Wednesday, September 6, 2023

From Sarah King...Greenpeace.


              Ban multilayered plastics.  By Sarah King to N. J.R.



In a recent survey, you told us that plastic sachets, pouches, and wrappers are some of the single-use plastics you find most difficult to avoid in everyday life. And it’s no surprise.


Multilayered packaging like these pose a significant environmental threat globally. Every year, global production of plastic sachets is estimated to be at least 999 billion. [1] Shockingly, these plastics are not widely recycled, and where collection efforts exist, there is no viable recycling process. Instead, they are often incinerated, further polluting our atmosphere. [2]

Multilayered packaging is nearly impossible to avoid when grocery shopping — it’s used to wrap items like granola bars, potato chips, baby food, to-go condiments, and dishwasher detergent tablets. The federal government's ban on single-use plastics covers just a mere 3% of our annual plastics waste and doesn’t include multilayered packaging like sachets, pouches, and wrappers. [3][4]


The consequences of this plastic pollution crisis are catastrophic. In 2021, the International Coastal Cleanup revealed that food wrappers were the most commonly found trash items [5] And we know that once they’re in the environment, they wreak havoc, polluting habitat and putting marine life at risk.

The good news is: we have alternatives. Retailers can transition to reusable packaging and embrace bulk methods to provide zero-waste, non-toxic delivery options that are accessible to everyone.


We’ve already achieved a federal ban on six types of single-use plastic. But the government is facing backlash in the form of legal action by Big Plastic in response to the ban. Federal leaders need to hear from people like you and me, encouraging them to go further and expand the ban to more types of problematic plastic. If enough people speak out now, we can get the attention of federal ministers and keep the plastics issue on the agenda. 


Join the cause and tell the government to ban multilayered packaging like sachets, pouches, wrappers, and other problematic plastics.

By taking action together, we can make sure the government knows that Canadians still want to see more solutions to the plastic pollution crisis. Your signature, combined with thousands of others, is a powerful call for change — so every voice counts.


Thank you for being a steadfast advocate for our planet. Your support really does make a difference. Let's make history together and inspire the change our planet needs. 


Add your voice today.


With hope,


Head of Oceans and Plastics Campaign, Greenpeace Canada











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