Monday, August 6, 2018

Sex, violence, and advertising traps!

 Sex is fun when it is shared by consenting adults. It is not so much fun when it is exploited on Television for the purpose of accumulating money. Companies use both violence and sex to sell products and the way they do that is interesting! They use fiction writers to create stories filled with violence and sexual innuendo for your interest and for your consumption. Then they hire advertising companies to contrast the violence with happy and smiling actors on Television commercials pretending to love cars and hair shampoo and almost every product you can imagine...also for your consumption. They don't call people "consumers" for nothing.
 Companies use sexual innuendo and actors with toothy and happy smiles to make them money...lots of money and they repeat the commercials often in a form of irritating hypnosis. It is the reason we are inundated by so many annoying commercials! They cut into our favorite programs, including news programs, almost every Two minutes hoping you will remember how their products will make you "happy" as opposed to the terrible violence they endorsed and helped to create on the "show".  Can irritating T.V. commercials stick in memory? I am Seventy Years old and I still remember a T.V. commercial from my adolescence. It went: "You'll wonder where the Yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent." To make my friends laugh I changed the words to: You'll wonder where the Yellow went, when you brush your teeth with Dynamite!

 Sexual pleasure is created by our hormones for the purpose of procreation. An evolutionary guarantee that our species will enjoy making a baby and in the process create a happy event for young couples. Most young women want a baby or two. Young men however,  not so much! Young women develop faster than men and young men generally want freedom from responsibility along with orgiastic pleasure. They seek out freedom loving young women who are willing to slow their biological clocks a few years in order to enjoy sex and freedom in much the same way they do. Women who are willing to use the pill and the condom to gain some basic freedom until the day they are ready and willing and able to have a baby. The major problem for young couples today is finding the work and the money to start a family!

  With housing prices sky high and computers and robots taking over much of the work, people are finding it difficult to make money let alone finding a responsible mate who will stick with them for a minimum of Twenty Years to help care and raise children to adulthood.

  If she is lucky a young woman will find a mate who will remain with her for life but today that is the exception and not the rule. All I can suggest is live in a small and cheap apartment and make only one baby, then grow vegetables in garden boxes everywhere. Plant fruit trees inside cities and invite tourists to pick the fruit. Why? Because tourists bring in money. Ride Bicycles and Electric vehicles to avoid global warming and stop using plastic products. Become a Vegan and stop killing helpless animals. You can also become a tourist yourself and enjoy nature or you can stay put and learn to make quality art objects. That is something Robots will not be able to do for a while. Create art. Have a great life and enjoy every moment because you are using up your energy and one day soon it will be gone.
Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The World Friendly Peace and Ecology Movement.
P.S. A tip of the hat goes out to the city of St. Eustache, Quebec, for their wonderful vegetable box behind the old church. A place where tourists can sit and eat small Cherry Red Tomatoes directly from the box.

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