Monday, August 17, 2015

Tom Mulcair reminds me of Barack Obama when he first started.

Tom on the Issues


Tom on the IssuesNDP
Dear Friend:
Thank you to all of you who continue to contact my office with your concerns.  I'm always so delighted to see how engaged folks are and how many of you care so deeply about the issues facing our great country.
Unfortunately, I am not able to deal with each and every email, letter and phone call—especially not with the degree of detail and care I'd like to be able to provide in response to each and every one of your queries. So, I'd like to take some time to touch on some of the most common questions folks raise when they take the time to write to me. I hope that I provide you with some insight, otherwise, don't hesitate to get in contact with my office again at any time. I'm always so keen to hear about the things that matter to you.
Many of you continue to share with me the difficulties you have making ends meet, or feeling like you just can't get ahead. After a decade ofthis Conservative government so many Canadian families are feeling squeezed and falling further behind.  That's why New Democrats have proposed practical measures to help create good middle class jobs.
- We'll support small businesses, who are the local job creators;
- Kick-start manufacturing;
- Raise the federal minimum wage to $15/hour.
What's more, New Democrats will put the emphasis back on sustainable economic growth. Growth that will help not only today's middle class, but our children and grandchildren.
In addition to our $15 dollar a day child care plan, a New Democratic government will close a tax loophole wealthy CEOs currently enjoy on stock options and we'll redirect that money to low-income families through an enhanced Working Income Tax Benefit and National Child Benefit Supplement. This will be a dollar for dollar transfer from those who need it the least to those who need it most.  I'm committed to fighting for practical steps like this to lift children out of poverty and directly help working families struggling to get by in this weak economy.
New Democrats believe that all Canadian seniors deserve to live and age with dignity. That's why we've developed a National Strategy on Aging that includes:
Strong public services—we'll ensure that our institutions and vital public services are strong, accessible and prepared to meet the needs of our aging population.
Healthy seniors—the NDP will make sure seniors have timely and convenient access to health care, we'll increase affordable access to safe and effective prescription medications and we will improve access to home-care and affordable long-term care.
Financial Security—we've committed to restoring the age of eligibility for Old Age Security (OAS) and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) to 65.
Want more details? You can check out the full plan here:
A free, universal, portable, public healthcare system is still our most cherished public institution. We remain dedicated to delivering a system that ensures every Canadian has access to the care they need—regardless of where they live or their ability to pay.
We also want to ensure that you can get access to the medicine you need. That's why we have a plan to expand public coverage for prescription drugs.  Canada is the only developed country with universal health insurance coverage that does not also offer universal prescription drug benefits—leaving Canadians to face a patchwork of public and private plan coverage.  And the costs are only going up. That's why we need a coordinated approach to lower costs.
Here's our plan for healthy families:
While the Conservatives ignore the environment, muzzle our scientists and weaken our environmental protections, our natural world suffers. We've all seen the effects of climate change and experienced wild, unpredictable weather—it really demonstrates the urgency with which we have to address this issue.  Canada has to clean up its act!
Because I used to be a provincial environment minister, I am acutely aware of the importance of protecting the outdoors. And, as a grandfather who worries about the future of his grandkids, I am determined to leave a healthy planet to the next generation. My first act as Prime Minister will be to attend a major international climate change conference in Paris to put Canada on track to be a world leader in addressing climate change. What's more, I'll set science-based targets—and actually meet them! 
Many folks are concerned about the fuel spill off BC's coast and what that means for our beautiful coastal areas. The Conservative government has to do more to improve Canada`s ability to respond to spills in the marine environment.  We're dedicated to protecting our coastlines and continue to call on the Conservatives to act:
More importantly, we've committed to reopening Coast Guard and Marine Communications Service Centres closed by the Conservatives. You can join our call by signing our petition:
So many of you have written to tell me that you've had enough of Liberal and Conservative Senators—like Mike Duffy—using public money for their own personal or political gain. We agree! We've long called for the abolition of this unelected, unaccountable institution.  Sign on to our campaign to abolish the Senate here:   
I find it very disturbing that Stephen Harper is further implicating Canada into a wider and wider conflict without any accountability. We went from an "advise and assist” deployment, to a conflict where Canadian troops are on the front lines exchanging fire with ISIL. What's more, this isn't even a UN or NATO mission. I think it's clear: Canada has no place in this war.

If I didn't get a chance to touch on one of the issues that's most important to you I hope to do so in further updates. As always, I'd love to hear more of your ideas and concerns.  For my part, I'll be sure to update you regularly on the things I'm working on—such as how the Conservative budget gave more tax breaks for the rich but no real help for middle-class families. I'll keep speaking out on the things that matter to you.
Thanks for reading. Thanks for your interest!
All the best,

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    My Dear Friend: Valdemar Oliveira. I am overjoyed to read your letters! They prove you are alive in this fast changing world  of dynamic...