Monday, December 9, 2019


Activist Thunberg turns spotlight on indigenous struggle at climate summit
Isla Binnie

MADRID (Reuters) - Teen activist Greta Thunberg turned a spotlight on the struggles of the world’s indigenous peoples against climate change
on Monday, appearing at a U.N. summit alongside other young campaigners furious at the West’s failure to tackle the crisis.

Indigenous communities from the United States to South America and Australia have mounted increasingly vocal campaigns against new fossil fuel projects
in recent years, finding common cause with the young European activists inspired by Thunberg.

Pursued by a media scrum ever since arriving at the two-week conference last week after crossing the Atlantic by catamaran,
Thunberg stayed largely silent during her first official appearance at the summit, to allow a young Native American, a Ugandan,
a Philippine and a Pacific islander to speak.

“Their rights are being violated across the world and they are also among the ones being hit the most and the quickest by the climate and environmental emergency,”
Thunberg said of indigenous communities.

Indigenous activists argue that their communities contribute almost none of the fossil fuels emissions driving climate change,
but bear the brunt of extreme weather and loss of wildlife.

Rose Whipple, of the Santee Dakota, native to Minnesota in the United States, called for an approach based on tradition and technology.

“The climate crisis is a spiritual crisis for our entire world. Our solutions must weave science and spirituality and traditional ecological knowledge
with technology,” she said.

The meeting to address the implementation of a 2015 pact struck in Paris to limit temperature rises to well below 2 degrees celsius was shifted to Madrid
after riots over inequality broke out in Chile, which had been due to play host.

“While countries congratulate each other for their weak commitments the world is literally burning out,” said Chilean activist Angela Valenzuela.

The low-lying Marshall Islands became the first nation to comply with a requirement in the Paris Agreement to increase its planned emissions reductions in 2018,
a move bigger emitters are under pressure to follow by 2020.

Carlon Zackhras, representing the atoll nation, said rising sea levels threatened his home, which is only two meters above the waterline.

“We are having to deal with issues we did not create,” he said.

Editing by Matthew Green and Giles Elgood

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Dear Brittany Andrew-Amofah: 

 Our present school systems across Canada are based on providing a work-force for Canadian industrial companies.
Unless those companies are creating projects and systems that benefit our natural environment and do not destroy and pollute the environment, we are programming children to act as workers for polluting and dangerous industrial status-quo companies! 

 We need to provide new and better and different school environments where nature is the teacher and is helped along by University trained Botanists and Zoologists and Biologists.

 One project example is a large Glass Green House filled with birds and plants and children and computers that explain and describe the species of each plant and bird and of course, our own HomoSapient specie.
 Music would play in the Green-Houses to help grow the plants and the birds and the children.
They would include computers explaining what birds make what sounds and which instruments make what notes. Earphones would be provided for private listening.

 Our present status-quo school systems are based on the old imperial hierarchy and that must be changed if we are to protect Mother Earth. There are so many better non-political and non-exploitive methods of education that urgently need to be researched and implemented.
Thanks for reading!

Signed: Nelson Joseph Raglione
Director of the World Friendly Peace and Ecology Movement..

 Dear President Trump: It is not a damn card game! Your murderous friend, Putin, who learned to murder in the K.G.B, continues his murderous...