Saturday, September 5, 2020

How and why do steroids workSteroids work by decreasing inflammation and reducing the activity of the immune system. Inflammation is a process in which the body's white blood cells and chemicals can protect against infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses.Jan 20, 2020

 Gentle People:

  I am not a medical expert but as a journalist looking for important facts on how Covid-19 infects
and kills people, I often ask the question how can this virus be stopped? I may be wrong but I am
beginning to understand that there is a connection between an over-reactive immune system and the death of many seriously infected elderly people.
 I am learning that steroids work to decrease inflammation and they reduce the body's immune
 reaction to the SARSCoV2. Twenty percent of patients seriously  infected with Covid-19 
were saved from death by the medical use of steroids which basically boosted their hormones. 

 This is one more piece now in place to a large puzzle that has been plaguing us...excuse the pun!
Young people with more hormones are less likely to fall sick with SARSCov2 than their elders who
have lost hormones due to the aging process. It is now known that healthy and hormonal young
people are better protected from Covid-19 than their elders and the question is,  how do hormones 
and steroids work to protect both young and old from Covid-19? 

Attention research scientists, please explain why steroids are saving lives.

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