Saturday, January 26, 2019

Just another day in space. Garbage dumping to earth etc!

Cargo Ship Takes out Trash; Crew Works on Cygnus Preps and Science Hardware

Jan. 25, 2019: International Space Station Configuration
Jan. 25, 2019: International Space Station Configuration. Three spaceships are parked at the space station including the Northrop Grumman Cygnus resupply ship and Russia’s Progress 71 resupply ship and Soyuz MS-11 crew ship.
A Russian cargo ship left the International Space Station this morning and was deorbited for a destructive demise over the Pacific Ocean. The Expedition 58 crew now turns its attention to the departure of a U.S. space freighter next month.
The Progress 70 (70P) resupply ship ended its six-and-a-half month stay at the station when it undocked from Pirs docking compartment today at 7:55 a.m. EST. It descended into Earth’s atmosphere less than four hours later loaded with trash and discarded gear and burned up safely over the southern Pacific.
Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus commercial cargo vessel is next up, scheduled to depart the Unity module in early February. Astronauts Anne McClain and David Saint-Jacques have been reviewing Cygnus departure procedures and carefully packing the spaceship throughout the week.
McClain and Saint-Jacques spent Friday working on a variety of science hardware and life support gear aboard the orbital lab. The duo first set up gear to measure airflow inside Japan’s Kibo laboratory module. Next, they serviced a pair of science freezers nicknamed MELFI and GLACIER that store research samples at ultra-cold temperatures.
NASA’s McClain also replaced hardware in the Actiwatch Spectrum, a wearable device that analyzes an astronaut’s sleep quality, sleep onset, hyperactivity and other daily routines. Saint-Jacques from the Canadian Space Agency activated a new 3D printer known as the Refabricator that uses recycled plastics.
Commander Oleg Kononenko from Roscosmos monitored this morning’s 70P undocking and photographed the departing spacecraft. The station veteran also checked on Russian laptop computers and participated in a study that explores how cosmonauts adapt to complex space tasks.

Russian Cargo Ship Undocks; U.S. Cygnus Leaves in February

Russian ISS Progress 70 cargo craft
Russia’s Progress 70 cargo craft undocks on time today from the Pirs Docking Compartment .
A Russian Progress 70 (70P) cargo craft undocked from the International Space Station today at 7:55 a.m. EST loaded with trash and discarded gear. It will orbit Earth a few more hours before reentering the Earth’s atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean for a fiery but safe destruction.
The Progress delivered three tons of food, fuel and supplies to the station crew members on July 9. It was the first two-orbit rendezvous in International Space Station history.
Today’s departure leaves three spaceships attached to the orbital lab including Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus space freighter and Russia’s Progress 71 resupply ship and Soyuz MS-11 crew ship. Cygnus is due to complete its mission when it departs from the station’s Unity module on Feb. 8.

BEAM Stowage, Medical Procedures Review and Commercial Crew Update

Nighttime view of the Earth's limb with an aurora
A portion of the International Space Station’s solar arrays caps this nighttime view of the Earth’s limb with an aurora as the orbital complex orbited 258 miles above Ukraine and Russia.
The Expedition 58 crew opened up the International Space Station’s “closet” today stowing hardware inside the experimental module. The three orbital residents also reviewed medical emergency procedures and NASA’s Commercial Crew Program announced a crew update Tuesday.
The Bigelow Experimental Activity Module (BEAM) had its stay extended at the orbital lab in November of 2017. BEAM now serves as a cargo hold and continues to undergo tests of its ability to withstand the rigors of microgravity. Crews periodically check BEAM’s sensors to determine its ongoing suitability for spaceflight.
Astronauts Anne McClain and David Saint-Jacques entered BEAM today stowing a variety of station hardware inside the near three-year-old module. The added volume at the station enables more room for advanced space research at the orbital complex.
They later joined Commander Oleg Kononenko in the afternoon and reviewed procedures in the event a crew member experiences a medical emergency in space. Actions a crew can take if necessary include cardiopulmonary resuscitation, surgical procedures aboard the orbital lab or quickly returning an affected astronaut to Earth aboard the Soyuz spacecraft.
The Commercial Crew Program announced a crew change Tuesday afternoon with NASA astronaut Michael Fincke replacing NASA astronaut Eric Boe. Fincke now begins his training as a crew member for Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner Crew Flight Test. Boe will now become assistant chief of the commercial crew office at Johnson Space Center in Houston.

Astronaut Health Study and Spacesuit Work Onboard Station

NASA Astronaut Anne McClain
Astronaut Anne McClain is inside the Destiny laboratory module surrounded by exercise gear, including laptop computers and sensors that measure physical exertion and aerobic capacity.
The three Expedition 58 crew members continued studying today the upward flow of fluids inside astronauts’ bodies caused by living in space. The crew also worked on packing a U.S. cargo craft and servicing U.S. spacesuits at the International Space Station.
One easily recognizable symptom of living in space is the “puffy face” astronauts get due to the upward flow of fluids in the body. Underlying impacts of this phenomenon include head and eye pressure changes that occur off Earth which the Fluid Shiftsexperiment is seeking to better understand.
All three crew members gathered in the Zvezda service modulethroughout the day using a special suit to temporarily reverse these upward fluid shifts. NASA astronaut Anne McClain wore the Lower Body Negative Pressure suit, which pull fluids downward, while Flight Engineer David Saint-Jacques checked her head and eye pressure using a variety of biomedical devices. Commander Oleg Kononenko assisted the duo with guidance from specialists on the ground.
McClain and Saint-Jacques also partnered up before lunchtime to get the Cygnus resupply ship ready for its departure on Feb. 12. The duo reviewed packing procedures and stowed inventory aboard the U.S. space freighter from Northrop Grumman.
McClain started the day installing the new Facet Cell crystal growth experiment in the Kibo laboratory module. She spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning cooling loops on U.S. spacesuits in the Quest airlock as NASA prepares for spacewalks at the orbital lab later this year.

Tech Work and Life Science Ahead of Orbital Boost Today

Expedition 58 crew members
Expedition 58 crew members David Saint-Jacques of the Canadian Space Agency, Anne McClain of NASA and Oleg Kononenko from Roscosmos.
Satellite and combustion technology are being worked on today aboard the International Space Station. The Expedition 58 crew also studied botany and psychology while the station raised its orbit in a planned reboost maneuver.
Anne McClain of NASA installed new SlingShot small satellite deployer gear inside the Cygnus space freighter. SlingShot will deploy small research satellites from Cygnus after it departs the space station’s Unity module in February and reaches a safe distance.
McClain also transferred biomedical hardware for the Fluid Shiftshead and eye pressure study into the Zvezda service module for continuing research. She later worked in the Columbus lab moduleinstalling a light meter to measure the amount of light nourishing plants inside the Veggie botany facility.
Canadian Space Agency astronaut David Saint-Jacques opened up the Combustion Integrated Rack and configured hardware inside the flame and soot research device. The work is being done ahead of operations for the Advanced Combustion in Microgravity Experiments that encompass a set of five independent gaseous flames studies.
He later typed his mood, thoughts and emotions into an electronic journal for the Behavioral Core Measures experiment. The psychological study seeks to understand how the spacecraft environment, long-term separation from family and friends, loss of day-night cycle and other factors impact crew behavior.
In the Russian segment of the station, Commander Oleg Kononenko transferred fluids and packed trash into the docked Progress 70 (70P) cargo craft. The Progress resupply ship is due to undock from the Pirs docking compartment on Jan. 25.
A second docked Progress cargo craft, the 71P, fired its engines shortly after 1:01 p.m. EST to raise the station’s orbit.  The reboost comes in advance of upcoming cargo missions and the next crew launch in February.

Crew Studies Space-Caused Eye Pressure and Cultural Differences

Expedition 58 Flight Engineers Anne McClain of NASA and David Saint-Jacques of the Canadian Space Agency
Expedition 58 Flight Engineers Anne McClain and David Saint-Jacques pose for a portrait inside the Destiny laboratory module. Expedition 57 Flight Engineer Sergey Prokopyev is pictured in the background inside the Unity module which connects the International Space Station’s U.S. segment to the Russian segment.
The Expedition 58 crew focused again today on studying head and eye pressure changes astronauts experience while living in space. The crew then went on to more science hardware and life support maintenance aboard the International Space Station.
Flight Engineers Anne McClain and David Saint-Jacques worked throughout Thursday morning researching the upward flow of fluids that occurs inside astronauts’ bodies. The duo conducted eye scans with a variety of devices to measure eye pressure changes caused by these fluid shifts in microgravity.
McClain then spent the afternoon connecting cables and installing parts on the Multi-Purpose Small Payload Rack (MSPR) that houses small experiments in the Kibo lab module. Saint-Jacques replaced electronics gear in the Kubik incubator that enables research on seeds, cells and small animals in the Columbus lab module.
Commander Oleg Kononenko ensured the upkeep of life support gear and other station systems in the Russian segment of the orbital lab. The veteran cosmonaut of three previous Expeditions ended the day exploring how station crew members from around the world interact and learn to live together in space.

Astronauts Study Head and Eye Pressure, Wearable Body Monitor

The U.S. Cygnus space freighter
The U.S. Cygnus space freighter and its prominent cymbal-shaped UltraFlex solar arrays are pictured as the International Space Station orbited 262 miles above the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Argentina.
Human research took precedence aboard the International Space Station today as the Expedition 58 crew explored how astronauts adapt to living in space. The orbital residents also performed more ordinary roles as computer technicians and plumbers.
NASA astronaut Anne McClain is studying today the fluid shiftsfrom an astronaut’s lower body to the upper body and how they pressure the head and eyes during a spaceflight. She collected her blood samples for the long-running experiment, spinning them in a centrifuge before stowing the samples in a science freezer.
Flight Engineer David Saint-Jacques measured his blood pressure beginning operations with the new Bio-Monitor system from the Canadian Space Agency. The wearable device monitors an astronaut’s physiological data in real-time with minimum interference to crew activities.
McClain also had time to relocate and deploy a laptop computer from the Harmony module to the Columbus lab module. Saint-Jacques spent the rest of Wednesday afternoon replacing parts in the space station’s toilet located in the Tranquility module.
Commander Oleg Kononenko worked on Russian maintenance in the orbital lab before inspecting and photographing windows in the Russian modules. He wrapped up the day on a pair of ongoing Earth observation studies photographing natural and man-made phenomena.

Station Trio Practices Emergency Before Radiation, Physics Research

The SpaceX Dragon cargo craft begins its departure
The SpaceX Dragon cargo craft begins its departure from the space station Jan. 13, 2019, moments after being released from the grips of the Canadarm2 robotic arm.
The Expedition 58 crew members started Tuesday with an emergency drill before splitting up for more space research and hardware maintenance.
Commander Oleg Kononenko led Flight Engineers Anne McClainand David Saint-Jacques through a simulated emergency this morning aboard the International Space Station. The trio practiced communication and coordination with Mission Control Centers in Houston and Moscow.
The unlikely emergency scenarios the crew trains for include events such as depressurization, ammonia leaks and fires. Responses include quickly donning safety gear, closing a module hatch to isolate pressure and ammonia leaks, extinguishing a fire and evacuating the station aboard the Soyuz crew ship.
McClain then moved on to cable and parts work on the Multi-Purpose Small Payload Rack (MSPR) that can house a variety of smaller experiments. She wrapped up the day photographing Saint-Jacques as he installed neutron detectors for an experiment to understand how space radiation impacts astronauts.
Kononenko worked today on the Electromagnetic Levitator that exposes materials to extremely high temperatures to explore their thermo-physical properties in the microgravity environment. The four-time station cosmonaut later went on to routine maintenance on life support systems in the orbital lab’s Russian segment.

Dragon Back on Earth as Crew Revs Up Station Science

Jan. 13, 2019: International Space Station Configuration
Jan. 13, 2019: International Space Station Configuration. Four spaceships are parked at the space station including the Northrop Grumman Cygnus resupply ship and Russia’s Progress 70 and 71 resupply ships and the Soyuz MS-11 crew ship all from Roscosmos.
The SpaceX Dragon cargo craft is back on Earth after splashing down in the Pacific Ocean Sunday night loaded with critical space research and International Space Station hardware. Four spaceships remain parked at the orbital lab including Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus resupply ship from the United States.
Today, the three-member Expedition 58 crew is exploring a wide array of microgravity science to improve life for humans on Earth and in space. The orbital residents also worked on life support systems and upgraded computer hardware.
NASA astronaut Anne McClain set up a specialized microscope in the morning for the Biophysics-5 study to research the production of protein crystals. Afterward, she deactivated Dragon communications gear then swapped out hard drives on several laptop computers.
Flight Engineer David Saint-Jacques of the Canadian Space Agency opened up the Combustion Integrated Rack and replaced optics gear inside the flame and soot research device. He later swapped a hydrogen sensor inside the Oxygen Generation System before inspecting and cleaning some of its parts.
A pair of tiny internal satellites, better known as SPHERES, were set up by Commander Oleg Kononenko today inside the Kibolaboratory module. High school students write algorithms and submit them in a competition to control the SPHERES to demonstrate spacecraft maneuvers and formation-flying for future space missions.

Dragon Released to Return Science and Supplies Back to Earth

SpaceX Dragon Release
The SpaceX Dragon cargo craft is pictured moments after being released from the Canadarm2 robotic arm.
The SpaceX Dragon cargo craft was released from the International Space Station today at 6:33 p.m. EST. Robotics controllers remotely commanded the Canadarm2 robotic arm to let go of the U.S. space freighter sending it on a solo trajectory back to Earth.
Astronaut Anne McClain monitored the activities from the cupola and watched Dragon perform a series of departure burns as it separated itself to a safe distance from the orbital lab. Integrated operations between mission controllers in Houston and SpaceX controllers in California stop when Dragon reaches a point about one kilometer away from the station.
SpaceX personnel will retrieve Dragon after it parachutes to a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean Monday at 12:15 a.m. (9:15 p.m. Sunday Pacific time) then tow it to port in southern California. This will be the first nighttime splashdown and recovery for the Dragon with plenty of moonlight to track its entry.
The commercial cargo vessel is taking home a variety of critical space research that will immediately be picked up by NASAengineers and distributed to scientists across the nation. Station hardware will also be extracted for analysis, refurbishment or discarding.
Dragon completes a 36-day mission attached to the station’s Harmony module after delivering more than 5,600 pounds of science and supplies on Dec. 8. Today’s departure leaves four spacecraft, including Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus cargo craft, attached to the space station.
The next Dragon mission to the space station will be its first uncrewed demonstration mission designated SpaceX DM-1. The Commercial Crew Program’s first launch is currently targeted for February and will demonstrate ground systems, orbit to docking activities and landing operations.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Gentle People:

  The words: "success" "economy" and "consumers" upset my stomach!
For one person to become a success, a hundred or more have to lose. When one person "wins" or receives a thumbs up in our artificially created economic arena, hundreds are given a thumbs down. The desperate poor and hungry and homeless are blamed for their miserable situations while the comfortable middle classes are glorified and portrayed on television enjoying the good life on Islands under the Sun or within large expensive and almost empty mansions. Money and power flow upwards to a small minority who self glorify and claim "success" in an obvious attempt to motivate the majority of poor into spending money. Money in turn preserves the upward flow of power within our so called "economy"

 Thousands of mind bending TV commercials show happy and smiling actors frolicking on Island beaches while the rest of us poor losers are treated like "consumers" who have to shovel snow in the winter. That is another word that makes me sick to my stomach. "Consumers." We are "consuming" ourselves off the planet and a few socially retarded company CEO's continue to sell us plastic garbage. They do it to keep the "economy" flowing and themselves rich and powerful. They continue selling us products that do not last a month and have zero value while creating copious amounts of dangerous pollution! They believe we "consumers" will continue buying into their hype because we have no choice! The desperate poor need to work perpetuating the "economy" in order to buy the basic necessities of life. Transportation is one basic necessity and gas burning cars and trucks are sad examples of products that continue to perpetuate the status quo. For oil and car producers global warming is a joke and they will change only when forced to do so by the Electric car competition. So be it! Change is here and now!

   I am not advocating we return to totalitarian Communism. It does not work! Totalitarian Capitalism also does not work as it is producing global warming! I advocate shifting the economy towards an abundance of clean food and clean water and shelter for everybody so that nobody suffers! If everybody had a small and private place to sleep without worrying about paying rent or taxes and maintaining the "economy" while having enough clean food and water to maintain clean healthy lives, our stress levels would decrease and so would our medical bills. For that to happen we need to share territory and that goes against our aggressive animal instincts. Either we reduce our population growth or we create very small territories for everybody. Whatever we chose to do, we still have to protect Mother Nature faster than some people are attempting to protect the "economy"!

  A large shopping mall today is filled with elderly people roaming from one end to the other while seldom buying anything. They just need to stay warm in winter. What if they could find a place to sleep under the shopping mall? What if homeless people were given small rooms under very large buildings in exchange for working within the building planting flowers and maintaining a Hydroponic garden full of vegetables?  What if buildings could produce their own energy and their own food? This is possible with the new glass molecules being produced. What if we shifted the economy from exploiting "consumers" to including people within a value filled and life sustaining environment? What if indeed! Thanks for reading.
Signed: Nelson Joseph Raglione
Director: The Friendly World Peace and Ecology Movement.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The CRISPR the better!

dna helix strand gene edit

CRISPR Just Got More Powerful With an “On” Switch

For all its gene-editing prowess, mechanistically CRISPR is a bit like a power tool with a broken “off” switch.
Hear me out: the entire CRISPR machinery is designed in a test tube, and once constructed it’s always on. When introduced into animals or humans, CRISPR is set to roam the entire body, seeking its target gene to edit or destroy until it loses steam and gets metabolized by the body.
Setting a molecular power tool loose is obviously not ideal: it can get over zealous and chomp at non-targeted genes. And if something goes wrong, there’s no immediate way to shut down the machinery before it wreaks havoc.
Earlier this month, a team from UC Berkeley took a stab at taming the CRISPR beast. Using a technique called circular permutation, the team reorganized CRISPR into a programmable tool dubbed ProCas9 that silently lurks within cells until external factors—viral infection, for example—wakes it up.
It’s an “extra layer of security” that limits CRISPR’s editing skills to only a subset of cells “to ensure accurate cutting,” said study author Dr. David Savage.
What’s more, ProCas9 can potentially respond to Boolean inputs such as “and” or “not,” meaning that it will only activate if a specific set of instructions are met—for example, “the cell is cancerous” or “the cell is infected” leads to the response “sacrifice the cell,” which activates CRISPR and instructs it to chop up genes essential for survival. The study was published in the prestigious journal Cell.

Handcuffing Cas9

A quick refresher on CRISPR first: the gene editing tool is actually a molecular duo. The first bit, guide RNAs, are tiny bloodhounds that seek out the target gene.
Once the gene is captured, the second component, Cas9 activates to perform the cutting action. Unlike guide RNAs, which are made up of genetic letters, Cas9 is a protein, and that’s the component that the Berkeley team decided to play with.
“The broad goal of our work is to tame them for use in humans and to strip away the unnecessary things not relevant for genome editing,” said Savage.
So how do you tinker with a protein? Picture a very long string of numbered beads (amino acids), crumpled up into a complex three-dimensional structure. Cut the string, and you’re free to reorganize the beads so that their position on the string is now different than the original, and slip in a knot or two while reconnecting the protein string.
That’s essentially what the team did. This trick, called “circular permutation,” transforms the original protein so that it now has a new beginning and end—and folds into a different shape. It’s a huge surgery on the molecular level that generally wrecks the protein’s function.
We weren’t sure it would work with something as complex as Cas9, the authors said.
Amazingly, Cas9 turned out to be playdough. The team did have to try cutting it at multiple points before sussing out the cuts that retained the protein’s function, but in 10 percent of cases the rearranged Cas9 worked almost as well as the original.
But here’s the clever bit: when reconnecting the protein strands, the team slipped in a molecular “gate”—a small protein linker—that locked Cas9’s cutting ability unless the linker itself is broken.
The breaker of chains? A set of enzymes called proteases.

The Protease-Sensing Linker

Think of proteases as tiny protein-targeting box cutters that float around in the body. There’s a whole family of them: the good ones help us digest that chunk of steak or that bean burrito you had for dinner.
But then there’re the bad ones. Cancer cells, for example, pump out their own “evil” proteases that tear down surrounding tissues to help them grow. Viruses can also secrete viral proteases, which is often necessary for their invasion into multiple cells and tissues. Zika and dengue are among those that wield proteases as their weapon, and proteases from plant-infecting viruses help desecrate potatoes and other crops.
But proteases don’t cut at will. Rather, each is only tailored to a small number of amino acid sequences—“zip codes”—that it recognizes and cuts.
This means that the team can put a specific zip code that matches a specific protease—for example, those from cancerous cells—into a reorganized Cas9 protein as the linker. In this way, the linker is only cut in cells that have that specific protease and so only turns on in those cells. Depending on the guide RNA, the team could engineer the activated CRISPR to cut up genes necessary for survival—and in turn kill the cancer cell.
In this way, the new Cas9 proteins, called ProCas9 (“pro” for “protease”) are made into tiny surveillance machines that turn deadly once activated.

Altruistic Killer

As a proof-of-concept, the team introduced Zika-infected cells to their newly engineered ProCas9s, equipped with guide RNAs trained to seek out life-supporting genes.
Within a week, the new CRISPR system destroyed the infected cell in a sort of “altruistic defense.” Non-infected, healthy cells were left alive and intact.
It showed that the system remained quiet during peace times, thus limiting genomic damage to the host, the authors said.
In separate experiments, the ProCas9 system worked just as well for sacrificing cells infected with West Nile virus.
“While this is a very early proof-of-concept, it demonstrates the idea that this could be a synthetic immune system,” said study author Dr. Benjamin Oakes. “What we’ve built is essentially an innate, threat detection protein that you can program to do whatever you want!
The new CRISPR system is hardly just a sidekick for our immune system. One additional perk of rearranging the protein is that its new ends are better at carrying cargos, such as other DNA-modifying enzymes or glow-in-the-dark tracers.
It’s like giving Cas9 a new superpower, one that allows us to track where the protein is within the cell or body, or one that gives CRISPR the ability to change how certain genes are expressed—rather than directly messing with our genetic material.
The Berkeley team already envisioned several uses for the upgrade. ProCas9 could be useful for molecular screening or drug discovery. Or it can limit CRISPR’s DNA-chopping to specific cells “after general delivery of an editing complex to a target tissue or organ,” which would greatly increase the tool’s safety profile especially as the tool heads to the clinic, the team said.
But perhaps the most exciting take away is this: the study, a work of protein wizardry, is another example that we’re not stuck with the CRISPR machinery nature gave us. Rather, “these proteins can be elaborately optimized and turned into scaffolds not found in nature but possessing the right properties for use in human cells”for study or treatment, said Savage.
Be sure there’re a lot more to come.
Image Credit: CI Photos /
Shelly Xuelai Fan is a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco, where she studies ways to make old brains young again. In addition to research, she's also an avid science writer with an insatiable obsession with biotech, AI and all things neuro. She spends her spare time kayaking, bike camping and getting lost in the woods.



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