Monday, August 24, 2020



 What I want is a government of honest people willing to work for the citizens of Canada.
A democratically elected group of people not beholding to corporate bosses and who honestly want to help their fellow human beings to survive the ride on this planet.
 I do not want people who dominate and control for the sake of dominating and controlling. 
 I do not want people with vested interests running our government. 
 I want gentle and imaginative people willing to create new ideas and concepts liberating our youth from the status quo.

 As a citizen, I need people who have been trained from childhood to be compassionate and caring and highly skilled in avoiding environmentally destructive projects. We do not need billion dollar highways and bridges catering to fossil fuel burning vehicles. What we do need are better schools for the purpose of creating a cleaner and safer environment for everybody! Why not spend several billion dollars on new concept schools?

 Many of our present school buildings continue to represent the industrial status quo of the recent past. Schools were created quickly after world war 11 in order to indoctrinate working-class children to serve industrial and often polluting companies. This made a few corporate bosses very rich very quickly! What if our present leaders ordered the creation of large capacity Green Houses filled with flowering plants and comfortable plexiglass partitioned computer rooms for children to sit and learn Biology and Botany and Science in general. Warm buildings partially covered in Solar Panels. What if we filled sky scrapers with Green Houses filled with plants?

 Many of today's elementary and high school buildings are dangerously old and archaic. Not all but many are square brick and mortar buildings containing rooms with faulty air ventilators and windows that stick. If you think about it, the word "class" explains the thinking of our ancestors. A few centuries ago, schools were the prerogative of the rich and powerful and the buildings they created represented the best architecture of the times. It was high society who placed their children into special schools for learning and for training. The better the schools the more social and economic power they created for the upper class.

 In the past private schools became expensive training grounds for the upper class rich. The poor lower classes were not so lucky. The children of working class people were placed in boxy over-crowded public school buildings and in 1953 some elementary school classes contained as many as Forty Five children per classroom. We became known as the baby boom generation and some of us rebelled against the strict rules and the harsh discipline imposed on us.

 The difficult class curriculums were filled with tests and examinations meant to weed out the slower students and many creative minds did drop out of school. Personal motivation was absent and competition was fostered in the classroom by peer group pressure and by a cruel systemic discipline.  Both the buildings and the old standards of teaching created revolt among the students of the 60's but sadly, both continue to exist today!

 We now live in Canada 2020 and it is passed the time we created something beautiful! It is time we disposed of past dogmas and prejudices and power politics that benefit only a few corporate bosses. After the second World War  many Canadian grade schools and high schools were packed full of children and today I call on all Baby Boomers still alive who attended those schools, to once again revolt and to create a change for the better. Our present schools do not need up-grading, they need total replacement!

P.S. We also need kids to work in the farm fields because we are running out of poor Mexicans!

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