Sunday, June 12, 2022

The world does not need Russia.


 For all investors worried about losing money because of Putin's war in the Ukraine, these facts will make you feel better.

 Fact number 1. Vladimir Putin and his generals are not the Russian people. In Russia today there is not a wave of national patriotism hailing Putin as a hero! There is, however, fear and desperation created by Putin's despotic leadership. He has arrested and imprisoned  his own citizens who dared speak up against the war in Ukraine. Putin is responsible for and continues to generate a war in Ukraine because he lost the gamble to recreate the Russian empire. It is now a failed personal dream he had of restructuring the old Communist empire. His dream is not shared by the Russian people who are suffering from international sanctions. His dream is pathological with the consequence that he no longer scares people even with his saber rattling threat of nuclear war. His days are numbered. Goodbye Putin!

Fact number 2. 

The World does not need Russia!  

 North America, Europe and China do not need Russian products.

North America has wheat fields: plenty of grain, Cattle, Chickens and Pigs. China and most of Asia have rice fields. The world does not need Russia.

 And now for some extra good news. Vertical farms are producing thousands of pounds of vegetables and they are reducing weather related agricultural problems. No more pesticides and plenty of food for people in cities everywhere. Wind turbines, Solar panels and cleaner nuclear reactors are now producing electricity all over North America while the world waits for the new fusion reactors to come on line.

New technology is exploding everywhere with China in the lead. Around the world Electric cars are taking over the roads in the face of desperate oil and gas producers, including Russia. In short, chin up, the stock markets will rise!   N.J.R.

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