Tuesday, September 6, 2016

2.1 Billions in owed taxes! Wow!

Cameco owes you $2.1B


Don Kossick via SumOfUs.org us@sumofus.org

Apr 30
to Joseph
A Saskatchewan mining corp is trying towiggle out of paying $2.1 billion in owed taxes. 

Think of the health care, public transit and education that money could fund. Tell Justin Trudeau to close tax haven loopholes and make Cameco pay its fair share like the rest of us.
If you’re like me and most Canadians, you’ve just done your taxes. But if you’re Saskatchewan-based mining corporation Cameco, you haveavoided paying $2.1 billion in taxes.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just announced a nearly $30-billion deficit in order to pay for badly needed social programs and infrastructure -- and yet here we have a corporation refusing to pay $2.1 billion in back taxes. That’s why I’ve started this petition and am asking the SumOfUs community to call on Prime Minister Trudeau to demand Cameco pay its fair share.
I'm from Saskatchewan and have lived here all my life. And the world's largest publicly-traded uranium company is headquartered here too. But you wouldn't know it the way Cameco reports its billions in profits. 
Both the Canadian Revenue Agency and the American IRS have gone after Cameco for transferring billions in profits to offshore tax shelters in order to dodge tax on profits made in Canada. But Cameco is refusing to pay.
There's far more at stake than just the back taxes: if Cameco gets away with this, countless other corporations will try the same thing. We were all disgusted when the CRA offered amnesty to KPMG's super-rich clients after they benefitted from a tax avoidance sham. The last thing we want is another closed-door deal that lets those with power and influence off the hook.
Cameco made its profit using Canadian roads and infrastructure, Canadian labour and a stable Canadian business climate in my home province. In fact, Cameco's wealth comes from Northern Saskatchewan, one of the most marginalized areas in Canada that desperately needs better services and community investment.
$2.1 billion is a lot of money. To put it in perspective, providing clean drinking water to every Canadian community -- including the remote First Nations communities right next door to Cameco’s mines -- would cost $470 million. $2.1 billion is enough to start a national pharmacare plan and could give every university student in Canada a break on their tuition. 
But Cameco doesn't want to pay its fair share of taxes to the country or people that helped it flourish. Thankfully, these damning business practices are now the subject of global attention. With outrage mounting worldwide on the abuse of tax havens, we have a real opportunity to hold Cameco accountable.
Thanks for all that you do,
Don Kossick
SumOfUs Community member since 2014

More information:

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in CA$3 or become a SumOfUs core member with a regular monthly donation.
Have a great idea for a SumOfUs campaign? Start your own petition and the best ones could be emailed to the whole SumOfUs community.
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Monday, September 5, 2016

Exactly who creates all the chaos?

Gentle People:

 While we give flowers and flower pictures to the world, there are Gun and Bomb makers who do not give a Rat's ass about world peace or surviving in harmony with nature.
 I am going to list on this blog as many Weapon makers as I can find. Your help is welcome! Why should cold blooded people make billions of Dollars creating wars and spilling blood while gentle and good people struggle for basic survival?
.The 9 Most Powerful Weapons Manufacturers In The World
M777 ultra-light howitzer by BAE Systems.
M777 ultra-light howitzer by BAE Systems.
  • Weapons manufacturing is a $400 billion dollar industry.
  • 6 of the 9 most powerful weapons companies are located in the U.S.

Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” – Bhagavad Gita
The arms industry is one of the most profitable and powerful industries in the world.
According to data published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the private weapons industry is worth $400 billion world wide. This doesn’t even include China’s state-owned weapons manufacturing plants.
This industry is unlike any others, because what they manufacture can claim thousands of lives.
In a recent speech by the Pope at the Vatican, the Holy See denounced the leaders of the industry of being greedy tyrants, profiting from other people’s deaths:
“This is why some people don’t want peace: they make more money from war, although wars make money but lose lives, health, education. The devil enters through our wallets.”
We compiled data from the world’s most profitable weapon manufacturing companies (2013) and listed them out in reverse order:

9. Finmeccanica

Flag of ItalyItaly
Annual weapons sales: $10.56 billion
Finmeccanica is an Italian “aerospace, defense and transportation company.” It’s one of the few non-U.S. companies that made the top list. According to a series of emails leaked by WikiLeaks, Finmeccanica supplied mobile communications equipments to the Syrian government during the 2011 uprising. It’s annual weapons sale topped $10.56 billion.

8. United Technologies Corporation

Flag of United States USA
Annual weapons sales: $11.9 billion
The United Technologies Corporation (commonly referred to as UTC) is located in Hartford, Connecticut and specializes in missile systems and military helicopters. It’s most well-known product is the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter. It’s annual sales in 2013 topped $11.9 billion. According to a study by University of Massachusetts Amherst, UTC is the 38th largest corporate polluter in the U.S.
UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter, produced by UTC.
UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter, produced by UTC.

7. Airbus Group

Flag of European UnionEuropean UnionAnnual weapons sales: $15.74 billion
The Airbus Group is a pan-European group that was formerly known as the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) and was reorganized in 2013. It is the world’s largest supplier of helicopters, but also manufactures transport and mission aircraft. The company has been under controversy because it manufacturers cluster bombs and related components.
Airbus Military’s A400M airlifter demonstrates its release of decoy flares. Source: Airbus
Airbus Military’s A400M airlifter demonstrates its release of decoy flares. Source: Airbus

6. General Dynamics

Flag of United StatesU.S.AAnnual weapons sales: $18.66 billion
General dynamics produces the Western world’s most-popular jet fighter: the F-16 Fighting Falcon. It is located in Fairfax County, Virginia and employs 92,200 people. In 2008, General Dynamics was ordered to pay a $4 million fine for fraudulently billing the U.S. Government for defective parts used in US military aircraft and submarines.
F-16 Fighting Falcons produced by General Dynamics

5. Northrop Grumman

Flag of United StatesU.S.A.Annual weapons sales: $20.2 billion
Northrop Grumman is an American defense technology company headquartered in San Francisco, California and employs 68,000 people worldwide. It produces surveillance and electronic warfare equipments. It also manufactures the dreaded B-2 Spirit strategic bomber. In 1999, the company was ordered to pay $325 million for knowingly selling the Navy defective aircrafts.
B-2 Spirit strategic bomber by Northrop Grumman. Source: Military Today
B-2 Spirit strategic bomber by Northrop Grumman. Source: Military Today

4. Raytheon

Flag of United StatesU.S.A.
Annual weapons sales: $21.95 billion
Raytheon is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and is the world’s largest producer of guided missiles, including the popular Patriots Missiles. It was founded in 1922 by Vannevar Bush, who played a crucial role in convincing the U.S. government in developing the atomic weapons. In October 2014, Raytheon won a $1 billion contract to produce long-ranged radar for the U.S. Air Force.
Patriots Missile System by Raytheon.
Patriots Missile System by Raytheon.

3. BAE Systems

Flag of United KingdomU.K.Annual weapons sales: $26.82 billion
BAE Systems is the only British company that topped the list. It’s headquartered in London and was created in 1999 as a mega-merger of two defense companies: Marconi Electronic Systems (MES) and British Aerospace (BAe). It manufactures the M777 howitzer, an ultra-lightweight field artillery.
M777 ultra-light howitzer by BAE Systems.
M777 ultra-light howitzer by BAE Systems.

2. Boeing

Flag of United StatesU.S.A.Annual weapons sales: $30.70 billion
In addition to producing commercial airliners, Boeing gets 45% of its income from producing military jets and weapons. It produces various lines of unmanned striker drones and attack aircrafts. In 2013, its weapons sales topped $30.7 billion.
Boeing AH-64 Apache attack helicopter.
Boeing AH-64 Apache attack helicopter.

1. Lockheed Martin

Flag of United StatesU.S.A.Annual weapons sales: $35.49 billion
The world’s most powerful weapons manufacturer goes to Lockheed Martin. It receives 74% of its revenue from producing military equipment. It created the famed F-22 Raptor fighter jet, one of the world’s most advanced stealth fighter jets available. In 1998, Lockheed Martin attempted an $8.3 billion takeover of Northrup Grumman (#5 on this list), but had to abandon the plan due to government concern over monopoly power. In 2013, the company made a whopping $35.49 billion from weapons sales.
High altitude missile interceptors by Lockheed Martin.
High altitude missile interceptors by Lockheed Martin.

Flowers for all my gentle Google+ friends! .

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A protected Ocean sanctuary.

I once visited Hawaii and the Island and it's gentle people continue to be a wonderful memory! Thank you president Obama for creating a protected Ocean sanctuary surrounding that beautiful place!

Nainoa Thompson info@mail.whitehouse.gov

Sep 2 (2 days ago)
to human4us

The White House, Washington

Born and raised in Hawai'i, I’ve spent the better part of my life dedicated to the ocean that surrounds me. This is why President Obama's recent expansion of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Sanctuary off the coast of northern Hawaii, means so much to me.
I have voyaged thousands of miles of open ocean by canoe, guided by the sun, stars and swells, practicing the art and science of Polynesian wayfinding and navigation. This tradition and legacy of wayfinding goes back centuries in my culture. We have worked hard to bring it back from the point of extinction, and perpetuate it as a means for understanding our environment, our history, our culture, our future and our world.
On long voyages, surrounded by the vast blue ocean, we come face to face with the Hawaiian concept of “mālama ” -- or “caretaking.” My ancestors learned long ago that if they took care of their canoe and each other, they would arrive safely at their destination.
On islands, as on the canoe, we care for each other and our resources, and work together to protect that which is sacred and fragile -- our Island Earth.
As I sail around the world, I’ve gotten a glimpse of what can happen to special places if they are not protected. Initiatives like the expansion of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument help us perpetuate and build upon more than a hundred years of protection efforts by thousands of people in our community and around the globe. Thanks to their work to advocate for protection of this area’s cultural and ecological resources and thanks to President Obama, Papahānaumokuākea will become the largest marine protected area on earth. This is a step in the right direction at this crucial time for Island Earth.
Ours is a blue planet, and the health of our Island Earth and her people is dependent on the health of the ocean. If climate change and protection of biodiversity and wildlife are part of the biggest challenge of the 21st century, then ocean protection is the strongest solution.
The expansion of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Sanctuary will help keep our waters safe -- improving ocean resilience, helping the region's distinct physical and biological resources adapt, and creating a natural laboratory that will allow scientists to monitor and explore the impacts of climate change on these fragile ecosystems.
Join me in celebrating the work of those who stand for and work to mālama our precious honua, those who are caring for our Island Earth.
And I'll hope you'll take the time to watch the President's remarks on conservation from the Midway Atoll.
Aloha Pumehana,
Nainoa Thompson
Visit WhiteHouse.gov
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Homa Hoodfar is no longer a political hostage!.

Intelligent women are not accepted in the religious male dominated country of Iran. Homa Hoodfar is a Canadian citizen and scholar held without reason in an Iranian prison. 

Alex Neve, Amnesty International Canada members@amnesty.ca via server8839.e-activist.com 

Sep 2 (2 days ago)
to me

Professor Homa Hoodfar's health
at serious risk in Iran

Dear Joseph,
Thank you again for speaking out for Concordia University Professor Homa Hoodar, who has been detained in Iran's notorious Evin Prison since June.

In the last few days very concerning news has emerged that Professor Hoodfar's health may be in decline.
Hoodfar suffers from a serious neurological condition and we believe she has not been receiving appropriate treatment in prison. She was reportedly taken to hospital because of her weakened condition and then returned to her cell. Her well-being is clearly at grave risk as long as she remains in prison.
Amnesty International considers Dr. Hoodfar to be a prisoner of conscience, detained with no legal basis, and calls on Iranian authorities to release her immediately and unconditionally.

We urgently need your help again. We must send a clear, urgent call to the Iranian authorities to release Dr. Hoodfar immediately. Your action may help save her life.

Here are two ways you can help: 

1. SHARE this urgent action with family and friends

You can find more social media ideas and a #FreeHoma image for your profile picture on the Hoodfar family's website here.

Not on social media? No problem. Here's basic text you can use for an email to your friends and family:

Professor Homa Hoodfar, a respected Canadian-Iranian scholar and researcher from Concordia University, has being held in Tehran’s Evin Prison since June 6th extremely limited access to her family and lawyer, and likely in solitary confinement.

Research is not a crime. No one should be targeted for the peaceful exercise of their rights to freedom of expression and association. Amnesty International considers Dr. Hoodfar to be a prisoner of conscience.

Please join me in calling on Iranian authorities to release Professor Hoodfar immediately! TAKE ACTION HERE: http://amn.st/6189Btgxl

2. SEND your own tweet, email or letter to Iranian authorities

Click here for instructions >>

Thank you so much again for speaking out for Professor Hoodfar and for getting this urgent message out. We deeply appreciate your time and efforts to make sure she's home and safe with her family as soon as possible.

With deepest thanks,

Alex Neve
Secretary General
Amnesty International Canada

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