Thursday, February 26, 2015


Gentle readers of this blog.
Greenpeace has an important message for all of us.

Demand a People's Intervention for Energy East!

Over the past few months more than 100,000 people have sent messages to the National Energy Board (NEB) demanding that the NEB include climate change in its review of the Energy East tar sands pipeline.
While the board is expecting applications for people to intervene in the review they still refuse to listen to the thousands of voices calling for a climate review. To make the NEB listen, we need your help. We're trying to flood the intervention process with thousands of applications demanding that Energy East’s climate change impact be included in the pipeline’s review.

Add your voice, apply to intervene!posed, so we've put together this guide to try and make the process as easy as possible. You can download it here and follow the step-by-step instructions. Once you've filed, let us know so we can track how many


1. Apply online:
The NEB's online application process has become more and more complicated with each pipeline that's proposed, so we've put together this guide to try and make the process as easy as possible. You can download it here and follow the step-by-step instructions. Once you've filed, let us know so we can track how many climate applications are sent in.

2. Host or Attend an Application Party:
People all along the pipeline route are coming together to take on Energy East, and so we want to help bring communities together to fileas many applications as possible. We encourage you to host an application party, it could be in your kitchen or living room, at a community hall or on campus. Anywhere where folks from your community can gather to fill out and file 10, 20, 50 or even hundreds of applications!
While these events are a chance to file applications, they are also a great opportunity to do some energy education, plan local actions and strenghten your community group. Not sure where to start? We have some suggestions, from experience.
  • Host a film screening, a speaking event or panel on the local, national and global impacts of Energy East.
  • Host a Potluck or community dinner to bring people together to plan and discuss next steps over food.
  • Organize an art build and invite local artists to help make some beautiful images of your opposition to Energy East.
An Intervention Gathering is also a great opportunity to bring out local media to cover the story about your community organizing and call for a climate review of Energy East!

An important message from GREENPEACE.

Why Apply?

Stephen Harper has stacked the National Energy Board with oil executives and their political allies, people that will happily ignore climate change and community voices in order to rubber stamp Energy East. The rules of the game are stacked against us, but if thousands of people apply to intervene in the Energy East process on climate, we will force the NEB to make their commitment to excluding climate science public.
We’ll probably be rejected by the thousands. If that happens, we’ll bring our demand for a climate review and real participation by communities directly to the doors of their hearings. We’ll take action to ensure that the review process cannot go forward without considering climate change.

What to do Next?

Ask a friend, colleague or family member to file a climate application. Now that you’ve done it, help more people raise their voice and demand a climate review of Energy East.
Help spread the word by sharing this initiative on social media.

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    My Dear Friend: Valdemar Oliveira. I am overjoyed to read your letters! They prove you are alive in this fast changing world  of dynamic...