Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Automakers have officially submitted a letter asking the new head of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Scott Pruitt, to abdicate his responsibility for protecting the environment by loosening the fuel efficiency standards they agreed upon with the Obama administration in 2011. Pruitt, who calls himself a “leading advocate against the EPA” and has spent much of his life fighting against the agency, has received over $270,000 in lifetime campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry. Incidentally, Pruitt also denies that burning oil and gas causes global warming. Surely there’s no connection between that opinion and the campaign contributions he’s received.

The automakers claim that the 54.5mpg CAFE standard would be too costly to implement by 2025, and that consumer demand isn’t there for more efficient vehicles, even as EV sales continue to experience massive growth.

In totally unrelated news, as of three months ago, Tesla had well over half a billion dollars worth of customer deposits, most of which are for a car that nobody has even driven yet, but is significantly more efficient than the new rule requires. That car was unveiled a year ago as the biggest product launch of all time, with an unprecedented tens of thousands of customers camping out overnight or lining up early at stores worldwide to put a deposit of real, actual money down on a car they hadn’t even seen yet. Tesla’s 2014 CAFE performance was 278.9 mpg, over five times higher and eleven years earlier than the 54.5mpg 2025 target the automakers, who have much more experience than Tesla, claim they cannot possibly meet.

The group which submitted the letter, the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (AAM), represents twelve companies and 77% of car and light truck sales in the United States. There’s no real surprise that they’ve submitted this letter, as we reported before that virtually all automakers except for Tesla and a few French automakers were lobbying the prospective administration for a loosening of any restrictions which might require them to be even the tiniest bit socially responsible.

In addition to causing global warming, oil and the pollutants emitted by burning it are responsible for heart disease, lung disease and brain dysfunction, among many other things. Presumably, most of the people associated with the AAM and EPA, including Pruitt himself, have lungs, and perhaps even brains and hearts (though evidence seems to be lacking for the latter two), and actually live in the environment they seem determined to do everything they can to destroy.

Lobbying efforts by polluters, like this one, are a reason why government officials often “look the other way” while they pollute the world in which all of us, environmentalists and otherwise, live. And because of governments looking the other way, dirty energy benefits from an estimated $5.3 trillion global subsidy, in terms of the damage pollution does to all of us and to the world economy.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Hello Gentle Friends!

 I understand religious people. They have found culturally comfortable ways to explain the existence of energy within the absolute Universe. I, on the other hand have turned to philosophy for some edification. Therefore, right or wrong, here are some of my philosophical concepts.

 1) Life is thought and death is thoughtless.

 2) Using the premise that the Universe consists of Eternal energy,  I premise that all that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe and the only constant within eternity is constant change. So much so we human life forms invented a concept we call Time in order to measure the speed of external energy in relation to our own internal energy.

3) How do we know we are alive within eternal energy? Dependant on the develdopment and accuracy of our senses there are degrees of awareness created from the ability of our  brain to accumulate and save constant repetitive facts which surround us. Each fact stored as a synapse connection creates memory and we use memory to recognize energy constants outside of ourselves.
Our memories act as building blocks for better awareness and for better understanding of all energy forms.

Monday, December 26, 2016


Religious and government hypocrisy is intolerable!

They open their doors during Christian or Jewish or Muslim Holidays for paid ceremonies but then lock out the poor during the cold winter months. If they are afraid of vandals, why not hire a security gaurd or two while offering suffering people a place to find shelter at night?

 If you claim to believe in God and you do not allow the poor shelter during the winter nights, you and your religion and your church building are worth zero to society! I agree you are not hotels but if you claim to be non-profit and charitable, prove it!

Most church basements are large enough to provide emergency shelters for the homeless during the cold winter nights, however, far too many religious building doors remain locked after the holidays and hundreds of homeless people are forced to freeze on the streets! What kind of religion is that? What kind of society do we live in?

Religious buildings are not the only examples of social avarice. A great many federal and provincial and city buildings also stand heated and empty at night. Old empty government buildings could easily be transformed into shelters for the homeless and even brand new office buildings could provide space for homeless people during the cold days and nights of winter.  A few small rooms with showers and portable beds are not difficult to create within large office buildings and each building would have a set quota so that no one building would be inundated. Providing such spaces would be tax deductible and itinerants would be asked to clean up after themselves to help keep the rooms clean for the next person.

 With skyscrapers in many cities standing half lit and empty at night, what would be the harm in creating a government sponsored social policy where quotas could be created and each building allowed a few itinerants a place to warm up and sleep at night? If companies allready pay for electricity simply to keep the building warm, why not keep a few desperate humans warm also? No matter what your religion or philosophy or political concept, if you allow the poor to freeze on the streets while your buildings remains heated and empty and locked on cold winter nights; you and your religion and your company social policies are void of any value whatsoever to any decent society!

Happy Holidays!
Joseph Raglione

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Dear Michelle and Barack Obama:

  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and we will be honored if you decide to keep writing to us at the world humanitarian peace and ecology movement.

 My email box is now filled with more than a hundred thousand people from around the world and there is no way I can personally answer them all without a secretary or two. Our foundation remains outside the regular economic social spectrum and as usual we remain non-profit...not that we want to be! We could use economic help but nobody is going to help us until we can help them with new ideas! There is one common theme running through our wonderfully large Google + group...they send beautiful pictures and they do it with love!

 When all looks bleak and dangerous millions of good people stand up and they create new ideas and concepts and inventions to improve life on Earth.

 Ideas such as  Electric cars and rooftop gardens... rooftop Solar gardens and school gardens...outdoor adventure schools and space stations large enough to house thousands of visitors... reforestation programs that pay and educate students. Water and windmill medical inventions which will save millions of lives and revolutionize medecine!

 Building new houses with clear Plexiglass Greenhouse rooftops could easily replace Oil shingle roofs. Imagine going up to your attic to tend to plants growing hydroponically all year round and with the capacity of producing hundreds of pounds of vegetables a year.  Plexiglass is strong and is created from Oil and this will give the oil companies a chance to shift away from creating polluting Gas for internal combustion engines. A shift they must make if we are to avoid serious climate change!

Happy Holidays and bye for now!

Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

Thursday, December 22, 2016



Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Do I believe in Democracy?

Hello Gentle Friends on Google +

 Recently my Canadian government sent me a small card asking me my thoughts on Democracy.
I believe they want to reform the voting system in Canada. A good thing if they intend to implement proportional representation which was an idea created years ago by the New Democratic Party of Canada and which was intended to better represent the popular vote and give a better representation to provinces with large populations.

 Today, December 12, 2016, I don't feel very democratic. The new president of the United States is one Donald Trump, a multi-millionaire and a good friend to the rich. His policies will benefit the rich at the expense of the poor and the simi-illiterate. The same people who put him in power will soon feel the negative effects of his old Republican social policies. In other words the poor and lower middle class have been treated like suckers!

 Many of his thoughts and words during the election campaign terrified the civilized elites while simultaneously creating joy among the ranks of racists and ultra-nationalists. However, it worked and Trump is now the new U.S. president. His friends in the Oil patch are ecstatic and global warming be hanged! Science will now take a back seat to profit until the natural disasters force Trump to reconsider his policies. By then it will be much too late to reverse the negative effects on our planet.

 The only Democracy I care about is humanitarian Democracy based on preserving the ecology and Bio-Diversity of life on planet Earth...including human life.

 Imperial capitalism is the system now in full use around the world, including countries like China and Russia. Money is brutalizing and raping Nature. Until that stops, I will not have much faith in our so called Democracy.

Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

P.S. Canada`s young prime minister Justin Trudeau needs a better understanding of global warming and climate change. The world needs to shift away from fossil fuels once and for all!  


Welcome back to my list of excellent web sites! This list contains highly intelligent and useful information which can be described as a powerful university education in a box. It is useful for individuals and companies and governments alike. Remember that all that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe and if some links don't work try copying and pasting directly into Google.  
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Stephanie Hulse, Greenpeace Canada <>

Nelson,   A few months ago, I told you about the City of Montréal’s plans to ban natural gas in new buildings in the Fall of 2024. And I hav...