Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Mexican virologist Susana López Charretón uncovered rotaviruses’ secrets

Her research contributed to the development of life-saving vaccines

A photo of Susana López Charretón studying rotaviruses at her desk.

A photo of Susana López Charretón studying rotaviruses at her desk.

Susana López Charretón, photographed here by daughter Alejandra Arias, has been studying rotaviruses for more than four decades.


Susana López Charretón is among Mexico’s leading virologists. She has been awarded the UNESCO–Carlos J. Finlay Prize for Microbiology and the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science award. She’s the only female Mexican scientist to have edited the Journal of Virology.

But winning prizes isn’t what inspires her science and her career. “Prizes and recognition are just a consequence,” she says. “Actually, I’m mostly embarrassed by them.”

Instead, it’s curiosity and a thirst for understanding and solving problems that drive her. “To me science is a way of living, something that fulfills me completely,” López Charretón says.

Around that time, López Charretón also met Carlos Arias, who was doing a master’s degree in Espejo’s lab. She stayed on at UNAM for a master’s degree and Ph.D., and she and Carlos Arias went to California from 1981 to 1983 for a research sabbatical in the Caltech laboratory of biologist James Strauss. There, they continued the work they had begun with Espejo. “This was my path to realize that virology was what most interested me,” she explains.

Back in Mexico, the couple formed a research group at the Institute of Biotechnology at UNAM and continued to study rotaviruses. At the time, most scientists thought rotaviruses invaded cells in a relatively simple process, with just one viral protein interacting with one cell receptor.

Instead, the group showed, rotavirus entry into a host cell is mediated by multiple steps and interactions with the surface of the cell. These steps take place in a specific part of the cell’s plasma membrane known as lipid rafts and end with the virus entering through endocytosis, a cellular process in which a substance is surrounded by an area of the cell’s membrane to form a vesicle that transports the substance into the cell.

López Charretón’s group also described the molecules that help rotaviruses beat the body’s innate antiviral system. Two viral proteins that play multiple roles directly interact with the cells of the intestine and prevent the antiviral response. This finding could explain why the viruses are so specific in the cells they infect.

Theirs is now the prevailing model describing how rotaviruses invade cells. “All viruses establish these types of battles with their host cells, and the amazing part is that each virus has different tools to do it,” López Charretón says.

López Charretón continues to work on rotaviruses, trying to figure out how they pervert the entire cellular machinery within intestinal cells. But in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, she was part of a group of virologists charged with monitoring and sequencing the coronavirus strains circulating in the country.

She and other virologists founded the multi-institutional Genomic Surveillance Consortium of Mexico. Though the group planned to continue monitoring other viruses following the pandemic, it has disbanded because of a lack of financial support from the government.

The effort emphasized for López Charretón the importance of growing Mexico’s pool of scientists. “With the pandemic, it became obvious that we don’t have enough people who are experts in virology in order to face these types of problems,” she says.

A mentor for aspiring scientists

She has worked to build that scientist pipeline throughout her career, by helping to train young virologists who are just as driven as she is. “[As a scientist,] you also have the joy of sharing your passion with your students, watching them grow and becoming very rigorous in their craft,” she says.

Besides being a leading scientist, says Greenberg, one of López Charretón’s most outstanding traits is her willingness to teach. Three of her students have gone on to do postdocs in Greenberg’s lab. He has observed how close they are to her and how well trained they are; he says she’s probably the most caring and attentive mentor he has ever met.

Liliana Sánchez Tacuba, who did a Ph.D. with López Charretón before moving on to Greenberg’s lab for a postdoc, agrees that, unlike a lot of lab leaders, López Charretón makes time to dedicate herself to teaching. “I couldn’t have had a better tutor,” Sánchez Tacuba says. “She is my academic mom and every time I have difficulty or doubts, I still contact her.”

Sánchez Tacuba comes from a small, low-income community in the state of Guerrero, Mexico, where most women study only through primary school. Today, she is a research scientist in the microbiology division at Vir Biotechnology, an American immunology company focused on treating and preventing infectious diseases.

All of this was possible because of López Charretón, Sánchez Tacuba says, and the time and effort López Charretón dedicated to mentoring her. “She changed my life,” Sánchez Tacuba says. “Every time I’ve second-guessed myself, I’ve thought that if Susana López believes in me, then I must be able to do it.”

Inés Gutiérrez Jaber is a freelance science writer based in Mexico City.

Monday, September 11, 2023


From Greenpeace.


It’s been a rough summer, to say the least. The country is literally on fire. Fires have scorched more than 15 million hectares across Canada this year. [1] That’s over 150,000 km2. To put this into perspective, it’s roughly equivalent to half the land area of all of Norway. This year’s numbers have shattered the previous record of 7.6 million hectares burned in 1989. [1]

But what can we actually DO to take action during this awful wildfire season? You’re probably used to hearing about the constant anxiety-inducing evidence of climate catastrophe all over the world and wondering how to actually take action. And as you likely already know, Nelson, we can’t solve the climate crisis without removing its main cause: fossil fuels. You’ve already added your name to a petition urging banks to stop funding fossil fuels. Although banks have felt immense pressure from supporters like you, it’s time for the government to step in. So let’s work together to urge our federal government to defund fossil fuels! ⤵️

With about 6,118 wildfires reported across Canada this year and around 200,000 people having been placed under an evacuation order this season [1], the climate crisis is as apparent as ever, with the most vulnerable populations bearing the brunt of the effects. And it’s no mystery why all this extreme weather has been happening. I mean, scientists have even analyzed the conditions that led to the fires that raged in Quebec earlier this summer and found that “the climate crisis, driven by the burning of fossil fuels, made them at least twice as likely, and the fire-prone weather at least 20% more intense.” [2]

It seems pretty clear that the problem comes back to the burning of fossil fuels. And yet Canadian banks have pumped 1 TRILLION DOLLARS into fossil fuels since the signing of the Paris Agreement. [3] With their funding of fossil fuels actually increasing in recent years, there is no sign of them stopping. [3] It’s time for the federal government to step in and use the tools that they already have to address this.

Nelson, later this week, Canadian politicians will be returning to the House of Commons and will get the chance to support efforts to align Canada’s financial system with the Paris Agreement. [4]So let’s flood their inboxes to encourage them to do just that. 

Banks have failed to meet the moment, and they have consistently put their profits over people. But, with your help, we can urge the federal government to use the tools that they already have to address this problem. So, Nelson, after a frightening summer, maybe you can take solace in acting together and mobilizing in order to enact real change: join us in urging the federal government to align Canada’s financial system with the UN Paris Agreement on Climate.

I sincerely wish you a safe September,



Digital Campaigner, Greenpeace Canada

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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

From Sarah King...Greenpeace.


              Ban multilayered plastics.  By Sarah King to N. J.R.



In a recent survey, you told us that plastic sachets, pouches, and wrappers are some of the single-use plastics you find most difficult to avoid in everyday life. And it’s no surprise.


Multilayered packaging like these pose a significant environmental threat globally. Every year, global production of plastic sachets is estimated to be at least 999 billion. [1] Shockingly, these plastics are not widely recycled, and where collection efforts exist, there is no viable recycling process. Instead, they are often incinerated, further polluting our atmosphere. [2]

Multilayered packaging is nearly impossible to avoid when grocery shopping — it’s used to wrap items like granola bars, potato chips, baby food, to-go condiments, and dishwasher detergent tablets. The federal government's ban on single-use plastics covers just a mere 3% of our annual plastics waste and doesn’t include multilayered packaging like sachets, pouches, and wrappers. [3][4]


The consequences of this plastic pollution crisis are catastrophic. In 2021, the International Coastal Cleanup revealed that food wrappers were the most commonly found trash items [5] And we know that once they’re in the environment, they wreak havoc, polluting habitat and putting marine life at risk.

The good news is: we have alternatives. Retailers can transition to reusable packaging and embrace bulk methods to provide zero-waste, non-toxic delivery options that are accessible to everyone.


We’ve already achieved a federal ban on six types of single-use plastic. But the government is facing backlash in the form of legal action by Big Plastic in response to the ban. Federal leaders need to hear from people like you and me, encouraging them to go further and expand the ban to more types of problematic plastic. If enough people speak out now, we can get the attention of federal ministers and keep the plastics issue on the agenda. 


Join the cause and tell the government to ban multilayered packaging like sachets, pouches, wrappers, and other problematic plastics.

By taking action together, we can make sure the government knows that Canadians still want to see more solutions to the plastic pollution crisis. Your signature, combined with thousands of others, is a powerful call for change — so every voice counts.


Thank you for being a steadfast advocate for our planet. Your support really does make a difference. Let's make history together and inspire the change our planet needs. 


Add your voice today.


With hope,


Head of Oceans and Plastics Campaign, Greenpeace Canada











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