Monday, February 16, 2015

Hello gentle friends:

 When I was in elementary school way back in the 50's, I was lucky enough to receive a small cafeteria breakfast in the morning before going to class. Considering we were the baby boom  generation with an average of Forty children to a class, receiving a free breakfast in the morning was short of miraculous! Today, there are still children going to school hungry in North America and it is our turn to provide a decent breakfast for these school children and for any hungry child we find anywhere on this planet. I found this on Twitter: 

   " When you realize that 60% of learning happens before lunch, it becomes clear why breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day. When children get a balanced meal in a positive, stimulating environment, there are marked improvements in behaviour and concentration. 

Academic performance, social skills, self-confidence and the ability to interact with peers and adults all improve when a child eats a nutritioius breakfast in the morning. Overall interest in the subjects being taught increase and incidents of bullying decrease."

Join the Breakfast Club:

P.S. In the 1985 movie the "Breakfast Club"  the male characters closely represented a collage of my own life!

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