Thursday, May 3, 2018

Free Education for all!

How a 33-year-old museum tour guide became a professional web developer - her 18 month coding journey


Quincy Larson

2:32 PM (9 hours ago)
to me
Here are this week's five links that are worth your time:

1. How a 33-year-old museum tour guide became a professional web developer - her 18 month coding journey (10 minute read):

2. Here are 530 free online programming and computer science courses you can start in May (browsable list):

3. How to make a super simple website. Alice walks you through the fundamentals of HTML (33 minute watch):

4. Demystifying JavaScript’s "new" keyword (6 minute read):

5. How to land a six figure job in tech with no connections. Advice from a biology major who got job offers from Google and Twitter (60 minute listen - you can listen in Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or right here in your browser): is a donor-supported nonprofit. Each week our community publishes dozens of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons. And we're just getting started. Help us create even more coding resources to help you succeed. Join the 3,939 people who support each month. Set up a tax-deductible donation you can afford at

Happy coding!

- Quincy Larson

Teacher at

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