Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Planned obsolescence is a crime against humanity!

Planned obsolescence is a crime against humanity!

 It was originally created to make work for thousands of unemployed people and now the concept and implementation of planned obsolescence creates so much pollution and garbage it is helping to create global warming! Maintaining planned obsolescence is simple. A manufacturer will create a product or products that self-destruct within a certain period of time. The idea is to make room for so called new products and there-bye perpetuating the socio-economic system. It helps the rich get richer and the poor are kept in a state of obvious poverty. Often the new products are made of plastic and unlike the solid and sturdy products of decades ago, the new products do not survive a few months of wear and tear and end up in garbage bags and then landfills and much too often in our Oceans where circular Ocean currents break down the Plastic into tiny pieces. These pieces end up in the Fish we eat.

 Years ago Cars were made to last decades and they promised freedom to anybody buying a car. Back then Cars ran on Electricity and Alcohol and later, Gas. The idea of driving thousands of miles on cheap gas was popular and freedom-loving young people bought millions of Cars and the machines lasted Twenty years or more. Today, the price of Gas limits the driving distance for thousands of average people and the pollution created by Ten Billion Cars around the world is creating dangerous climate change. We are all waiting for the new Electric Cars to once again give us the freedom to travel thousands of miles but once again the concept of planned obsolescence is blocking and stalling the implementation of these vehicles. Machines that last years and give millions of individuals basic freedom to travel goes against the profit-making socio-economic system. A system that uses economic slavery to keep the poor working in one place for basic survival while providing so-called "consumers" with useless products that quickly self-destruct and go to waste, all to maintain an industrial hierarchy where a few company bosses become super rich at the expense of the working class. We need to invest money that maintains Nature and Life and not on useless garbage.

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