Thursday, August 3, 2023


By N. J. Raglione.

  Black holes lead me to think of the religious concept of creation and also on the science based concept of "A Big Bang". Here is my take on the all mighty T.E.E.O.T.U. No, not a on dear reader!

  I enjoy reading expert theories on how our Universe began. According to both religious scholars and science experts there was something that began the Universe. It led me to an impossible conclusion! The concept of Eternity. There was zero beginning and there will not be an ending! 
Millions of people today continue to believe in the concept of  a God while Millions more believe in a science based concept of a Big Bang or whatever it was they believe began our Universe. If there was a Big Bang, the question is, who lit the fuse? Was it a God? What existed in the first place to create a beginning for everything else? If there was no beginning than eternal energy is mind boggling to contemplate and so in my philosophical theory...Hey! If everybody else can theorize why not me!?... In the past human imagination took over in an effort to explain what could not be explained by any other method. Imaginative Gods were created to explain almost everything not understood by evolving humans and later, when science began to win over religion, Black holes were predicted by Albert Einstein who believed strongly in the power of imagination to help him understand the universe. I believe that he also contemplated a beginning to the universe but I am positive that when he contemplated eternal energy, he discovered the joy of total ignorance. Nobody on Earth understands how the Universe began and that includes (though they may disagree) the best scientific minds on Earth. As a philosophic writer immersed in science I certainly don't understand the immensity of the Universe and so I have created a Deity to join the ranks of all the Deities on Earth:           T.E.E.O.T.U. the all mighty!
No, I am not crazy! TEEOTU is an acronym for: The Eternal Energy of the Universe and no priest or philosopher or scientist fully understands T.E.E.O.T.U. even those presently using the marvellous new James Web telescope to explore deep deep deep space.
For a romp around the universe I suggest you visit the N.A.S.A.COM picture gallery.

Have a great day and may you fully enjoy our mighty T.E.E.O.T.U. !
Signed: Nelson Joseph Raglione...the not so mighty N.J.R..
  1. The unedited original version was published on 
    3 September 2019 at 19:07.
    Visit  N.A.S.A. COM, they have magnificent pictures from T.E.E.O.T.U!

Monday, July 31, 2023


The Iranian authorities are doubling down on their oppressive methods of policing and severely oppressing Iranian women and girls for defying degrading compulsory veiling laws (Photo: Amnesty International)

Iran: International community must stand with women and girls defying compulsory veiling

The Iranian authorities are doubling down on their oppressive methods of policing and severely oppressing Iranian women and girls for defying degrading compulsory veiling laws, Amnesty International said today.

In a detailed analysis published today, the organization exposes the authorities’ intensified nationwide crackdown on women and girls who choose not to wear headscarves in public. In the latest escalation on 16 July, the spokesperson of Iran’s police, Saeed Montazer-Almahdi, announced the return of police patrols to enforce compulsory veiling and threatened legal action against women and girls who defy forced veiling. This coincided with videos circulating on social media, depicting women being violently assaulted by officials in Tehran and Rasht, and security forces firing teargas towards people helping women escape arrests in Rasht.

Official announcements reveal that since 15 April 2023, more than a million women have received text messages warning that their vehicles could be confiscated after they were captured on camera without their headscarves. Additionally, countless women have been suspended or expelled from universities, barred from sitting final exams, and denied access to banking services and public transport. Hundreds of businesses have been forcibly closed for not enforcing compulsory veiling. The intensified crackdown exposes the dubious nature of the Iranian authorities’ previous claims of disbanding the “morality” police, amid contradictory official statements over its return to Iranian streets.  

“Morality policing in Iran is back. The authorities are not fooling anyone by removing the insignia of the ‘morality’ police from uniforms and patrol vans, while emboldening the enforcers of the Islamic Republic’s oppression and subjugation of women and girls to engage in the same violence that killed Mahsa Zhina Amini with impunity. Today’s crackdown is intensified by mass surveillance technologies capable of identifying unveiled women in their cars and pedestrian spaces,” said Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General.

Morality policing in Iran is back. The authorities are not fooling anyone by removing the insignia of the ‘morality’ police…, while emboldening the enforcers of the Islamic Republic’s oppression.

 Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General

“The intensified crackdown on unveiling reflects the Iranian authorities’ deplorable disregard for the human dignity and rights of women and girls to autonomy, privacy and freedom of expression, religion, and belief. It also underscores a desperate attempt by the authorities to reassert their dominance and power over those who dared to stand up against decades of oppression and inequality during the “Woman. Life. Freedom.” uprising.

A woman in Esfahan province who received an SMS message ordering her to immobilize her car for 15 days for removing her headscarf when driving told Amnesty International: “Emotionally and psychologically, all these threats they [the authorities] have made have had a very negative impact on us… The Islamic Republic wants to show that they can go to any extent when it comes to enforcing compulsory veiling… They want to present themselves to the international community as moving away from violence but, in reality, they are carrying out these actions discreetly. They are truly creating fear in our existence.”  

They want to present themselves to the international community as moving away from violence but, in reality, they are carrying out these actions discreetly. They are truly creating fear in our existence.

A woman in Esfahan who recieved a ban for defying veiling

On 14 June 2023, the spokesperson of Iran’s police announced that since 15 April 2023, the police have sent almost one million SMS warning messages to women captured unveiled in their cars, issued 133,174 SMS messages requiring the immobilization of vehicles for a specific duration, confiscated 2,000 cars, and referred more than 4,000 “repeat offenders” to the judiciary across the country. He added that 108,211 reports on the enforcement of compulsory veiling laws had been gathered about the commission of “offences” within businesses and that 300 “offenders” had been identified and referred to the judiciary.

Catalogue of penalties for those defying compulsory veiling

In an attempt to further codify and intensify this crackdown, judicial and executive authorities presented the “Bill to Support the Culture of Chastity and Hijab” to parliament on 21 May 2023. Under this proposed legislation, women and girls who appear without headscarves in public spaces and on social media or who show “nakedness of a body part or wear thin or tight clothes” will face a catalogue of penalties that will severely impact their human rights, including social and economic rights. These include monetary fines, confiscation of cars and communication devices, driving bans, deductions to salary and employment benefits, dismissal from work, and prohibition on accessing banking services.

The draft bill includes proposals to sentence women and girls convicted of defying veiling laws “on a systemic basis or in collusion with foreign intelligence and security services” to two to five years’ imprisonment as well as travel bans and forced residency in a specified location.  

Managers of public institutions and private businesses who allow unveiled employees and customers within their premises would face penalties ranging from closures to lengthy prison sentences and travel bans.

The bill proposes a range of sanctions against athletes, artists and other public figures defying veiling laws including bans on engagement in professional activities, imprisonment, flogging and fines.

On 23 July 2023, a parliamentary committee indicated that it sent the revised bill consisting of 70 articles to the open floor of Iran’s parliament for review. The revised text has not been made public.

Simultaneously, the authorities have relied on the Islamic Penal Code to prosecute and impose degrading punishments on women who appear in public without headscarves. Amnesty International has reviewed verdicts issued against six women in June or July 2023 requiring them to attend counselling sessions for “anti-social personality disorder”, wash corpses in a morgue or clean government buildings.

This assault on women’s and girls’ rights is taking place amid a spate of hateful statements by officials and state media, referring to unveiling as a “virus”“social illness” or “ disorder” and equating the choice to appear without a headscarf to “sexual depravity”. 

The Iranian authorities must abolish compulsory veiling, quash all convictions and sentences for defying compulsory veiling, drop all charges against all those facing prosecution, and unconditionally release anyone in detention for defying compulsory veiling. The authorities must abandon plans to punish women and girls for exercising their rights to equality, privacy, and freedom of expression, religion, and belief.  

The international community must not stand idly by as the Iranian authorities intensify their oppression of women and girls.

 Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General

“The international community must not stand idly by as the Iranian authorities intensify their oppression of women and girls. The response of states should not be limited to forceful public statements and diplomatic interventions, but also involve the pursuit of legal pathways to hold Iranian officials accountable for ordering, planning, and committing widespread and systematic human rights violations against women and girls through the implementation of compulsory veiling. All governments must do everything in their power to support women and girls fleeing gender-based persecution and serious human rights violations in Iran, ensure they can access swift and safe refugee procedures and under no circumstances should they be forcibly returned to Iran,” said Callamard. 

Top photo: Amnesty International

United 24. The Struggle Against Putin continues.

Wednesday, April 24, 2023  A working Index of great sites.

Freedom with honesty and justice and courage…Compassion with dignity, tolerance and humour…Peace with love and harmony towards all life on Earth.
All that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe and the only
 constant is constant change.
Welcome to my index of fun and high education web sites! Return as often as you like.  
 Nelson Joseph Raglione/

26.  How to greatly improve our school systems.

        Here are direct links to non profit foundations helping war ravaged Ukraine.

Thursday, June 29, 2023





1. Helping those less privileged. The homeless are being provided with both shelters and social help but more is needed! Underground living spaces during the Winter months would help!

2. People around the world today are creating a social middle-of-the-road path in life with a gentle caring philosophy. An old but popular political ideal.

3. Studying the science of Physics and the underlying principles that form our Universe is in full bloom. The Covid 19 Pandemic helped to create a faster learning curve. Visit

4. Studying: Botany, Biology, and Medicine while completely understanding that our Homo Sapient specie is a territorial carnivore willing to slaughter and eat domesticated species such as Cows, Chickens and moving people toward Vegetarianism, a popular ideal today for maintaining good health. 

5. Studying the territorial imperative in order to understand why many animal species, including human, fight and are willing to kill for territory, is vitally important to avoid future wars!

6. Some excellent ideas include politely asking people who enjoy moving quickly from one territory into another, to stop pumping Carbon Monoxide into the air we all need to breath. Why not drive Electric cars or ride Bicycles or utilize (non-polluting) public transportation?

7. Some wonderful ideas include: creating or improving water filtration plants, creating Plastic and Metal recycling depots and planting millions of Trees and millions of vegetable and flower gardens every single year, everywhere, especially in drought and famine susceptible countries!

8. Assign students around the world to plant grass and trees and flowers and vegetable gardens in every school yard.  Before anything else,  students must learn to care for the environment.

9. With portable computers liberating office workers, it is now possible to transform almost empty business sky scrapers into partial Hydroponic Green Houses. Company employees can now enjoy spending a few hours a day caring for plants. Old office buildings can also be renovated and transformed into shelters for the homeless. Europe is ahead of North America in this regard.

10. Today, May 31, 2022, the attack on Ukraine is a sad example for the world! We must stop the race for money and power and territory. Dangerous sociopaths and psychopaths must be screened and prevented from entering world governments. All potential government leaders must pass a universally accepted United Nations sponsored full psychiatric examination. Failure to pass such an examination immediately excludes the candidate from working in government, any government!

11. For long distance travel there now exists Pony Express style Electric Busses that can simply be exchanged every five hundred miles. While one bus is being charged passengers can transfer and continue their journey in another fully charged bus. Small Electric busses are now in operation in cities around the world and of course, the Electric Trains continue to be popular. 

12. Electric trains already exist. The Japanese have fantastic high speed Maglev trains which North Americans should have adopted years ago. Electric cars are now on the market and momentum for these vehicles has picked up speed. We need charging stations on every telephone pole across North America to make sure nobody is forced to sit waiting in a dead-battery car. The poles could also be covered with flexible Solar panels wired to charge a large battery sitting under the pole. A CREDIT CARD CAN BE USED TO ACTIVATE A POLE CHARGING STATION IN THE SAME WAY THEY DO IN PARKING GARAGES.

13.  The same people who service and pump gas into our cars today, can continue to service cars as battery exchange specialists. We need cheaper assembly line Electric vehicles with removable battery packs.  Inexpensive cars that have quick slide-in-and out replaceable battery packs exactly like today's wonderful cordless drills.

14.  With human population density becoming a serious problem and global warming presently creating havoc around the world, the need to reduce our world population growth can be addressed with better sex education in the schools. Botany and Biology is best taught in early childhood along with reading and writing. Later, young adults must be reminded how the need for birth control is important. 

15.  We absolutely have to stop building giant Condo developments with buildings that do not have Green spaces inside and out. Growing vegetables inside a Condo building, by mandating and equipping certain floors for that purpose, will help provide food and employment along with Green spaces for the people living in the buildings. Outside any and all Condo buildings, a tree and flower filled Park area must be provided. Today, without Green spaces and Parks, the over-crowded Condos-for-profit are quickly becoming dangerous slums. Building under ground is one solution to protect us all from global warming and possible catastrophic wars! It is possible to create round underground villages with apartments and boutiques and grocery stores all lit by fibre optic cables and warmed by the Earth. Today, thousands of people find shelter during the cold winter months, in the train tunnels running under the city of Montreal. The same can be said for many cities around the world. What is needed and what would be more humanitarian, is if the governments of the world provided small apartments to fit in with the boutiques and shops now lining the underground tunnels..

  I foresee a future where only Green Houses and Orchards and Gardens with Green Tree and flower parks are created above ground. Many of the  Green planet saving creations will replace the millions upon millions of polluting industrial buildings presently taking up precious land space. 

16. Put Plastic back into the Ocean!  Recycle Plastic into large and solid floating Life-Rafts and style them to look like large Ice Burgs. Distribute thousands of these floating platforms where they are needed most in Arctic water. They will help the Polar Bears and Walrus and Seals survive global warming and give these threatened species a place to sit and sleep and thrive when the Ice melts. These rafts will also hold cameras for people around the world to monitor the health of the animals using the rafts. Canadian Ice breaking ships will find another use as scientists aboard will periodically check up to see how the artificial rafts are holding up. The rafts must be created from strong recyclable plastic and they will mimic the real Ice Burgs now melting. They will be moved or removed when necessary. 

17. Today, millions of tons of plastic fill garbage dumps around the world. Why not recycle the plastic and create large survival boats for people flooded out of their homes by dangerous storms?

18.  One final thought! Magnificent ideas are happening today! Help them along! 

P.S. Attention world governments, it is highly recommended that before global warming creates a mass extinction, you act on one or more of the above ideas!   

Signed:  Nelson Joseph Raglione...

 Director: The World Friendly Peace and Ecology Movement.

Monday, June 26, 2023


Is it the beginning of the end for Mr. Putin's hold on power?

 If his past behaviour is any indication, I surmise that Mr. Putin will respond to Mr. Prigojin's revolt by quietly sending KGB assassins to Belarus, where they will locate and murder the Wagner leader. 

 Unlike his past non-violent victims, however, Prigojin is not an easy target. He may find Putin first!                   

While waiting for Putin to make his move, it would be wise for Mr. Prigojin to remain deep under cover and even wiser if he located as many large business companies in Russia, as possible!  Prigojin could then politely ask the large company C.E.O's to switch loyalties. He could also do it directly by telephone or by computer messaging service but that might be dangerous!

  I am certain Putin's assassins will be monitoring the communications system. If Mr. Prigojin could quickly leave a few well armed Wagner Mercenaries temporarily in charge of a dozen or more large Russian business companies, that would in my humble opinion help to finance his presently underpaid private army. 

Author Unknown.






Sunday, June 25, 2023


Work upstream to prevent more youth from 

experiencing homelessness and sex 


Shelter & Emergency Services

Reimagine the shelter and emergency 

services to produce the best outcomes for 


Transition, Community Housing & 


Ensure young people remain stably housed 

and thrive with housing and supports.

Friday, June 9, 2023


“CRISPR is becoming a mainstream methodology used in many cancer biology studies because of the convenience of the technique,” said Jerry Li, M.D., Ph.D., of NCI’s Division of Cancer Biology.Now CRISPR is moving out of lab dishes and into trials of people with cancer. In a small study, for example, researchers tested a cancer treatment involving immune cells that were CRISPR-edited to better hunt down and attack cancer. 

Despite all the excitement, scientists have been proceeding cautiously, feeling out the tool’s strengths and pitfalls, setting best practices, and debating the social and ethical consequences of gene editing in humans. 

How Does CRISPR Work?

Like many other advances in science and medicine, CRISPR was inspired by nature. In this case, the idea was borrowed from a simple defense mechanism found in some microbes, such as bacteria. 

To protect themselves against invaders like viruses, these microbes capture snippets of the intruder’s DNA and store them away as segments called CRISPRs, or clustered regularly interspersed short palindromic repeats. If the same germ tries to attack again, those DNA segments (turned into short pieces of RNA) help an enzyme called Cas find and slice up the invader’s DNA. 

After this defense system was discovered, scientists realized that it had the makings of a versatile gene-editing tool. Within a handful of years, multiple groups had successfully adapted the system to edit virtually any section of DNA, first in the cells of other microbes, and then eventually in human cells."

Other clinical studies of CRISPR-made cancer treatments are already underway. A few trials are testing CRISPR-engineered CAR T-cell therapies, another type of immunotherapy. For example, one company is testing CRISPR-engineered CAR T cells in people with B cell cancers and people with multiple myeloma.

There are still a lot of questions about all the ways that CRISPR might be put to use in cancer research and treatment. But one thing is for certain: The field is moving incredibly fast and new applications of the technology are constantly popping up. 

“People are still improving CRISPR methods,” Dr. Li said. “It’s quite an active area of research and development. I’m sure that CRISPR will have even broader applications in the future.”

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...