Saturday, July 27, 2024

Help stop the Kangei Maru from slaughtering Whales! Japan wants Greenpeace co-founder and Anti-Whaling Activist, Paul Watson, arrested!!?.

Paul Watson
Image Credit :Frederic Legrand - COMEO/Shutterstock

Tuesday, July 23, 2024



 Within our eternal Universe all the energy that ever was still is constantly changing from absolute cold to extreme heat.

 Change is created when the variable speeds of energy link sub-atomic particles together in a rotating dance of gravity created compression and heat created explosive de-compression to cool and change again some place else within the boundless Universe.

 And the only constant within our Universe, is constant change.

John Hillman walked to save children. He died at 105.

Dear Nelson, 
Last week, our Save the Children family lost a very important member. Dedicated fundraiser John Hillman passed away at the amazing age of 105. For the last four years, John has raised more than $470,000 for children in crisis by walking his age in laps around his retirement home in British Columbia. 
As a WWII veteran, John knew firsthand the effects of war, and he was committed to supporting children living in crisis or other emergencies. This year, John decided to step back from his annual fundraising walk, but he kept his online fundraising page open so that people could still contribute. You can read more about John and his dedication to children in our recent blog post.
I had the pleasure of joining John last year on his 104th birthday and the final day of his fundraising walk. It was the second time I met John and spent time with him, and I always left inspired by his kind soul and compassion. 
John’s generosity and commitment to Save the Children is a testament to his dedication to helping children in crisis. He was a true treasure to our organization, and he will be forever cherished.
Danny Glenwright
President and CEO 
Save the Children 
Save the Children

Outdated Canadian municipal laws are slowing Green progress! Why?

Bylaws for Biodiversity

Stand up for nature: Support bylaw reform for biodiversity!

Dear Nelson,

Habitat gardens are popping up in towns and cities throughout the country. These landscapes provide food and shelter for butterflies, bees and birds, and essential ecological services like stormwater and carbon storage. They also cool our cities and offer nature interaction opportunities right outside our homes, schools and offices. However, outdated municipal bylaws in some towns and cities are preventing the widespread adoption of these life-sustaining gardens.

That’s why we teamed up with Canadian Society of Landscape Architects, Canadian Wildlife Federation, Ecological Design Lab at Toronto Metropolitan University and environmental advocate Lorraine Johnson to urge municipalities to update outdated municipal bylaws so they protect biodiversity and community wellbeing.

“Amid a biodiversity crisis with an alarming decline of pollinators, municipalities should be making it easier, not harder, for residents to foster gardens where native plants thrive." - Lorraine Johnson, environmental author and advocate

Together, we sent an open letter to municipalities across Canada. But there is strength in numbers. This is where you come in. With your help, we can show municipalities that your community cares about wild plants and wildlife, especially the beleaguered pollinators.

Thank you in advance for helping shape your community to support people and wildlife.

Colleen Cirillo
Nature in Communities

Support the David Suzuki Foundation

Sunday, July 21, 2024



Stephanie Hulse, Greenpeace Canada 

Jul 20, 2024, 11:15 AM (23 hours ago)
to me
logo greenpeace



“Holy wow!”


That’s how Greenpeace Canada’s Senior Researcher & Writer, Nola Poirier, responded when she logged into work one morning late last month.


Every few weeks for the past year, Poirier has checked the website of the Pathways Alliance: the most powerful oil lobby group in the country.


On the morning of June 20th, she saw something surprising: All content from their website had disappeared. All that remained was a single paragraph of text.


Why did Canada’s biggest oil lobby delete its entire website, social media and advertising presence? The answer has something to do with you and other Greenpeace supporters…


The Pathways Alliance is a group of Canada's six biggest oil sands companies. Together, they control a whopping 95% of Canada’s oil sands production and about 63% of Canada’s total oil production. 


“On the surface, Pathways have claimed to be on a mission to help fight climate change,” explains Poirier. “But the reality is something different.”


By making false or misleading claims that position oil companies as part of the solution, they hope to gain credibility, benefit from taxpayer funding, and continue destroying the climate.


Pathways’ “Let’s Clear the Air” campaign was a far-reaching advertising blitz that ran on television ads during the FIFA World Cup, the Australian Open and the 2023 Super Bowl. It appeared on trains, buses, and streetcars across Canada and all over Canadian social media.


This and other advertising campaigns claimed the alliance’s “net-zero plan is in motion” — even though that plan fails to account for more than 80% of the members’ emissions.


Early last year, Poirier and the Greenpeace Canada climate team decided to file a complaint against Pathways with Canada’s Competition Bureau for misleading advertising.


In response, the bureau announced it would launch an official inquiry into Pathways’ claims. 


“If the inquiry finds that the ads to be false or misleading, Greenpeace and the other applicants have requested that any financial penalty be put towards cleaning up their oil sands pollution,” adds Poirier.


While we don’t yet know the outcome of that investigation, we do know that it’s got Pathways running scared. Their attempt to scrub their online presence is testament to that. In particular, Pathways and various other oil industry members have all deleted content related to the development of carbon capture and storage, because they know they can't back up their claims that it's a potential solution to their emissions. 


Pathways has left a single paragraph on their website, blaming the change on Canada’s new “truth in advertising” legislation, which forces companies to prove any environmental claims they make using an internationally recognized methodology. 

“This legislation exists so companies can’t invent their own definitions of what it means to be “carbon neutral” or have “net zero emissions” — which is exactly what Pathways have tried to do,” shared Poirier. “This legislation also exists because organizations like Greenpeace are holding companies accountable and making sure they can’t get away with making false greenwashing claims.”

Greenpeace supporters like you have had a big hand in ensuring that Pathways Alliance doesn’t keep making false claims that cover up the devastation of their operations. Thank you.

Along the way, we’ve also worked with amazing allies at the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE), Ecojustice, and Climate Action Network (CANRAC).


“When I took this job in 2022, I didn’t start for two months, and in that time I saw the Pathways ad campaign picking up steam,” shared Poirier. “I thought, “I hope in this new role I get to try to take that down.” Fast forward 15 months and the Pathways Alliance appears to be, as my colleague Keith Stewart so beautifully phrased it, “folding like a cheap tent in the face of truth-in-advertising legislation.””

Thank you for helping to make this win possible, Nelson.


Supporter Communications Manager, Greenpeace Canada

Friday, July 19, 2024

McGill -Victor Phillip Dahdaley- new therapy for hard to treat cancer.

New program to obtain cord blood NK cell therapy for hard-to-treat cancer initiated

Calendar icon2024-06-18

David Langlais (Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Institute of Genomic Medicine) and Michel Tremblay (Rosalind & Morris Goodman Cancer Institute) are leading a new $5.8 M project funded under the Genome Canada Genome Canada GAPP program to obtain cord blood NK cell therapy for hard-to-treat cancer.

The project will use genomics solutions to improve the clinical management of hard-to-treat cancers like AML through CB-NK cell therapy. It will establish a comprehensive resource for “off-the-shelf” NK cell immunotherapy. 

Novel methodologies will enable the processing, storage and recovery of CB-NK cells; optimisation and simplification of their clinical use; and national distribution of the therapeutic CB-NK cell bank to treat a larger cohort of cancer patients. 

The team will develop the protocol/documentation for Health Canada approval of phase I trials to bring these therapies to the clinic, followed by a multi-institutional clinical trial with the Canadian Cancer Trial Group.

The program will identify biomarkers cord blood NK cell anti-tumor quality to develop an off-the-shelf NK cell therapy for AML (and other cancers)

  • Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) and other cancers still have poor prognosis and are not eligible or do not respond well to immuno or CAR-T cell therapies. 
  • Natural Killer (NK) cells have an MHC-independent tumor cell killing ability
  • Sourcing NK cells from cord blood has many advantages: greater cytolytic activity; greater proliferative potential; no risk to donor; simpler donor-patient matching
  • CB-NK cells’ activity and survival can be increased and sustained by proprietary small molecule inhibitors. 

Liver-Protecting Fennel Juice [Vegan] This is a juice that you’ve probably never tried before. It uses the vegetable fennel which many peopl...