Saturday, April 4, 2015

Hello gentle readers:

 John Baird is leaving the Canadian Federal government. I personally will not miss him because there are too many unanswered questions regarding his tenure in office? For example did John Baird deliberately sacrifice Canada's  environment in order to push the Federal Conservative's economic agenda?

  Baird was a Federal Minister of the Environment and during that  time why did he not stop the Athabasca Tar Sands project from becoming one of the most polluting projects on the face of the Earth? The project can be seen from outer space and has threatened the health and safety of Native people living in the area!

John Baird will now be working for Mr. Li who presently controls Husky Energy. Husky is one of the largest Oil conglomerates involved in the Canadian Tar Sands project.

  When did John Baird meet the Li family and how much influence did the  Li's  exert on Baird while Baird was in government? The Li's have Canadian citizenship. Did John Baird convince the Li's to invest in the Tar Sands?  Mr. Li's Father is an Asian Billionaire. Did John Baird meet Mr. Li while acting as Minister of Foreign Affairs or when he was Minister of the Environment?

A few more questions.  How much influence did the Li family exert on the Canadian Federal government to create Oil pipelines and Oil shipping ports where Bitumen Oil from the Tar Sands project would be loaded on ships heading for Asia? Did John Baird deliberately sacrifice Canada's  environment in order to push the Federal Conservative's economic agenda?

Thanks for reading!

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