Sunday, November 26, 2023


Thursday, May 2, 2024...On the Christian calendar.

WELCOME to the “World Friendly Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement!" 

  A generic humanitarian philosophy that is proving acceptable to all human culturally created nationalities and religions around the world. Some of you may remember this page. It was first printed in 1995.  

WHO WE ARE?  Many good hearted people who are working together to create a free communication and education network that is world wide. We help each other learn to survive with courage and with dignity and we find solutions for protecting our planet earth. We do acts of random kindness and we directly intervene to stop injustice and cruelty wherever it is found. 

WHAT WE ARE:  We are basically : Homo Sapiens, bipedal,  civilized mammalian animals who have learned to mimic and to communicate and to share our cultural ideas. We have yet to fully understand all our genetic human animal instincts but that is an ongoing study. The more we learn, the better chance we have to control the aggressive and territorial and often dangerous characteristics that we Homo Sapiens possess in abundance. The characteristics that presently dominate human social behavior on earth.

WHAT WE OFFER you is not for sale. It is a future with: clean: air, land, and water...and hopefuly with a kinder economy based on safe environmental products; but you have to help! Become world friendly! A Humanitarian for Peace and the Ecology. It’s free and it’s fun! (We began quietly in 1969). Years ago, clean air and water was free. Today, you pay for bottled drinking water because today lake and river water is polluted. Why? Because our human garbage disposal and toilet drainage systems need to be greatly improved or changed completely. We absolutely have to halt our human industrial pollution because most products created today end up in garbage bins and then our Oceans! We need new laws that help large companies produce nature friendly products and importantly, accept and recycle the products they produce! We need the help and cooperation of powerful multi-national industrial corporations along with the powerful governments that protect them.

How to influence powerful governments and government corporations? We begin by giving the children of the world honest and provable facts! We provide Greenhouse gardens inside school properties and we give each child a small tree to grow and protect. We do this around the world and we prepare the kids for a Greener and cleaner future. 

Tomorrow, what will be the price you pay for basic survival? There are alternative non-polluting solutions for big business and big government. There is power and profit to be made selling safe environmental and life sustaining products as opposed to life destructive and environmentally dangerous products. The changes are slow but they are coming. Want to learn some of the most important secrets on earth? Check out our archive pages with some of the best web sites on Earth containing some of the best secrets on Earth.

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