Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Magnificent Ideas Now In Progress!



1. Helping those less privileged. The homeless are being provided with both shelters and social help but more is needed!

2. People around the world today are creating a social middle-of-the-road path in life with a gentle caring philosophy. An old but popular political ideal.

3. Studying the science of Physics and the underlying principles that form our Universe is in full bloom. The Covid 19 Pandemic helped create a faster learning curve.

4. Studying Botany, Biology, and Medicine while completely understanding that our Homo Sapient specie is a territorial carnivore willing to slaughter and eat domesticated species such as Cows, Chickens and Pigs, is moving people toward Vegetarianism, the popular ideal today for maintaining good health. 

5. Studying the territorial imperative in order to understand why many animal species, including human, fight and are willing to kill for territory, is vitally important to avoid future wars!

6. Some excellent ideas include politely asking people who enjoy moving quickly from one territory into another, to stop pumping Carbon Monoxide into the air we all need to breath. Why not drive Electric cars or ride Bicycles or utilize (non-polluting) public transportation?

7. Some wonderful ideas include creating or improving water filtration plants, recycling depots and planting a millionTrees and thousands of vegetable and flower gardens every single year, everywhere, especially in drought and famine susceptible countries!

8. Personally, this author suggests planting grass and trees and flower and vegetable gardens in every school yard in Canada and assigning students to learn about and care for the plants.

9. With portable computers liberating office workers. it is now possible to transform business sky scrapers into partial Hydroponic Green Houses. Company employees can now enjoy spending a few hours a day caring for plants. Old office buildings can also be renovated and transformed into shelters for the homeless. Europe is ahead of North America in this regard.

10. Today, May 31, 2022, the Ukraine is a sad example for the world! We must stop the race for money and power and territory and dangerous sociopaths and psychopaths must be screened and prevented from entering world governments. All potential government leaders must pass a universally accepted United Nations sponsored full psychiatric examination. Failure to pass immediately excludes the candidate from working in government.

11. For long distance travel their now exists Pony Express style Electric Busses that can simply be exchanged every five hundred miles. While one bus is being charged passengers can transfer and continue their journey in another fully charged bus. Small Electric busses are now in operation in cities around the world and of course, the Electric Trains continue to be popular. 

12. Electric trains already exist. The Japanese have fantastic high speed Maglev trains which North Americans should have adopted years ago. Electric cars are now on the market and momentum for these vehicles has picked up speed. We need charging stations on every telephone pole across North America to make sure nobody is forced to sit waiting in a dead-battery car. The poles could also be covered with flexible Solar panels wired to charge a large battery sitting under the pole. A CREDIT CARD CAN BE USED TO ACTIVATE A POLE CHARGING STATION IN THE SAME WAY THEY DO IN PARKING GARAGES.

13.  The same people who service and pump gas into our cars today, can continue to service cars as battery exchange specialists. We need cheaper assembly line Electric vehicles with removable battery packs.  Inexpensive cars that have quick slide-in-and out replaceable battery packs exactly like today's wonderful cordless drills.

14.  With human population density becoming a serious problem and global warming presently creating havoc around the world, the need to reduce our world population growth can be addressed with better sex education in the schools. Botany and Biology is best taught in early childhood along with reading and writing. Later, young adults must be reminded how the need for birth control is important. 

15.  We absolutely have to stop building giant condo developments. Without Green spaces and Parks, Condos-for-profit are quickly becoming overcrowded and dangerous slums. To protect us all from global warming and to help slow global warming, it is possible to create round underground villages with apartments and boutiques and grocery stores all lit by fibre optic cables and warmed by the Earth while above ground only Green Houses and Orchards and gardens and Green parks filled with Trees and flowers will be legally permitted.

15. One final thought! Magnificent ideas are happening today! Help them along! 

P.S. It is highly recommended that before global warming creates a mass extinction, you act on one or more of the above ideas!   

Signed:  Nelson Joseph Raglione   human4us2.blogspot.com

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

There is too much hate!!

 Gentle People:

  There is too much hate in the world today! Remaining positive or 'even keeled' as old mariners used to say, is difficult. The boat is being swamped by waves of hate and anger and greed and the race for money and power and territory continues to dominate human thinking.

 The Ukraine today is a sad example of a greed motivated terrifying fight for territory. It could escalate into a Third World War if something is not done quickly to stop the carnage. A solution is needed and one old but tried and true idea is to send in United Nations soldiers. A United Nations Peace Force.

 Two or three battalions of soldiers from every country with every soldier wearing the United Nations Blue Helmet. On each helmet will be the brightly coloured U.N. symbol and it will be unmistakable! If you fight the U.N. you fight the whole world and any opposing army soldier will quickly understand who he is fighting against. Hopefully, Putin will get the message.

 It is time to stamp out the fires of greed and hopefully bring back peace to this Earth.

Thanks for reading. 

Nelson Joseph Raglione




Sunday, May 22, 2022

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ACT NOW: Sound the ALARM For Wet’suwet’en ⏰


Sleydo’ from Gidimt’en Checkpoint greenpeace.canada@greenpeace.ca Unsubscribe

5:05 PM (1 hour ago)
to me

Dear Nelson, we are passing on this important message from our friend Sleydo’, spokesperson of Gidimt’en Checkpoint and Wet’suwet’en land defender (also known as Molly Wickham). Please read, RSVP, and share widely.

Dear friends, allies and comrades,


While we try to live out our daily lives and conduct cultural practices with our elders and children, police barge into our homes without permission — everyday, with at least six officers — intimidating us, surveilling us, illegally arresting, and detaining people on our own lands. 


It's a story as old as the colonial violence against Indigenous peoples to steal land, resources, and wealth. The sad truth is, it’s what’s happening right now: They want to intimidate us off our land so Coastal GasLink can start drilling in less than one month under our sacred headwaters, Wedzin Kwa. 


In March 2020, thousands of you took to the streets, railways, ports and highways to stand with Wet’suwet’en and demand Coastal GasLink cease construction. We made global headlines — forcing Justin Trudeau and John Horgan to commit to entering into discussions with Wet’suwet’en Hereditary chiefs. [1]


But they haven’t made any progress with us on those title discussions, haven’t stopped construction and haven’t pulled RCMP or CIRG off of our territories. In fact, things have gotten worse. The UN has issued yet another letter to the so-called governments of Canada and BC, calling for an end to police violence and to halt construction. [2


We need your help to stop the drilling and make them listen, and we want to give you an update with all the information you need to act. Will you join me and Sound the Alarm for Wet’suwet’en on Thursday May 26 at 4 pm on Zoom? In this call, you’ll hear from Chief Woos, Chief Na'Moks, and myself and learn about what you can do to support us in our fight against CGL. 

Here are the details: 

What: Sound The Alarm For Wet’suwet’en 

When: Thursday May 26, 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET 

Where: https://bit.ly/3LnPld7 


The Supreme Court of Canada, under the Delgamuukw v. British Columbia legal caserecognized that the Wet’suwet’en people never ceded our title to our land. [3] Yet over and over, both the so-called governments of British Columbia and Canada have paid lip service to reconciliation, claiming they respect Indigenous peoples’ rights. 


And now, we face losing our land, our water, our way of life. It’s why I’m reaching out now, because we need to raise the alarm so people everywhere know what is at stake, and rise up in massive opposition to help stop the drilling. 


Will you join the call to Sound the Alarm for Wet’suwet’en on Thursday May 26 at 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET to learn how you can help stop the drilling and stand with Wet’suwet’en?

The amount of pressure and stress I feel everyday knowing that my people and our land are under threat is made worse by the constant police presence — showing up at my house unannounced and questioning us for living our lives. My children are 2, 6 and 11 years old. They shouldn’t have to bear this burden — and they’ve done nothing to deserve this treatment. 


At the same time, I feel immense hope. I believe in the thousands of people who have shared their outpouring of love and support for Wet’suwet’en. I’m energized by the beauty I see in the Wedzin Kwa river, everyday, and grateful for how the land provides for me, my family, and my community. Will you stand with me and join the call to Sound the Alarm for Wet’suwet’en on Thursday May 26? 

With gratitude, 



Spokesperson for Gidimt’en Checkpoint, Cas Yikh House, Wet’suwet’en 


Greenpeace doesn't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, please make a regular donation or start a fundraiser. Thank you!


You can grow the movement for a green and peaceful future. Forward this email and share the signup link for our regular email updates and ways to take action.


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Greenpeace, 33 Cecil Street, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1N1

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Thursday, May 19, 2022



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