Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Hello Gentle People:

 I was standing in my underwear this morning and drinking a glass of Orange juice when I noticed a pair of eyes attempting to look through my apartment kitchen window. A small scruffy Raccoon was outside. I opened the window and in a soft low voice said hello to the little guy. He was sitting wet and cold on the chimney support between the stainless steel pipe and the house wall. Since my apartment is on the second floor I thought he was in trouble.
"Need help?" I said. "How about a peace of bread?"
 He growled and with a paw armed with sharp claws knocked the bread out of my hand.
 "Ungrateful little fur ball!"
 I took my kitchen broom and tried to push him onto the shed roof a few feet below. He fought the broom and kept trying to look into my window. That was  surprising! In order to look into my window he had to stretch and hang over Twenty feet of nothing. It was straight down to the snowy ground below.
"Why do you want to come in here?! I said loudly, a bit nervous at this Alien invasion.

He was staring and sniffing and then he precariously attempted to walk on the Two inch small ledge below my window. He slipped off the ledge and held on for dear life by his paws.
"OK, can come in!" I pushed open the screen and waved him in but I was too late. The little guy lost his grip and hang glided to the ground.
Plop...he was lucky and missed the old broken motor cycle my neighbor parked below my window. I was relieved to see the snow saved him from a hard landing and even happier to see him run around the corner of the house.
Good, he's gone, I thought to myself.
And then I saw him climb up an evergreen tree and jump back on my shed roof. From there he climbed even higher up to the house roof. This is no ordinary Coon, I thought incredulously! He is a stubborn Ninja Coon!

 Now that I think about it, I believe he was looking in the window to see where my Cats were located. Without a Cat in the house his plan was to sneak into the apartment through their small Cat door and eat from their automatic food dish. Apparently I was no threat to him and he thought I was going to let him in through the window. He braved a Twenty food drop to the ground and missed. Plop! Since my house is always under some kind or repair, I am positive Mr. Raccoon is again hiding and waiting patiently for his next chance!
 Wait a minute! As I write these words I hear one of my Cats growling towards the Cat door. I need a Broom handle! Bye for now!



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