Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hello Elon Musk:

 The one problem left with your wonderful Tesla all electric cars is the problem of distance. Some people claim your cars do not go far enough on a single charge. They do acknowledge, begrudgingly, that Tesla's insane speed of 3.1 seconds from a dead stop to Sixty miles an hour can and does leave most internal combustion engines far...far...far behind, however, they continue to rant that Tesla vehicles do not have the ability to travel long distances.
 They of course say this in order to continue selling their internal combustion gas burning polluters. The oil and gas and internal combustion engine companies continue to economically dominate the world markets and they have done and continue to do everything possible to stop competitors from winning a share in that market. It all began with John D. Rockefeller but that is another story.

 Using the distance card is the only game they have left. They claim a Tesla does not travel far enough on a single charge and that it takes a Tesla car a few hours longer to travel across the country. So what if  Tesla vehicles do not burn gas or make pollution while travelling thousands of Kilo-meters at insane speeds! For them Tesla's do not have enough power to travel long distances.......until now!

 Yes, you read the words correctly! Until now! For extra distance all a Tesla will need (or any Electric car for that matter) in conjunction with national and international super-charging stations, is an electricity producing generator to help charge the batteries as the car travels a longer distance. A new and inexpensive non polluting water splitter will create Hydrogen on board the vehicle to help charge electric car batteries. A Stanford University scientist has developed a water splitter that runs on an ordinary AAA battery. It is cheap to make and it can split water into Hydrogen and Oxygen for a full 24 hours a day Seven days a week. The potential for this new device is extraordinary! Combining a well made Hydrogen water splitter and sending the Hydrogen it creates to a Fuel Cell can produce electricity. How much electricity is another question but I am willing to wager it will be enough to provide an extra charge for long range batteries without too many problems. Why am I willing to bet? Because Hydrogen is already in use as an alternative fuel.

 Tesla and all the other Electric cars will be leaving internal combustion cars very...very...very far behind.
Have a great future!

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    My Dear Friend: Valdemar Oliveira. I am overjoyed to read your letters! They prove you are alive in this fast changing world  of dynamic...