Friday, June 18, 2021

 Gentle People:

  Once in a while I become philosophical. The universe is so complicated that philosophy is often produced in lieu of facts. Today, however, the science of  Physics has progressed to the point where it is used to: discover, study and measure almost everything past and present. The concept of Gravity is now under the microscope of science.

The following is a simple explanation for Gravity which I believe is based on facts but if I'm wrong...fix it!

( Gravity is the process of Atoms bonding together to create a large mass which creates more bonding. ) 

 All mass is condensed energy. Cold condenses energy and shapes it into mass while pressure created by accumulated and condensed mass creates heat which, when hot enough, expands and liquifies and turns mass back into plasma and gas. A large mass of compressed heat energy creates electron holes which act like a vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum and electron holes suck in outside random electrons to fill the holes. The more electrons mass together, the heavier a particular Atom becomes and with weight there is compression and with compression there is heat and once again the displacement of energy. When energy becomes a large mass it attracts more energy and this attraction is called gravity. 

 Scientists are now capable of finding and measuring gravity waves. Waves created by moving Electrons. Our Sun has a large amount of energy and it creates a powerful pull of gravity. It attracts outside sources of energy into its core and a Hydrogen fusion reaction creates Plasma. 

 The Plasma creates electron displacement which attracts more energy. I believe Electron displacement creates the force of gravity but I may be wrong! I suspect the more electrons are displaced the more they exert a pull on outside electrons but again, I may be wrong! 

  Apart from our Sun, Black Holes in space have produced measurable gravity waves.

Author: Nelson Joseph Raglione

I invite scientists from around the world to prove, disprove or augment my theoretical concept of gravity. N. J.R.



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