Saturday, December 24, 2016

Dear Michelle and Barack Obama:

  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and we will be honored if you decide to keep writing to us at the world humanitarian peace and ecology movement.

 My email box is now filled with more than a hundred thousand people from around the world and there is no way I can personally answer them all without a secretary or two. Our foundation remains outside the regular economic social spectrum and as usual we remain non-profit...not that we want to be! We could use economic help but nobody is going to help us until we can help them with new ideas! There is one common theme running through our wonderfully large Google + group...they send beautiful pictures and they do it with love!

 When all looks bleak and dangerous millions of good people stand up and they create new ideas and concepts and inventions to improve life on Earth.

 Ideas such as  Electric cars and rooftop gardens... rooftop Solar gardens and school gardens...outdoor adventure schools and space stations large enough to house thousands of visitors... reforestation programs that pay and educate students. Water and windmill medical inventions which will save millions of lives and revolutionize medecine!

 Building new houses with clear Plexiglass Greenhouse rooftops could easily replace Oil shingle roofs. Imagine going up to your attic to tend to plants growing hydroponically all year round and with the capacity of producing hundreds of pounds of vegetables a year.  Plexiglass is strong and is created from Oil and this will give the oil companies a chance to shift away from creating polluting Gas for internal combustion engines. A shift they must make if we are to avoid serious climate change!

Happy Holidays and bye for now!

Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

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