Monday, August 7, 2017

The Universe.

North North Temperate Zone Little Red Spot
On July 11, the Juno spacecraft once again swung near the turbulent Jovian cloud tops. On its seventh orbital closest approach this perijove passage brought Juno within 3,500 kilometers of the Solar System's largest planetary atmosphere. Near perijove the rotating JunoCam was able to record this stunning, clear view of one of Jupiter's signature vortices.

About 8,000 kilometers in diameter, the anticyclonic storm system was spotted in Jupiter's North North Temperate Zone in the 1990s. That makes it about half the size of an older and better known Jovian anticyclone, the Great Red Spot, but only a little smaller than planet Earth. At times taking on reddish hues, the enormous storm system is fondly known as a North North Temperate Zone Little Red Spot.

Image & info via APOD
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, SwRI, MSSS;
Processing: Gerald Eichstadt, Damian Peach

#universe #nasa #space #science #Juno #Jupiter


Attention New Democratic Party of Canada.

How do we make progress? We face the facts.

1. The planet is over populated with people and nobody is talking about birth control. As our human population grows, territories shrink and people become stressed and violent. Planning and controlling population growth must be re-introduced to the world before monster dictators do it for us using violent racially and religiously motivated genocides.

2. Having  money is seen as a way out of degrading poverty and it creates both stress and industrial pollution as people compete with each other to obtain as much money as possible. It is slowly changing today but money and the economy are out of government control and there are no guidelines to help alleviate inequality and poverty and industrial pollution. In the U.S., president Barack Obama tried to provide Ethical guidelines only to face political and economic obstacles, especially when he introduced environment protection guidelines.

3. The wrong people have all the money. They control where and how money is spent. They use advertising media to constantly bombard products at we so called "consumers" to gain attention and dominate human minds and maintain their economic control. They act much like spoiled children. They want all the attention and they always place the concept of economic success above basic humanitarian Ethics and the protection of all life on Earth. Political parties are no different and winning power and attention is the name of the game. Once elected, politicians sit back and relax and allow the brain washing ideas of the so called "free market" to do their work. Today the not so open market is controlled by: Oil companies, the Banks, the chemical companies and the industrial military complex with gas burning cars front lining the media..

4. The most dangerous companies on Earth are part of the world's industrial military complex and they don't want you to change a thing! 

Friday, August 4, 2017

On 8/4/17, Michelle Obama <> wrote:
> On the last full day of his presidency, Barack wrote a letter to the
> American people. In closing, he wrote:
> [image]
> [image:]
> Hello Joseph --
> On the last full day of his presidency, Barack wrote a letter to the
> American people. In closing, he wrote:
> "I've seen you, the American people, in all your decency, determination,
> good humor, and kindness. And in your daily acts of citizenship, I've seen
> our future unfolding."
> Daily acts of citizenship. For Barack -- and for me -- that's about as
> American as it gets.                    
> Today is Barack's birthday, and this year, I want to do something a little
> different for him.
> I don't have a card for you to sign. Instead, I have something that I know
> would mean even more to Barack than your well-wishes (and that's saying
> something):
> I'm asking you to share with Barack, right now, how you're stepping up to be
> a better citizen in your community. I'm asking you to share your own "daily
> act of citizenship."
> Maybe that means attending a town or city council meeting. Maybe it means
> contacting one of your elected officials and speaking out about an issue
> that matters to you. Maybe it means helping to clean up a local park,
> volunteering at a soup kitchen, or tutoring in an after-school program.
> This work -- these personal, local, daily acts of citizenship -- is what the
> Obama Foundation is all about.
> This work is what my husband is all about.
> It continues to be the honor of our lives to work alongside you. Thank you
> so much for everything you do.
> -Michelle
>Dear Michelle:

  When I was a young man without school or money or employment, I went to the one place left for me and my poor friends...the Laval West beach. A place where thousands of Montreal city people and friendly tourists (many Americans) congregated during the sweltering hot summer months. For years that beach and the river provided me with a destination when I had nowhere else to go and that lasted until the day the city put up a sign which read..."polluted swimming allowed."

 From the day that sign went up, I became a dedicated activist for protecting and saving the environment and today I actively support Greenpeace and many other non-profit environment protection groups. A few days ago I talked to our Laval city administrator and gave him an idea to revive our beach. Build a Banana shaped Coffer Dam from an outcrop of land to another outcrop point and create an artificial lake with clean water and clean sand. He listened and then informed me that he wanted to put up signs designating wether or not the river water was clean enough for bathing. I informed him, based on my years of experience living in the area and as a past trained life-guard, that the river water remained polluted. The conversation ended.

  Michelle, I continue my non violent struggle to save the environment and surprisingly there are some good things happening. The Electric cars are finally hitting the market and municipal cities around the globe are Greening their spaces. The polluters of this world are reading the writing on the wall and making important changes but it takes time and money. I have neither. Even my computers are dated and I compete with attention grabbing advertising companies who continue to do everything money can buy to grab attention. I do not have the money to donate to your organization. Will you donate to mine? A new computer or even one of your old updated computers could vastly improve my capacity to continue fighting for change.

Bye for now and read you later and your letters are always welcome.

Joseph Raglione
Dir: The world humanitarian peace and ecology movement.
Want to see some magnificent pictures? Visit Google+
> Donate today to support our work:
> Donate

Laval West, Laval, Quebec, Canada

Thursday, August 3, 2017


 DIRECTLY INTO GOOGLE. THIS holiday season visit site number 5 for great

 black and white fun movies.

2. =  HTTP://WWW.NETFLIX.COM/WI       

3.= </> 

4.= </>

30.= </> 31. = </> 32. =</>
33. =</> 34. =</> 35. =
36. =      37. = </>
39.= </> 40.= </>
49.= </>
62.=      (For the super intelligent.)
64.=   (The secret of money.)
65 =  (Subtle influences on the human brain.)

Let's demand technology that serves us, not advertising.

people want to change the industry

Technology is hijacking our minds.

Advertising-fueled technology companies are trapped in a race to get our attention.
We as individuals can try to use our devices more responsibly, but it's our willpower against hundreds of engineers who are paid to keep us glued to the screen:
  • YouTube autoplays more videos to keep us from leaving.
  • Instagram shows new likes one at a time, to keep us checking for more.
  • Facebook wants to show whatever keeps us scrolling.
  • Snapchat turns conversations into streaks we don't want to lose.
  • Our media turns events into breaking news to keep us watching.
These are not neutral tools.
They are part of a system designed to keep us hooked.

But it's changing the fabric of society.
It's changing political discourse.
It's changing our children.
The answer isn't to abandon technology. 
The answer is to change the technology industry to put our best interests first.

60 Minutes: "Brain Hacking" with former Google design ethicist Tristan Harris.
60 Minutes: "Brain Hacking" with former Google design ethicist Tristan Harris.

We need your help.

Time Well Spent is a movement to stop technology platforms from hijacking our minds, and to start putting our best interests first.


Plastic straws are a nightmare for Turtles.

McDonald's: End the Use of Plastic Straws
Sign Now
A viral video showing a team of researchers attempting to remove an obstruction from the nose of a sea turtle painful to watch. At the end of the struggle, once the blockage is ripped free, it's revealed to be a plastic straw.
Plastic straws are a nightmare for the environment and our wildlife.
These single-use conveniences are trashing the planet. There's not a beach around the globe that is free of this pollution. Our creeks, rivers, lakes and oceans are all littered with plastic straws. Wildlife, such as the sea turtle, can confuse straws for food and cause themselves great harm.
A post-mortem just completed on a Cuvier’s beaked whale that was found dead on a Scottish beach determined the animal was killed by plastic pollution.
The petroleum-based, polypropelene straw is an environmental nightmare, and it's time we WAKE UP. In the United States alone, people use more than 500 million straws EVERY DAY. Stretched end to end, they could circle the globe 2 & 1/2 times.
McDonald's, with its 35,000 worldwide locations, is an enormous source for these plastic disasters. McDonald's has been a leader in reducing waste, and transitioning its paper and cardboard to more sustainable sources. It's time they turn their attention to their plastic problem.
If enough of us take action together, we can show McDonald's that this is an issue they should address immediately.
Thank you for standing with wildlife,
 Aaron V.
The Care2 Petitions Team

Stabilizing the Peptide protein may prevent Alzeimers.

Never before seen images of early stage Alzheimer’s disease
Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have used the MAX IV synchrotron in Lund – the strongest of its kind in the world - to produce images that predate the formation of toxic clumps of beta-amyloid, the protein believed to be at the root of Alzheimer’s disease. The unique images appear to contradict a previously unchallenged consensus. Instead of attempting to eliminate beta-amyloid, or so-called plaques, the researchers now suggest stabilizing the protein.

It is a long-held belief in the scientific community that the beta-amyloid plaques appear almost instantaneously. Hence the term “popcorn plaques”. The infrared spectroscopy images, however, revealed something entirely different.

The researchers could now see structural, molecular changes in the brain.

“No one has used this method to look at Alzheimer’s development before. The images tell us that the progression is slower than we thought and that there are steps in the development of Alzheimer’s disease that we know little about. This, of course, sparked our curiosity,” says Gunnar Gouras, professor in experimental neurology at Lund University and senior author of the study.

What was happening at this previously unknown phase? Through biochemical identification the first author of the study, Oxana Klementieva, was able to look closer at these early brain changes.

The results revealed another discovery. Namely, that the beta-amyloid did not appear as a single peptide, a widely held belief in the field, but as a unit of four peptides sticking together, a tetramer.

This breakthrough offers a new hypothesis to the cause of the disease. The abnormal separation of these four peptides could be the start of the beta-amyloid aggregation that later turns into plaques.

Source & further reading

Journal article:

Illustration: Per Uvdal

#neuroscience #alzheimersdisease #betaamyloid #amyloidplaques #research #medicine
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From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...