Sunday, March 14, 2021

 Hello Gentle People:

 Today, March 14, 2020, many people around the world are letting their guard down. They want to stop wearing protective masks and they believe a vaccine will protect them from SARS-CoV-2. 

  A few of those poor fools are even protesting, in the streets, the wearing of masks. Maybe they have not learned that the vaccines developed last year against Covid-19, may not work this year on the variants of Covid-19. They may not understand that a third wave of infection is around the corner because the damn disease continues to run rampant around the world. It is created by fools who do not wear masks or disinfect their hands when walking and talking in public. The disease continues to kill people today and will continue to kill people tomorrow until an all purpose vaccine is finally produced which will eradicate deadly viruses once and for all! Meanwhile, and until hospitals give us an all clear signal, wear your masks even if it takes another year.

  One more important point. Pollution is a breeding ground for viruses. The more you drive internal combustion engines and pump Carbon Monoxide into the air, the warmer becomes our climate and the  more viruses proliferate. If you are a callous and cold blooded polluter with no sense of moral or ethical integrity, at least allow your survival instinct to protect you from a deadly virus such as Sars-Cov-2s and death...temporarily.


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    My Dear Friend: Valdemar Oliveira. I am overjoyed to read your letters! They prove you are alive in this fast changing world  of dynamic...