Sunday, September 23, 2018

Why is it always about money and power?

Dear Louise Bernard:
 My story is slightly different as it includes: John Kerry, Al Gore,
Ted Kennedy, Michelle Obama and poor old Mike Gravel.
  For some reason or other, my computer was more powerful in past years and I used it to help your Democratic party. The world had enough of the Bush dynasty and I opted to help write for change. It was fun writing back then and my readership grew large enough to attract attention from the U.S. Democratic leadership campaign. Especially since I wrote about creating a Medicare social program as well as protecting the environment.

 To make a short story longer, except for Mike Gravel who competed for the leadership of the Democratic party
 and was unfairly and completely ignored by the Media during the debate, each of the above political celebrities asked me to write for their new Democratic candidate: Senator Barack Obama. They were pushing for 1: head of the Democratic party and 2. for the office of President of the United States.  Like many others I believed Obama was a strange name for a U.S. presidential candidate but I did some research and discovered that Obama was born in Hawaii...lived a short time with his mother in Jakarta...and then moved to Chicago where he became a local civic organizer in a poor neighborhood of Chicago. Later he became a university professor, he married and finally he became a U.S. Senator. Now Barack Obama wanted to be president of the United States and Ted Kennedy asked me to write for his new favorite candidate.
 They were using and still do use personalized form letters to contact thousands of us but at the time not one of the above mentioned  
politicians realized or cared that I was a Canadian citizen. They were using a computer and it was responding to my emails and so I took advantage of the political chaos during the U.S. election year to place the best social science ideas I could find into their data base. Ideas that were read and accepted and used.
 Of course I was not the only one writing and helping to publicize
Barack Obama and you all managed to elect yourselves one fine
gentleman along with his highly intelligent and very sweet wife,
Michelle. They both made a great team in the White House. 
 Unfortunately, times have changed and I and my computer are  aging but I continue to fight for human rights and for protecting the natural environment here and around the world.
Thanks for reading!
Signed: Nelson Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The Friendly World Peace and Ecology Movement.

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Joseph Raglione

Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 1:18 PM
To: Obama Foundation <>
Gentle People:

 Take your time responding to my question. Relax! Turn on your
computers and visit where you will discover the most
intelligent human beings on Earth who have wonderfully creative
concepts. Many Ted speakers could use economic help or free publicity
to empower their ideas and that is where I believe you and your
"Fellows" could do some good. Place the best Ted videos on large
screens in the Obama Chicago civic center and create discussions
around the ideas presented by Ted.
 I am a Canadian and always was but I am also a world friendly peace
loving humanitarian. Years ago I asked the Obama government to send me
a new computer to help with my organization. All I received was
automated hype and so I modified my old computer in order to remain on
the WWW. It often glitches but continues to work today and I believe
adversity continues to be the Mother of invention. people have
faced and overcome many adversities and they deserve help. Maybe your
organization now has the capacity to help honest change makers? Cruel
people have tried to block and stop me many times and I understand
what an uphill battle it is to create social change and protection for
the natural environment when opposed by large multi-national
corporations who are dedicated to shutting us down but today, Mother
Nature is providing the hard proof needed to help people like me
change things a little faster.
Nelson Joseph Raglione
EX:Dir. The World Friendly Peace and Ecology Movement.

On 9/16/18, Obama Foundation <> wrote:
> Thank you for submitting your question or comment to the Obama Foundation
> Fellows Team! A member of the team will get back with you shortly.

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