Monday, August 23, 2021

Mistakes of government.


 You mentioned on television how the U.S. government spent billions arming the Afghanistan military. Why the U.S. government did this is no longer important as Taliban insurgents took over from the U.S. sponsored Afghani military and now have control of the country.

In my not so humble opinion, U.S. funds may have been better spent  improving lives inside impoverished rural areas of Afghanistan. 

Afghanistan could use thousands of new: hospitals, schools, small businesses, community gardens and parks. 

 If providing guns to the Afghanistan military was so important, the U.S.  should also have given small hand guns to every woman in Afghanistan with instructions on how to use them if attacked or abused. I believe it would have been a lot cheaper for the U.S. government and exceedingly more empowering as well as liberating for the women of Afghanistan.

These are only my opinions but political mistakes are often repeated in every government and maybe these ideas will help future politicians create alternatives to war, murder, bloodshed and human rights violations.


P.S.  There is something else I find curious. If governments and companies find it convenient to place small GPS chips in every telephone and computer identifying the location of the user in North America; why not hide these chips in all the guns delivered outside of North America? And why not make our guns look exactly like those made in China or Russia? Something to think about...right?

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