Saturday, September 28, 2024

Liver-Protecting Fennel Juice [Vegan]

This is a juice that you’ve probably never tried before. It uses the vegetable fennel which many people seem to disregard. But once you discover the health benefits of this baby, I’m sure you’ll begin incorporating it into your diet a whole lot more! This nutrient-dense green fennel juice is sweet and spicy with so many incredible health benefits.

Friday, September 20, 2024

What Is the Most Survivable Cancer?

Most of the cancers, if diagnosed and treated in early stages, are definitely survivable.
Most of the cancers, if diagnosed and treated in the early stages, are definitely survivable. 

Most of the cancers, if diagnosed and treated in the early stages, are definitely survivable. The main issue is timely detection. Many types of cancer are still very difficult to detect in the early stages because of their location, vague symptoms, and late reporting by patients. Higher survival rates are large because of several factors including not only early detection but also better treatment approaches. Treatment options have been revolutionized. A few decades ago, surgery and chemotherapy were the main treatment. However, now many more options are available such as immunotherapy and targeted drugshormone therapy, and radiation therapy.

According to the American Cancer Society, below is the list of survivable types of cancer, provided they are detected in stage I or localized stage.

Sr. No. (From most to least)Type of cancerPatients expected to survive five years after their diagnosis (percent)
1Prostate cancer99
2Thyroid cancer98
3Testicular cancer97
4Melanoma (Skin cancer)94
5Female breast cancer91
6Hodgkin lymphoma (blood cancer of the lymphocytes)88
7Cancer of the uterus83
8Bladder cancer78
9Kidney and renal pelvis75
10Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (blood cancer)74
11Cancer of the cervix69
12Cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx68
13Colon and rectal cancer66
14Leukemia (Blood cancer)65
16Myeloma (White blood cell cancer)52
17Ovarian cancer48
18Brain and nervous system cancer35
19Stomach cancer32
20Esophageal cancer21
21Lungs and bronchial cancer19
22Liver and bile duct cancer19
23Pancreatic cancer9

What are the most common types of cancer?

Cancer is a leading cause of deaths worldwide. The most common types of cancer include

  • Men: Prostate, lung and colorectal
  • Women: Breast, lung and colorectal
  • Children: Leukemia, brain tumors and lymphoma

What are the common causes of cancer?

Cancer arises from mutation of the normal cells into cancer cells in a multistage process. Below are a few common causes of cancer.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Development and Causes of Cancer.

The Development and Causes of Cancer

The fundamental abnormality resulting in the development of cancer is the continual unregulated proliferation of cancer cells. Rather than responding appropriately to the signals that control normal cell behavior, cancer cells grow and divide in an uncontrolled manner, invading normal tissues and organs and eventually spreading throughout the body. The generalized loss of growth control exhibited by cancer cells is the net result of accumulated abnormalities in multiple cell regulatory systems and is reflected in several aspects of cell behavior that distinguish cancer cells from their normal counterparts.

Types of Cancer

Cancer can result from abnormal proliferation of any of the different kinds of cells in the body, so there are more than a hundred distinct types of cancer, which can vary substantially in their behavior and response to treatment. The most important issue in cancer pathology is the distinction between benign and malignant tumors (Figure 15.1). A tumor is any abnormal proliferation of cells, which may be either benign or malignant. A benign tumor, such as a common skin wart, remains confined to its original location, neither invading surrounding normal tissue nor spreading to distant body sites. A malignant tumor, however, is capable of both invading surrounding normal tissue and spreading throughout the body via the circulatory or lymphatic systems (metastasis). Only malignant tumors are properly referred to as cancers, and it is their ability to invade and metastasize that makes cancer so dangerous. Whereas benign tumors can usually be removed surgically, the spread of malignant tumors to distant body sites frequently makes them resistant to such localized treatment.

Figure 15.1. A malignant tumor of the uterus.

Figure 15.1

A malignant tumor of the uterus. Micrographs of normal uterus (A) and a section of a uterine sarcoma (B). Note that the cancer cells (darkly stained) have invaded the surrounding normal tissue. (Cecil Fox/Molecular Histology, Inc.) 

Both benign and malignant tumors are classified according to the type of cell from which they arise. Most cancers fall into one of three main groups: carcinomas, sarcomas, and leukemias or lymphomas. Carcinomas, which include approximately 90% of human cancers, are malignancies of epithelial cells. Sarcomas, which are rare in humans, are solid tumors of connective tissues, such as muscle, bone, cartilage, and fibrous tissue. Leukemias and lymphomas, which account for approximately 8% of human malignancies, arise from the blood-forming cells and from cells of the immune system, respectively. Tumors are further classified according to tissue of origin (e.g., lung or breast carcinomas) and the type of cell involved. For example, fibrosarcomas arise from fibroblasts, and erythroid leukemias from precursors of erythrocytes (red blood cells).

Although there are many kinds of cancer, only a few occur frequently (Table 15.1). More than a million cases of cancer are diagnosed annually in the United States, and more than 500,000 Americans die of cancer each year. Cancers of 10 different body sites account for more than 75% of this total cancer incidence. The four most common cancers, accounting for more than half of all cancer cases, are those of the breast, prostate, lung, and colon/rectum. Lung cancer, by far the most lethal, is responsible for nearly 30% of all cancer deaths.

Table 15.1. Ten Most Frequent Cancers in the United States.

Table 15.1

Ten Most Frequent Cancers in the United States. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Cancer Chemotherapy...jokes!

                   1.        Vaseline Intensive Care proverb 101... Small holes always need grease!

                   2.         To Pee or not to Pee, dear Yorick, is not an option!! Run to the bathroom!!

                   3.         Wake up! WAKE UP!! Your pillow is drowning you!! Change pillows fast!!  

                   4.         Doctor! Why is it called therapy?

                   5.         Do not take candy from a baby but... the baby powder!  Of course!

                   6.         Always swipe with baby swipes for big babies!

                   7.         When I look into your eyes, gentle nurse, I forget the needle in your hand!!

                    8.        Did I mention how I...OUCH!   hated needles!! 

                     9.        Damn cat keeps peeing on the floor! What!!? We don't have a Cat?


 Dear President Trump: It is not a damn card game! Your murderous friend, Putin, who learned to murder in the K.G.B, continues his murderous...