Wednesday, January 17, 2024

How To Get The Best Sleep Of Your Life: Six Secrets From Research/ By Eric Barker.

Sum Up

Here’s how to get the best sleep of your life:

  • How much sleep do you need?: Aim for eight hours. Yes, sleep is a twisted game of freeze tag where you're “it” for an entire third of your life.
  • Consistency: Want a blissful journey to the Land of Nod? Wake at the same time and go to bed at the same time every day. This is the single most important tip.
  • Substances: Alcohol, sleeping pills, and caffeine all reduce sleep quality. Booze is the worst. Trying to perform at your best after a night of drinking is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the needle is also made of hay, and you're not entirely certain what a needle is.
  • Light: I know, the digitally addicted Gollum inside your head is clutching your phone and whispering, "Precious. We needs it." Sorry. Avoid screens and darken your home before bed.
  • Temperature: A room that’s a little chilly helps you pass out. You’ll sleep so hard you’ll wake up in positions the Kama Sutra doesn’t cover.
  • Naps: There's nothing quite like the pure decadence of a fully clothed, middle-of-the-day, under-the-covers bed nap. That's right, full bed. Not messing around here. Keep it short so it doesn’t stop you from getting to sleep that night.

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