Saturday, May 10, 2014

Freedom with honesty and justice and courage…
Compassion with dignity, tolerance and humour…
Peace with love and harmony towards all life on Earth.
All that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe and the only
 constant is constant change.
Welcome to my index of fun web sites and return as often as you like.   Joseph Raglione/


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hello Gentle readers:

  Here is how to terrify economic exploiters, political scam artists and thieves. Repeat the following words:
 I don't want anything that is not absolutely practical and useful, durable and life sustaining as well as educational. Thank you very much!

 With this simple philosophy you do not need to go shopping in large box stores to buy non sustainable
junk. With this philosophy you can stop the pollution created from fossil fuels simply by removing yourself as a consumer of products created from Oil and Coal. Nobody is going to shoot you for making pro environment choices. They certainly will do everything they can to convince you that buying crap is good for the economy but that argument is ridiculous and unconvincing. Everybody knows global warming is our fault and that we can mitigate global warming simply by changing our buying and living habits. It will happen sooner or later but I seriously advise you, gentle readers, that sooner is the better option. Forget Oil pipelines and gas burning cars and concentrate on Electric vehicles, water pipelines, tree plantings, garden creation and double or even triple insulated houses. Recycle absolutely everything! Educate your children from baby-hood up with music and dancing and science. Teach children that sharing and caring is better than selfish greed because if you don't, the selfish and greedy will eventually force us to abandon our social programs and they will take away our basic security and our personal freedom. Force will be the rule within human society and not the exception. Thanks for reading and have a great pollution free Sunshine day!
Joseph Raglione

Monday, April 28, 2014

Gentle readers, this Vancouver Sun article is heart breaking! Please help me protest this planned atrocity against endangered whales today by sending a message of protest to the prime minister of Canada, Stephen Harper. Inform him how you feel about his latest step to help his Oil friends at the expense of the most endangered species on the Planet, and do everything you can to stop Harper's project!

The Vancouver Sun

Ottawa removing North Pacific humpback whales from list of ‘threatened’ species



OTTAWA — The Harper government is downgrading the protection of the North Pacific humpback whale despite objections from a clear majority of groups that were consulted.
Critics say the whales could face greater danger if two major oilsands pipeline projects get the go-ahead, since both would result in a sharp increase in movement of large vessels on the West Coast that occasionally collide with, and kill, whales like the humpback.
The decision was made under the Species At Risk Act (SARA), and declares the humpback a “species of special concern” rather than “threatened.”
The reclassification means the humpback will no longer be “subject to the general prohibitions set out in SARA, nor would its critical habitat be required to be legally protected under SARA,” states the federal government notice published this month in the Canada Gazette.
The decision removes a major legal hurdle that the environmental group Ecojustice said stood in the way of the $7.9-billion Northern Gateway pipeline project that would bring 550,000 barrels of diluted bitumen crude from Alberta to Kitimat.
Ecojustice said in December that a federal review panel’s conditional approval of the project flies in the face of the humpback’s protections under the federal legislation.
The fate of the humpback was a major issue during the Northern Gateway public hearings that concluded last year, with many groups fearing that collisions, potential spills, and excessive noise would be a serious threat to the whales.
The endangered species legislation declares that “no person shall destroy any part of the critical habitat of any … listed threatened species.”
The federal review panel, in its December report that is expected to lead to a government decision by June, noted that Fisheries and Oceans Canada had testified that “any project activity that could interfere with a species’ foraging efficiency, or cause displacement from important feeding sites as a result of disturbance, would be considered as affecting designated critical habitat in a harmful manner.”
The humpback was listed as threatened in 2005, based on a 2003 assessment by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, an independent scientific advisory body for the federal government, which concluded its population was in the “low hundreds,” according to the Canada Gazette notice.
But that committee reversed its position in 2011, concluding that there had been no evidence of a population decline since the 1960s, when commercial whaling on the West Coast ended. It cited newer data that suggested the population had grown over several decades and totalled more than 18,000 non-calf whales.
The committee recommended a reclassification at that time, but a decision was delayed due to further scientific analysis prior to this month’s decision.
While no longer threatened, the species remained one of “special concern” due to a variety of potential and actual threats, including collisions with vessels that average about three incidents a year, according to research cited in the government notice.
The government sent out 312 consultation letters and got 22 responses back.
Only five were in favour of the new designation — a total made up of two unidentified B.C. government ministries, one tourism organization, one environmental non-government organization, and one “unknown source.”
Of the other 17, six environmental groups, three academics, two tourism industry organizations, one First Nations organization and a single “unknown source” were opposed. Another four — two academics, one First Nations, and another “unknown” — were undecided. In several instances, the undecided said insufficient information was available.
One environmental group questioned the committee’s advice.
“There are outstanding questions about the scientific reliability and sufficiency of the information (the committee) used to make the determination to down-list humpback whales,” said Chris Genovali, executive director of Raincoast Conservation Foundation.
“The proposed change in status for humpback whales would place them in jeopardy, particularly given the impending threats” posed by Northern Gateway and the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion to Burnaby, would increase the number of arriving tankers from eight to 28 per month.
The humpback is among the largest marine animals and can grow to 14 metres in length and weigh up to 40 tonnes. The North Pacific humpback’s range extends along the entire B.C. coast, including inshore inlets, all the way up to northern Alaska.
Northern Gateway proponents say that while the likelihood of whale strikes is “low,” there is no way to guarantee there will be no whale strikes along the route of the 250 huge tankers expected to enter and leave Kitimat annually.
Northern Gateway promised a number of measures to deal with the risk, including employing slower speeds and human and technical observers and monitoring, and promised to produce a risk-assessment report and “marine mammal protection plan.”
The federal review panel, in its favourable assessment of the project, noted in its findings that whales are “commonly observed” off the B.C. coast despite the current presence of many large vessels. The report praised the company for its “unprecedented” and “commendable” commitments to limit strikes.

My name is Joseph Raglione and because I am a Canadian, my mailing address is h7r1m5. It is not in your zip code format and you know this, so why do you keep bothering me? I suspect you have sent me another automated email and you forgot how to communicate with real people.
The reason I helped Barack Obama years ago with computer publicity, was because the world needed peace on Earth and a clean environment and the U.S.A. needed Medicare...something Canada had before our current Prime Minister Stephen Harper took office and quietly privatized it. Now we have to quietly remove him from office and change it back to a working national program with compassionate Doctors filling our hospitals.

Signed: Joseph Raglione.
Executive Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.
P.S. You and your friends stopped taking my advice years ago and you are presently in a cold war with Russia. Try not to escalate the fiasco. 

Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 11:26:20 -0400
Subject: Seriously, your name belongs next to President Obama's

Organizing for Action
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Thursday, April 24, 2014

The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement presents: Our INTERNATIONAL WEB SITE INDEX .

3851-56th., Street,
Laval, West,
Quebec, Canada.
Freedom with honesty and justice and courage…
Compassion with dignity, tolerance and humour…
Peace with love and harmony towards all life on Earth.
All that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe and the only constant is
constant change.Welcome to my index of fun web sites and return as often as you like. Joseph Raglione/


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Dear President Obama, Prime Minister Harper and President Putin.
 Intelligence is a wonderful thing! It allows human beings to compete for food and territory with the other
species attempting to co-exist with us on this planet. Because of  Homo Sapiens,  however, many of the other species are losing the struggle for basic survival. They are going extinct while we humans proliferate into the billions. The few solutions we have attempted to create in order to slow our human birth rate have been disallowed by our prolific religious world leaders along with a majority of our world politicians. All the other species are now subject to us! The trees and plants and microbes and germs and viruses are no exception. Humans are masters of the planet!  I am ashamed to be a human who is forced to witness the destruction of other life forms but like many other sentient creatures, I refuse to leave this planet willingly! I am, however, willing to help save the environment and the other species while improving my own life. 
 We Homo Sapiens have created tools and guns and ways to murder each other and as many other species as have
the temerity to exist or stand in our way! We are foolishly proud of our polluting industrial and military progress. That industrial progress has been destroying and not enhancing life on Earth. If it were the other way around
 I would not feel the need to write these words!
 I now ask you, on behalf of the other species on this Earth who cannot ask, to please create and enforce stronger anti-pollution laws! Please create and place economic value on products that help nature and please reward those humans who create life enhancing and not life destroying products. Please stop economically rewarding those who create products that pollute and harm life on Earth! That includes guns and gas burning cars which continue to pump out Carbon Monoxide. It includes destructive chemicals and industrial products that cannot be recycled and are created specifically with a short product life. Such cheap quality products are aimed specifically at poor consumers. Producing them often includes the use of  Cancer inducing carcinogens. Products made from cheap plastic often end up in our Oceans or in polluting garbage dumps within small countries that can least afford to deal with the pollution. These cheap products do kill fish and birds and humans! Please slow or stop the Media advertising of such destructive products!  

  Use your collective imaginations for creating cities filled with flower gardens and trees and roof-top green houses. Cities filled with Bicycle paths and all Electric vehicles and safe and Green play Parks for children. Cities that have industrial parks where pollution is created but blocked and cleaned from entering the atmosphere or better yet, not created. Use your half empty oxygen deprived office buildings for creating living spaces for homeless people and within such buildings, inter-level areas filled with indoor oxygen creating plants. Ban the internal combustion engine from city streets.
 Improve mass transit systems and lower Electric Bus fares for the poor and elderly who are the ones  left out and behind when you speak about growing the middle class. Shrink public buses and increase their number. Make them all Electric and run them with computers. Please stop the stupid trend of creating larger public buses that burn gas and create pollution!
Create buildings that allow for plants to exist within their walls. Create buildings that allow for quiet rooms where people could go and sit and relax without the mind disturbing incessant noise now permeating large shopping malls.
You can even place shopping-malls under ground and place large Geodesic Domes filled with plants and trees and small animals above the shopping malls.
You can do all this or you can do nothing and watch as nature, now polluted by humans, silently stops supporting life on Earth.
Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

P.S. Explain to republicans that the Ozone Holes continue to thin out allowing the Sun to radiate through and melt the Arctic Ice. Atmospheric Ozone is destroyed by many different kinds of pollutants including Carbon.

Monday, April 21, 2014

 I'm not a young man any more and for me life contains only a few chances left to be happy! Watching our Montreal Canadians Hockey team win a semi-final Stanley cup game was one monumental moment of happiness multiplied by extreme emotion which made me feel good but it also made me think...what about the future where I will be (if I make it) a very old man? Will I continue being happy watching Hockey?
What if unfettered Capitalism pollutes and destroys both the natural environment and our Canadian social structures and nobody gives a damn! Will I and millions of aged and poor pensioners live with dignity or die in degradation? A few days ago a solitary Eighty year old gentleman approached me with that kind of a serious problem.
  He was bleeding profusely from an accidental cut on his arm and he needed help. I rushed him to the hospital in St. Eustache, Quebec, where a nurse quickly bandaged his arm and then left us in the waiting room to wait for a Doctor. We waited patiently for hours before the elderly gentleman finally gave up and said " I want to go home."  I tried to convince him to remain but he was adamant.

"I want to leave." He said preferring the risk of bleeding to death than waiting more hours in the St. Eustach waiting room! If this was only one solitary example I would not be writing this article but last year it became personal when I was forced to wait seven hours in the same St. Eustache hospital waiting room, with a serious ear infection. My head felt like it was going to explode and after repeated quick checks by emergency room staff to see if I was not dying or contageous, I finally was sent to meet a young Doctor who told me there was no medicinal ear drops anywhere in the hospital and there was only two Doctors in the building. They sent me home late that night with cotton in my ear and a prescription for ear drops.  After suffering all night I finally rushed to the corner pharmacy the next morning and bought the much needed drops. The pharmacist explained to me what I had to do to relieve my own pain. It only took fifteen minutes.
What if I had contracted something more serious or even deadly?  

  My questions today for our so-called Canadian federal and provincial leaders are where are all the Doctors who are supposed to be in our Hospitals and what is happening to our Medicare system? Has Canada's Medicare system been quietly usurped by private clinics and American style insurance companies? Are most of Canada's Doctors today sitting in small private clinics waiting for people who have expensive private health insurance plans or enough private funds to pay for their own health care? How about all the poor people Medicare was set up to protect here in this country? What is happening to the Tax money we continue to pay for our Canadian Medicare system?

   The United States is finally creeping towards a decent Medicare social program but why is Canada going in the opposite direction? Why are we heading back towards privately funded medicine? Will only those who can afford to pay receive the best care?  If that is true than France and England and even Communist Cuba  are beginning to look more attractive to me than Canada. Each of those countries have socialized medicine and they care for their elders.

  Canada has been slowly changing towards extreme Capitalism. We continue to be an Oil producing and polluting haven for large companies bent on profit. An environment destroying philosophy which is destroying both our natural habitats and our social programs and our federal and provincial governments are encouraging the process!

  Am I the only person who thinks like this? No...remember the movie Patch Adams created in 1998 with the actor Robin Williams? The real Dr. Hunter Adams wanted to build a community hospital in Virginia based on compassion and free for his patients. Today he continues to struggle to build his hospital because the movie producers, even though they grossed millions of Dollars, did not care enough to help him build his hospital. They placed profit before compassion. Dr. Adams questions the ideals of many of today's doctors and medical establishments because they continue to place money and profit before compassion. I and millions like me must now face a very uncertain old age with young money-starved people waiting around every corner. We will be facing the horrific problem of hospital waiting rooms filled to capacity where our elderly and poor and desperate will be waiting for help that never arrives!


From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...