Sunday, August 20, 2023


   We are too small and as yet without the capacity to measure with definitive accuracy our constantly changing universe. However...

 As tiny bits of conscious matter existing on a comparative minuscule planet in an Atom sized galaxy, we are too tiny and as yet without the technological capacity to accurately measure the size and age of our entire magnificent Universe...however...

 We do have wonderfully transcending imaginations and with high intelligence and plenty of imagination along with hard work and more than average courage, our scientists and Astronauts have created a magnificent international space station which is now in low orbit circling the Earth.

  Our scientists did not forget the rest of us down here on ground zero, however,  as they created an astonishing virtual reality program so realistic it literally captures our brains and creates for us the sensation of being transported directly into the I.S.S..

 Once the virtual reality head sets are placed accurately on our heads, our bodies are turned into Pixie dust and our fellow space travellers are turned into small Blue Orbs floating around near us like ghosts in the movie Scrooge. In groups of Ten we mingle with the Astronauts working inside the space station. We can also walk through walls and place ourselves outside the space station where we experience the terrifying void of space. It is reassuring to feel the hard floor under our feet and remembering we are experiencing an illusion. The floor reminded me not to panic and the total experience created in me a feeling of awe and admiration as well as respect for the scientists and Astronauts who in reality have worked and continue to work inside and outside the international space station. 

 The virtual reality program can be found at the Old Port next to the boat marina in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is called INFINITY and it is slightly expensive at forty dollars but I highly recommend a visit.

This is N.J. Raglione

Signing off...


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Meu querido amigo: Valdemar Oliveira. É com grande alegria que leio as tuas cartas! Elas provam que estás vivo neste mundo em rápida mudança...