Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Hi gentle people:

 Most of you today have small pocket computers you carry around for use as telephones. That concept is shifting however as we spend more time using the computer applications located on our so-called smart phones.

 I am seriously beginning to dislike the "passed your data limit" beep warning!
In the halcyon days when I was Thirty, we had no data limits. Our computers were the size of small suit cases and we used pirated copies of Windows 95. Everything worked like magic! Some of us with limited funds created our own computers from parts brought in from China. We used old Television sets as our computer screens and Pacman was the rage until Mario stepped into the box and then Doom and Quake scared the shit out of us!

  We had fun and we had control of the telephone lines as well as control of our computers. We could play CD music and later, DVD movies. Personally, I enjoyed using the world wide web and I found myself accessing computers from almost every location on Earth that allowed access. That, unfortunately, has changed in (2018) and our little pocket computers are intrusive and not under our individual control. The corporate world we once banned from dumping advertising into our emails, (in those days we called it spam) now charge us ridiculous usage fees for renting little pocket computers they create and they are using as data spies! Their goal is to find as much information about you as possible. They call it data mining and I call it an intrusion on our human rights and f reedom!
 Gone is the Bell Twenty Dollar a month average cost for a house telephone. Now, if you want to walk around with a communication device slash computer, it averages into the hundreds of Dollars and you are not getting anything better than what we had Thirty years ago
Have a great day and go read a book!
N.J. Raglione..

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