Wednesday, October 22, 2014


 You do not have to kill each other or innocent people to find peace on Earth! We all die soon enough and so why hurry the process and make life a horrible place to live for innocent men and women and children while you are alive? If you are an industrial polluter then I advise you to shift gears and plant Trees and Gardens. If life is too boring for you why not try working within an Ebola clinic or sky diving or Scuba diving or simply go and work on a farm. If you are so insane you find Guns to be fun, I recommend you shoot yourself in a foot to understand how it feels before you try shooting innocent people. Maybe a hospital psychiatrist will provide you with the help you need? Hey! Kick Boxing is a great way to fix what bothers you! Another great way to avoid boredom is learn how to use a computer and rant at maniacs!
 Now back to our regular programming.

 Attention president Obama!
 The right wing is slowly undoing the good you have done within the past four years. Bank credit rates are inching up again and the fossil fuel industry is basically waiting until your government disappears. They continue advertising polluting cars and trucks on Television! I hope they disappear before you do!

 The only person today with a good idea is Dr. David Suzuki who wants to entrench the concept of environment protection within the constitution of Canada. It will guarantee that clean air and water and non-toxic food have priority over economic industrial development and it will force companies to work protecting the environment and not polluting and destroying the environment. If economic development creates a profit while protecting and enhancing the environment, everybody wins!  

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    My Dear Friend: Valdemar Oliveira. I am overjoyed to read your letters! They prove you are alive in this fast changing world  of dynamic...