got -- right now, we want to know who's willing to fight back.

So, how about you? Stand with President Obama, and support aggressive action to combat climate change.

The nonsense on the other side is no accident. This is their strategy.

Last week, House Speaker John Boehner told a reporter, "I'm not qualified to debate the science over climate change."

But this week, he was one of the first out of the gate to throw a punch at the President's plan, saying that this proposal will cost our country billions of dollars and thousands of jobs. The fact checkers don't agree -- Politifact rated his claims "false."

Here's what it boils down to:

The other side is prepared to spread myths and worse to get their way. We just need people to understand the facts.

If you're proud of the President's aggressive plan to fight climate change, you should help fight for it.

Add your name today to support common-sense EPA standards on carbon pollution:




Ivan Frishberg
Climate Change Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action
A message from Joseph Raglione.
 If choking to death in smog filled cities is your idea of the good life, you have been brain washed by too many TV car commercials created by people who do not care if you choke to death in smog laden cities.
 The rich have alternatives to Oil and Coal. They can place their Billions of Dollars on: electric vehicles, green-house gardens, city gardens, buildings that can be heated and cooled with the sun and the wind, solar panels, water mills that generate electricity utilizing ocean currents everywhere on Earth. Tree planting projects help to save the environment and they create jobs everywhere on Earth.  On the cultural side jazz and dance festivals generate employment for thousands of people around the world. Almost anything we can imagine is possible and the rich will not lose a single dime. In fact they will make more money doing life sustaining projects than it will cost them struggling against the rising wave of change now moving towards those same life sustaining projects.
  The idea of losing thousands of jobs in the Coal mining industry is bogus. Mountain top blasting and the use of Bulldozers and giant shovels have created unemployment for hundreds if not thousands of below ground miners. Why dig holes in the ground when you can simply blow away mountains to expose the Coal veins? Now that the mountains are half flattened, why not place dozens of Wind powered electric generators on those same mountains and give work to local people maintaining the generators?

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Gentle readers:

  Honest political activists and journalists tend to become hard nosed and cynical the more they struggle against injustice and tyranny and pollution. Every once in a while I look in the mirror to update my consciousness. Today, I did not like the old tough guy who looked back at me and because of him I am going to write a  love poem to my one and only lady.
My sweet love.
Though we are apart my love
Imagine a gentle kiss as soft as a Butterfly's wing
Sent to you on the wind with my full promise of future bliss...
Close your eyes and allow my love to surpass your imagination,
To gently surprise your heart and
To kiss and to kiss and to kiss again
Your soft satin lips...
My sweet love

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hello gentle readers!
 For many years now I have been arguing that Electric vehicles are here to stay and that they are both faster and cleaner than gas burning vehicles. For just as many years my beloved family and friends have told me to shut up and not to make political and economic waves. They argued passionately how Electric Cars do not have the capacity to travel long distances and are not economically viable. Tesla became an example of a car only the rich could afford and the excuses hit me from all directions. Here are a few examples:
1. Electric vehicles are too expensive and I can't afford an Electric Car.
2. Electric Cars are only small glorified Golf Carts and they don't move fast enough.
3. The Oil companies will never allow Electric cars on the open market. Look what they did to the EV1!
4. They don't have charging stations everywhere.
    Well the Bullshit stops here! Read what the Japanese have done and continue to do while North American car manufacturing companies are sleeping with the Oil and Gas cartels.

An electric car in Japan has set a new world record by running for more than 27 hours and covering over 1,000km (621 miles) without being recharged.

The customised Mira EV travelled at speeds of around 40kph as it drove non-stop around a car racing course in Shimotsuma in Ibaraki Prefecture.
The red and white vehicle, fitted with a special lithium ion battery created by the Japanese company Sanyo, ran for 27.5 hours covering a distance of 1,003km without being recharged.
A total of 17 different people took turns at the wheel of the electric car as it circled repeatedly around the racecourse during the experiment.
The test run was organised by the Japan Electric Vehicle Club, which plans to request that the Guinness World Records officially recognise it as the world's longest electric car journey, according to media reports.
The achievement is timely: Japan and other nations are bracing themselves for an electric car boom as car manufacturers race to produce competitive versions of the environmentally-friendly vehicles.
However, the biggest inconveniences for many potential e-car owners relate to charging – from finding a nearby charger to making sure that the car does not run out of power during the school run.
The latest epic electric vehicle drive of over 1,000 km effortlessly beat the previous world record of uncharged driving 555.6km, which was achieved last November by the same Japanese organisation.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21, 2014

The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement presents: Our INTERNATIONAL WEB SITE INDEX .

Freedom with honesty and justice and courage…
Compassion with dignity, tolerance and humour…
Peace with love and harmony towards all life on Earth.
"All that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe and the only constant is
constant change. Author: Joseph Raglione."
Gentle People:
Welcome to my index of fun web sites and return as often as you like. Joseph Raglione/
18. = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhLa6O1OP0Y

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hello gentle readers. 
 Here is a letter from sweet Annie Leonard, the "Story of Stuff" senior advisor whom I helped with free publicity several years ago and who is now advising me of big changes to come in the future. 
Dear Joseph Raglione,
By now you have probably heard about the big changes under way at The Story of Stuff Project. We’re in for the biggest move yet in our six-and-a-half years of existence. My move to becoming a Story of Stuff Board Member and Senior Advisor, and new job leading Greenpeace USA, comes at a time of incredible excitement and action here, and affords us fantastic opportunities.
The greatest joy I have experienced through The Story of Stuff has been discovering just how many millions of people around the world connect with this message. I have been blown away by the passion of you, the Story of Stuff Community, and your desire to take action. We all need to do our part to tackle the big problems we’re facing, but while individual actions are a great place to start, they are a terrible place to stop.
And we are not stopping. In fact, we’re about to kick it up another gear. We are building new programs that will allow our Community to work together to reduce our collective footprint, build our citizen muscles, and make major changes in our communities and countries.
We know that the challenges we face are enormous, but recent technological innovations have given us power to connect, educate, and organize as never before. I’d like to take some time to let you in on the systems that we’re building out to help you, our Community, find each other, receive training, and work together to find Solutions. 
One of the things I hear repeatedly from members of our Community is “I am the only person around here who cares about these issues”.
We know how many of you are out there, and we are building out the capability of our site for members to connect with each other -- to find other Actors participating in The Story of Solutions -- and meet up to share your own stories, experiences, and tips for living well. In time, we’ll give you the tools to find and organize community events, such as pot-lucks, clothing-swaps, and community gardens. These tools will allow members to get to know neighbours that share their values, and work together to reduce consumption and live better lives.

What you can do is help us support our exciting new programs.

 Your reward will be cleaner air and water and less pollution!

Another refrain I often hear is from people overwhelmed by the enormity of the issues we’re facing -- “What can I do?”

In response, we’re working with partners across the key issues you have identified so we can leverage our power to speak out, together, and have the most impact. We’ll be able to flex our Citizen Muscles in unison to push corporations to remove harmful toxins from their products, to get local governments to go plastic bag free, and to fight the political corruption that stands in the way of real reform. I hope that you will join our community in taking action on these important issues.
For many of us, this may be enough, but I know that there are a ton of passionate people out there who want to learn what they can do as changemakers to become leaders in their local communities. To help out with this, we’re building up our Citizen Muscle Boot Camp -- the graduates of which will be leaders for our movement in their communities. The Boot Camp, which will begin its first phase of large-scale testing next month, will be a four-week course on how to identify the issues you most care about, and learn how to bring about change at the local level.

All of this will be offered for free, but costs us money to build out and support. Please become a Champion of our Story by chipping in $5 a month to help us become a fully Community-supported organization.

I would not be leaving the day-to-day activities of The Story of Stuff if I did not believe in these programs and the people behind them. There is an enormous positive energy here, and I am immensely excited both by the work that we will be unveiling over the coming months -- the reasons that Greenpeace was so eager to collaborate with us.
The energy around this Community has always been fantastic. I have been immensely impressed by  our hard working Story of Stuff Community. They have taken the message to heart in order to bring change to their lives. Now, we are building out tools that will make it even easier for you to multiply your effects and bring about positive changes to your community, and to our world.
I look forward to taking the next steps with you. 
Annie Leonard, on behalf of The Story of Stuff team.
From Joseph Raglione" 
Dear Annie: Our enemies have Billions of Dollars and friends in government. Sometimes, like in Canada and Russia, they are the government. Individuals like you and I do have the ability to communicate on the world wide web but we are not heartless socio-paths who believe winning is everything! We tend to believe in sharing and caring and if we are forced against the wall, we can generate negative publicity to stop the worst company abuses around the world, unfortunately, money is the problem and not the solution. Everybody wants money and money creates industrial pollution! We have to place our money on clean air and water and on food creation systems. These along with clean recycling systems are vitally important!
We need to generate much more publicity to counter the Oil based commercial crap being generated by companies and people who care only for profit.
Thanks for reading Annie and I am passing your message along to my readers.
Joseph Raglione

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...