Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fun and Adventure.

Hi kids!

 What is it that makes fun and adventure? How about a walk? Yes, but not just an ordinary walk! This walk involves distance and I don't know how she roped me in but my lady love and I are now averaging Twelve Kilometers per walk. We do it up and down the city of Montreal and on our first walk I thought my foot was going to fall off,  however, after a visit to a doctor and some minor foot repairs involving special insoles inside special shoes and a special hole in my bank account, I walked again without the cripple foot syndrome. On the second walk it was only the equal pain-in-both-feet syndrome.

 Why am I considering this an adventure? Because walking is good for the health and there are lots of people doing it. We joined a group in Montreal that during the summer months assemble for a walk and begin from a boutique in Verdun known as the Tienda. The name is Spanish for...wait for The group leaves the Tienda and cuts across the Island towards the river which we follow Six Kilometers upstream and then we stop for a rest. Of course it is also Six Kilometers back and that adds up to Twelve. There are places on the river that are beautiful and mind blowing. If you own one that is not too heavy bring a camera. 

 The Tienda sells hiking gear and prepares hikers for longer walks in Europe. The most popular and probably one of the best kept secrets in Quebec, is the Compostelle walk. This walk is in Europe and it will cost you more than a few thousand Dollars to achieve but a lot of Quebec citizens have tried it over the years. First you have to fly to Europe and then you chose a path from several starting points. All paths lead to a large Spanish church known as the Compostelle. The adventure is spectacular and so is the price tag! You will be following a path pilgrims used for thousands of years but you don't have to be religious to walk, however, you do have to walk religiously. I often suggest to my loved one that we simply walk to Toronto from Montreal. It would be cheaper even if it is somehow less picturesque. She only looks at me funny! Buy for now and keep on truckin'...for you young ones out there that's old hippy talk for keep on walking.. 

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