Sunday, August 20, 2017

How to be Happy and Succssful.

How to be happy. A Ted Talk of  highly intelligent and  humorous proportions featuring Shawn Achor.

Be More Successful: New Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Do It.

1) Success Brings Happiness? No. Happiness Brings Success.

We all chase success hoping it will make us happy:
  1. I’ll be happy once I get that promotion.
  2. I’ll be happy once I get that raise.
  3. I’ll be happy once I lose 15 pounds.
But the research shows that isn’t true. You achieve a goal and you’re briefly happier… but then you’re looking toward the next big thing.
What Shawn’s research showed was when you flip the formula and focus on increasing happiness, you end up increasing success.
If we can get somebody to raise their levels of optimism or deepen their social connection or raise happiness, turns out every single business and educational outcome we know how to test for improves dramatically. You can increase your success rates for the rest of your life and your happiness levels will flatline, but if you raise your level of happiness and deepen optimism it turns out every single one of your success rates rises dramatically compared to what it would have been at negative, neutral, or stressed.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Watch out for the Warning Band Virus!

 It pops up when it does not like what you are writing and declares it will no longer support your Browser.
Unknown persons hide the virus deep within your computer and when you open your Browser, any Web Browser, the warning also pops up. This warning has been popping up for Three Years on my computer and it is insulting but fairly harmless.


ON THE SUBJECT OF TIME... By Joseph Raglione.      (Updated.)

 Time in and of itself does not exist except as changing energy. The Big Bang theory claims the Universe started from nothing with a tremendous explosion. We can only ask what fueled the explosion in the first place and how did that fuel arrive into existence?
 The concept of eternal energy terrifies the human mind and we humans have created Gods in order to sooth our fear of change from the conscious state of mind to the inanimate unconscious state of existence within eternal energy. The idea that a God created all things leads to the question of where did God come from?... Answer: From our human imagination.

 When humans began to very slowly discover repetitive constants within nature, our species created a tool called 'Science' to classify and keep track of what we discovered.  With Science, our Homo Sapient species jumped far ahead of all the other Species surviving on Earth and science today uses a great amount of experimenting and a great amount of measuring to understand what exists within the Universe. Science, however, is extremely complicated and often loses against quick and simple religious indoctrination which creates Billions of followers.

  Happily for us we now have lightning-fast computers to help us speed up the process of discovery but even so, one of the oldest inventions on Earth, the Clock, continues to be one of our most important tools. For example: when we measure the speed of changing energy we use a precise invention called an Atomic Clock to measure and compare the change. In other words we link our culturally created Time-Clock concepts we call: seconds, minutes, days and years to changing energy in order to measure energy speeds.  All energy (including Life energy) will change form within the universe and the speed of those changes we measure with our Time-Clocks. 

 Why do we use Clocks to discover how quickly or slowly energy changes around us in comparison to our interior energy? For centuries the fear of death has motivated humans to incrementally measure the existence of almost everything in the Universe. Not everybody but on average humans want to know how long we have to live before we die and we do everything in our power to keep ourselves healthy and happy. Some scientists we have labelled Doctors closely monitor the energy changes within us in order to keep us alive as long as possible. Doctors time the human heart beat by feeling a patient's pulse. They measure the heat generated by the patients body in comparison to the average heat of 98.6 and if they find a problem, they send body fluids to research scientists who are dedicated to understanding the chemical compositions and interactions which are required for the existence of biological life on Earth.

 Clocks themselves come in various sizes and shapes. Like all human inventions they are transformed from one form to another and we humans have discovered ways to combine Atoms and Molecules into new and different forms not found in nature. The problem with creating new energy forms is that we have created a social economy based almost totally on the production of new products. Are we quickly and dangerously replacing and destroying the slower and more delicate life sustaining balance-of-Nature? The answer is unfortunately yes! It is a fact that industrial growth is out pacing natural Green growth and creating dangerous pollution levels but their is also a hope that new technology created with non-polluting industry can help us re-balance nature and maintain a better social economy.

(A not so funny joke is that sales people and advertising marketers continue to label many products as new and better and faster energy saving devices.)  

 Nature is much slower at creating and preserving life on Earth while artificial processes do often pollute and destroy nature at a very fast pace! For example, by creating Billions of new plastic products we are not saving energy but shaping Oil into forms that are dangerous to life on Earth!

 We are literally and too quickly changing the natural conditions needed to sustain life on Earth! The world wide production and use of tools and products is creating an artificial economic culture sadly not based on Nature! We are now using time-clocks and fast computers to run our lives! The operating word being run! We run to gain money and power in order to find success and happiness when in reality the reverse is true. A positive and happy attitude will help create success or it may not but you will live a happy life simply by maintaining a positive attitude and surprise, the happiest people on Earth today have learned to love and enjoy nature. 

 Humans need to live at Nature's pace and not work industrially to destroy this wonderful product of evolutionary change! We need to give Nature a boost and not a kick in the rear end! Even our best science can only guess at how many Billions of years it took to create life on Earth!

  All energy within our Universe constantly changes. The conundrum is this: logic forces us to believe energy is eternal within the Universe and cannot be created or destroyed. Our Time-Clock invention, however, creates the illusion there is a beginning and an end to the eternal energy of the universe and because it is such an old invention, we have forgotten it's true purpose. To measure the speed of changing energy as a comparison to our own life energy. The absolute reality is that Time is only a name for changing energy and we use Clocks to incrementally measure the changes. All the energy that ever was still is constantly changing and continues to exist and we call the speed of changing energy...Time. We use our Clocks to measure energy speed. Energy will change form but will never disappear. We measure changing energy speeds and since Energy is eternal so is Time. In fact the words 'changing energy' should replace the word Time.

 Energy can certainly be manipulated and changed and diverted into different forms and unhappily for life on Earth, we humans have and are creating too many energy changes! For one example we are manufacturing millions of "new" cars only to be stuck in traffic for hours while pumping carbon monoxide into the atmosphere!   
Energy does not care if it is animate or inanimate and we humans can by destructive neglect, change ourselves back to inanimate energy in the blink of an eye!

 There is some positive changes happening, however, which may keep our species alive on this little Blue planet. Electric cars are now on the market at reasonable prices and people are finally awakening to the reality of global warming and the fact we need more protection for Nature's life sustaining systems. We need more recycling of Plastic and we need to clean our rivers and streams and of course, our atmosphere. To do this we have to stop producing products that do not last longer than a few months and we have to grow Trees. Trees have to be planted everywhere on Earth. Trees clean the air we breath and they produce Oxygen. We also need to slow our Human population growth with family planning methods and we need millions more home vegetable gardens and non polluting energy systems. 

  Nature is life sustaining but slow and fragile. Humans modify nature every single day and we are in a losing battle. Our human indoctrination systems are: political, religious and economic and while millions falsely believe they will go to an after life if they obey their political or religious leaders, millions more believe that by working for corporate leaders to create new products, the money accumulated will give them social acceptance and freedom from stress. Both groups often feverishly damage Nature's life sustaining energy systems!

If we wish to sustain life on our small Blue Planet Earth, we have to make some fast non-polluting Energy changes.

Thanks for reading!
Signed: Joseph Raglione.
Executive director: The World Friendly Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.
Please feel free to copy and pass on this message because Time is limited for life on Earth.

Alzheimer's disease. Low fat or high fat? Bad fat!

Alzheimer's Disease linked to the metabolism of unsaturated fats
A study published in PLOS Medicine’s Special Issue on Dementia has found that the metabolism of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty
acids in the brain are associated with the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, which causes impaired memory, executive function and language. It accounts for 60 - 80% of total dementia cases worldwide, with over 46 million people suffering from the disease worldwide. The number of patients is estimated to rise to 131.5 million by 2050.

Currently it is thought that the main reason for developing memory problems in dementia is the presence of two big molecules in the brain called tau and amyloid proteins. These proteins have been extensively studied and have been shown to start accumulating in the brain up to 20 years prior to the onset of the disease. However, there is limited information on how small molecule metabolism in the brain is associated with the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

In this study, researchers from King’s College London and the National Institute on Aging in the United States looked at brain tissue samples from 43 people ranging in age from 57 to 95 years old. They compared the differences in hundreds of small molecules in three groups: 14 people with healthy brains, 15 that had high levels of tau and amyloid but didn’t show memory problems and 14 clinically diagnosed Alzheimer’s patients.

They also looked at three different areas in the brain, one that usually shows little tau and amyloid, one that shows more tau and another that shows more amyloid. The main molecules that were different were six small fats, including omegas, which changed in abundance in different regions of the brain.

They found that unsaturated fatty acids were significantly decreased in Alzheimer’s brains when compared to brains from healthy patients.

Co-lead author of the study, Dr Cristina Legido Quigley from King’s College London said: “While this was a small study, our results show a potentially crucial and unexpected role for fats in the onset of dementia. Most surprisingly we found that a supposedly beneficial omega3, DHA, actually increased with the progression of the disease.

“It is now important for us to build on and replicate these findings in a larger study and see whether it corroborates our initial findings.”



#neuroscience #Alzheimer's #fattyacids #research #health #science
249 plus ones

(microRNS's) act as a fountain of youth in your brain.

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What causes the body to age?
The Greek Philosopher Aristotle thought it was the heart—a “hot, dry” organ at the seat of intelligence, motion and sensation.
Fast-forward a few centuries, and the brain has overthrown the heart as master of thought. But its control over bodily aging—if any—was unclear. Because each organ has its own pool of stem cells to replenish aged tissue, scientists have long thought that the body has multiple “aging clocks” running concurrently.
As it turns out, that’s not quite right.
This week, a study published in Nature threw a wrench into the classical theory of aging. In a technical tour-de-force, a team led by Dr. Dongsheng Cai from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine pinpointed a critical source of aging to a small group of stem cells within the hypothalamus—an “ancient” brain region that controls bodily functions such as temperature and appetite.
Like fountains of youth, these stem cells release tiny fatty bubbles filled with mixtures of small biological molecules called microRNAs. With age, these cells die out, and the animal’s muscle, skin and brain function declines.
However, when the team transplanted these stem cells from young animals into a middle-aged one, they slowed aging. The recipient mice were smarter, more sociable and had better muscle function. And—get this—they also lived 10 to 15 percent longer than mice transplanted with other cell types.
To Dr. David Sinclair, an aging expert at Harvard Medical School, the findings represent a “breakthrough” in aging research.
“The brain controls aging,” he says. “I can see a day when we are implanted with stem cells or treated with stem cell RNAs that improve our health and extend our lives.”

Hypothalamus: The Ancient Brain

It’s incredible to think that a tiny group of cells in one brain region could be the key to aging.
But to Cai, there are plenty of examples throughout evolution that support the theory. Experimentally changing a few of the 302 neurons in the nematode worm C. elegans is often sufficient for changing its lifespan, he says.
Of course, a mammalian brain is much more complicated than a simple worm. To narrow the problem down, Cai decided to zero in on the hypothalamus.
“The hypothalamus has a classical function to regulate the whole body’s physiology,” he says, “so there’s a natural logic for us to reason that the hypothalamus might be involved in aging, which was never studied before.”
Even so, it was a high-risk bet. The hippocampus—because of its importance in maintaining memory with age—is the most popular research target. And while the hypothalamus was previously somehow linked to aging, no one knew how.
Cai’s bet paid off. In a groundbreaking paper published in 2013, he found that a molecule called NF-kappaB increased in the hypothalamus as an animal grew older. Zap out NF-kappaB activity in mice, and they showed much fewer age-related symptoms as they grew older.
But here’s the kicker: the effects weren’t limited to brain function. The animals also better preserved their muscle strength, skin thickness, bone and tendon integrity. In other words, by changing molecules in a single part of the brain, the team slowed down signs of aging in the peripheral body.

Stranger Cells

But to Cai, he had only solved part of the aging puzzle.
At the cellular level, a cornucopia of factors control aging. There is no the key to aging, no single molecule or pathway that dominates the process. Inflammation, which NF-kappaB regulates, is a big contributor. As is the length of telomeres, the protective end caps of DNA, and of course, stem cells.
Compared to other tissues in the body, stem cells in the brain are extremely rare. So imagine Cai’s excitement when, just a few years ago, he learned that the hypothalamus contains these nuggets of youth.
Now we can put the two threads together, and ask whether stem cells in the hypothalamus somehow regulate aging, he says.
In the first series of experiments, his team found that these stem cells, which line a V-shaped region of the hypothalamus, disappear as an animal ages.
To see whether declined stem cell function contributes to aging, rather as a result of old age, the researchers used two different types of toxins to wipe out 70 percent of stem cells while keeping mature neurons intact.
The results were striking. Over a period of four months, these mice aged much faster: their muscle endurance, coordination and treadmill performance tanked. Mentally, they had trouble navigating a water maze and showed less interest in socializing with other mice.
“All of these physiological changes reflected an acceleration in aging,” Cai and team concluded in their article.
And the consequences were dire: the animals died months earlier than similar transgenic animals without the toxin treatment.

Spring Back

If the decline in stem cell function is to blame for aging, then resupplying the aged brain with a fresh source of stem cells should be able to reinvigorate the animal.
To test this idea, the team isolated stem cells from the hippocampus of newborn mice, and tinkered with their genes so that they were more resilient to inflammation.
We know the aged hypothalamus has more inflammation and that hurts stem cells, so this step was necessary, explained the authors.
When transplanted into middle-aged mice, they showed better cognitive and muscular function four months later. What’s more, they lived, on average, 10 percent longer than mice transplanted with other cell types. For a human, that means extending an 85-year life expectancy into 93. Not too shabby.
But the best was yet to come. How can a few cells have such a remarkable effect on aging? In a series of follow-up experiments, the team found that the pool of biological molecules called microRNAs was to thank.
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microRNAs are tiny molecules with gigantic influence. They come in various flavors, bearing rather unimaginative names like “106a-5p,” “20a-5p” and so on. But because they can act on multiple genes at the same time, they pack a big punch. A single type of microRNA can change the way a cell works—whether it activates certain signaling pathways or makes certain proteins, for example.
While most cells make microRNAs, Cai found that the hypothalamus stem cells have a “unique, very strong” ability to pack these molecules up into blobs of membrane and shoot them out like a bubble gun.
Once outside the cell, the microRNAs go on a fantastic voyage across the brain and body, where they tweak the biology of other tissues.
In fact, when the team injected purified little bubbles of microRNAs into middle-aged mice, they also saw broad rejuvenating effects.
Cai explains: we don’t know if the microRNAs are pumped out to directly affect the rest of the body, or if they first act on different areas of the brain, and the brain goes on to regulate aging in the body.

Forever Young

Even so, the aging field is intrigued.
According to Dr. Leonard Guarente, an aging biologist at MIT, the study could lead to new ways to develop anti-aging therapies.
What’s more, it’s possible the intervention could stack with other known rejuvenating methods, such as metformin, young blood or molecules that clean out malfunctioning cells.
It’s possible that stem-cell therapy could boost the hypothalamus’ ability to regulate aging. However, scientists still need to know how stem cells link with the hypothalamus’ other main role, that is, releasing hormones.
Of course, injecting cells into the brain isn’t a practical treatment. The team is now working hard to identify which of the thousands of types of microRNAs control aging and what exactly they do.
Then the goal is to validate those candidate anti-aging microRNAs in primates, and eventually, humans.
“Of course humans are more complex. However, if the mechanism is fundamental, you might expect to see effects when an intervention is based on it,” says Cai.
Stock Media provided by digitalreflections / Pond5

Shelly Xuelai Fan is a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco, where she studies ways to make old brains young again. In addition to research, she's also an avid science writer with an insatiable obsession with biotech, AI and all things neuro. She spends her spare time kayaking, bike camping and getting lost in the woods.

Singularity University, Singularity Hub, Singularity Summit, SU Labs, Singularity Labs, Exponential Medicine, Exponential Finance and all associated logos and design elements are trademarks and/or service marks of Singularity Education Group.
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Singularity University is not a degree granting institution.




5.=  Great comedy movies.
30.= </> 31. = </> 32. =</>
33. =</> 34. =</> 35. =
36. =      37. = </>
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46.=  http://www                                  
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62.=      (For the super intelligent.)
64.=   (The secret of money.)
65 =  (Subtle influences on the human brain.)

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

 Gentle People:

 The news yesterday was terrifying! Not for myself but for you young people who are just beginning your lives. The U.S.A and North Korea are playing a game of who's-a-chicken with inter continental nuclear armed ballistic missiles. That along with the devastation being caused by climate change creates a scenario of danger and fear. Both news items were enough to scare me but there is one more DOOMSDAY scenario not yet apparent. It is the beginning of Quantum Physics and Artificial Intelligence. Used the wrong way, A.I. has the capacity to be more devastating to our human lives on Earth than Nuclear Bombs and climate change! Temporarily, however, A.I. will help to mitigate climate change and will be a great tool for curing diseases such as Alzheimer and Cancer. For the long run, however, we need to create shut down switches on all A.I. creations in order to protect human lives.We also need to implant social Ethics and legal codes as well as copies of the International Declaration of Human Rights within Robots if they are to take their places as another life form on Earth.We need to do it now and not next year...because if we neglect to create ethical and moral guidelines for these machines, they will stamp us out quickly and efficiently in the near future.
 As for the military regimes of North Korea and the U.S.A., I suggest we ask the leaders to step on a small   island and attempt to disarm a large bomb. Tools will be provided. 

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...