Tuesday, October 16, 2018


A short one act play by N.J. Raglione. Copyright: September 12, 2018.

Two Roman guards whisper to each other.

1.    Break the legs of those two but not his...understood?
2.    Foolish if you ask me!
1.    Nobody is asking you...follow orders and shut up!
2.    Why should he be left alive? What makes him so damn special?.
1.    Pilot says to leave him live...we leave him live! Break the legs of those other two.
2.    There is a cracking sound followed by a loud horrified scream of pain and then another
       cracking sound with another horrified scream! .
1.    So what do we do with this Judite then? It will be days before he dies up there even with the scourging you gave him. Do we have to guard him every minute against that crowd?
2.     Don't worry about the crowd. I see more women than men and as for the scourging, I soaked            my whip in  Sheep's blood.
1.    Sheep's blood? 
 2.   You heard me!
       We stand alone if they attack!
2.    I said don't worry about the crowd!  Keep your spear straight! Are you deaf or something?
1.    OK! Ok!  Get off my back!
2.    I want you to prepare some Mandrake Root.
1.    What?
2.    You heard me. Mandrake Root. Get to work! There is some growing over there. Move!
  .    The guard rushes to follow orders. He pulls the plants from the ground.
1..    If you repeat what I say you will be crucified on one of these crosses...do you understand?
2.    There is stunned silence.
1.    Do you understand?
2.    Yes, I...I understand!
1.    We are going to put this Judite: Jesus Christ, to sleep with Mandrake Root and then we are going to pretend he is dead.
2.    Another silence!
1.    Understood?
2.    Yes sir!
1.    Good! The Judites expect a miracle and governor Pilot wants us to give them a miracle!
2.    Silence.
1.    We are going to give Judites a Messiah but it will be a Messiah controlled by Emperor Tiberiius Claudius Nero in Rome!
2.    Silence.
1.    No more stupid revolts from Judea! Prepare the Mandrake Root and put him to sleep. The Judites
       want a miracle and we are going to give them a miracle. A resurrection from the dead. Get it?
2.    I...I think I understand! The guard grinds the Root in his helmet and pours in water from his water bottle.
1.    Good! There is hope for you yet. Soak this cloth in Mandrake water and put it on the tip of your spear. Make sure he drinks it.
2.    The guard obeys.
1.    Good, he is drinking it...give him some more until he passes out and keep the crowd back. We don't want them catching on!
2.    He has passed out...now what do we do.
1.    Stick the point of your spear in his side but not to deep and no vital spot. We want to make it look like we are checking to see if he is dead.
2.    Done.
1.    Good! Now help me take down the body and be careful pulling out those nails. When I put them in I made sure not to hit any veins.
       See that old guy standing over there, he is Joseph of Aramathea and he is waiting to take this prisoner off our hands. Pilot gave him the body.
       Hurry man, if this Jesus Christ dies so do we!
2.    What clever leaders we have with Emperor Tiberius and his son in law, Pontius Pilot.
1.    Yes, but remember, this is a secret which must never be told. Emperor Tiberius wants to create a Messiah for the Judites. A Messiah controlled by Rome.
2.    Yes sir, I understand.
1.     Good, there is hope for you after all!

       The End.

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