Saturday, June 15, 2024

Is Canadian Bill c-37 Billshit? Do we need a stronger government Bill?

Léanne Colbeck 

10:47 AM (30 minutes ago)
to me
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You may have missed that the government just introduced Bill C-73 this past week, which is legislation meant to tackle our biodiversity crisis. [1] We have been pushing for a new nature protection law, but unfortunately, this Bill is like throwing a bucket of water on a burning house.


Despite the Trudeau government's repeated promises to introduce a law protecting nature [2, 3], accompanying their initial pledge at the 2022 international conference in Montreal to halt biodiversity loss by 2030 and meet other targets set by the Global Biodiversity Framework [4], we've seen little progress.


Now, with the introduction of this “Nature Accountability Act”, we are deeply concerned that it may be another empty promise while our biodiversity crisis continues unabated, all under Trudeau’s watch; the Bill lacks specific targets, fails to integrate with existing laws, does not prioritize Indigenous sovereignty, and ultimately lacks the legal force necessary to drive real change.

We desperately need to strengthen Bill C-73 to ensure it becomes a powerful tool for nature protection before the next Global Convention on Biological Diversity in October. Will you tell Justin Trudeau we need a STRONG nature law instead of empty promises? Speaking out now is critical because this is the first time the bill has been introduced, and it is still early in the legislative process where your voice can make a difference.

Nelson,  in the middle of a biodiversity crisis—with over 2000 species at risk across Canada—the Nature Accountability Act needs to actually meet the goals and targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework, ensure they are met in decisions taken across government, and prioritize Indigenous rights and overall access to nature. [5] Without these critical amendments, the bill is just a bucket of water on a raging inferno.


I know you’ve already signed our petition advocating for a new nature law, so will you send out a tweet to urge the Trudeau government to strengthen Bill C-73?

This year’s international conference on biodiversity is a crucial opportunity for countries to showcase their progress in meeting global nature protection goals. Canada, with its rich wildlife, forests and oceans, should be showing leadership when it comes to nature protection on the global stage. Instead of another empty promise, let’s urge Trudeau to take strong and impactful action. The clock is ticking.

Together, we can turn a bucket of water into a tidal wave of change.


Here’s to making a real impact,

Digital Campaigner, Greenpeace Canada


[1] Nature bill welcome, needs work to ensure Canada meets its targets, Greenpeace Canada, 13 June 2024

[2] Nature groups give high marks for Canada’s new commitment to a high ambition action plan to halt and reverse nature loss, 15 December 2022, Greenpeace Canada

[3] Government of Canada takes action to restore and protect nature with commitment to introduce a nature accountability bill in 2024, 9 Dec 2023, Government of Canada 

[4] Reaction of Greenpeace Canada to the final COP15 deal, Greenpeace Canada, 19 December 2022

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Well this certainly makes climate policy personal


Jodi, David Suzuki Foundation 

11:08 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
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Rusty bicycle

Stories reveal effects of unchecked fossil fuel emissions

Dear Nelson,

Climate change is no longer a problem for the future. With heatwaves, floods, wildfires, droughts and storms becoming more frequent and severe, communities all over the world are already feeling the devastating impacts.

Canada is no exception. Last week, seven people from coast to coast to coast went to Ottawa to speak up about the need to curb oil and gas sector emissions by sharing their personal climate impact stories.

A mother who lost her home to Kelowna wildfires. A café owner whose business was destroyed by the Lytton wildfire. A resident of an Arctic fishing village vulnerable to sea rise. A member of the Upper Nicola Band near Merritt whose home was severely damaged in a devastating flood. An organic farmer and mother facing the challenges of extreme weather in the Outaouais region of Quebec.

Their powerful personal stories shed light on the consequences of continued unchecked fossil fuel emissions. Canada must implement a declining cap on emissions as soon as possible. We can’t afford any more delays. 

These people went to Ottawa because five CEOs of Canada’s biggest oil and gas companies were called to testify to the House of Commons environment committee and it’s important for decision-makers to also hear from people in Canada already facing climate change impacts caused by fossil fuel pollution. 

Watch the full news conference or a short compilation video and amplify these important stories by sharing them on social media:

It can be hard to hear these stories. We much prefer sharing stories of solutions, joy and hope. But as bold action on climate change continues to be slowed down and watered down by persistent oil and gas sector lobbying and greenwashing, hearing and sharing them is critical.

Jodi Stark 
Public Engagement Specialist 
David Suzuki Foundation 

P.S. Thank you for staying engaged in climate action. We need as many people signing petitions, writing letters, sharing stories and amplifying key messages as possible. Each action matters.

Support the David Suzuki Foundation

Your gift will help push for bold climate action, protect nature so it can sustain all life and create resilient communities that benefit everyone.

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The David Suzuki Foundation is a registered charity in both Canada (BN 127756716RR0001) and the United States (94-3204049). We are located at 340-1122 Mainland Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5L1, and we also have offices in Montreal and Toronto. Please visit our website for more information on how to contact us.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


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The ocean is one of the world's most incredible wonders, teeming with diverse life and shaping the culture of millions. But corporate greed is threatening its future. Industrial fishing, pollution, and climate change are pushing ocean life to its limits.


On this World Oceans Day, I want to draw your attention to a pressing issue: the looming threat of deep sea mining. The deep ocean, Earth's last untouched frontier, is home to mesmerizing biodiversity and crucial for the livelihoods of millions, especially in the Pacific. [1] Yet, some countries and corporations are racing to extract metals like cobalt, nickel, manganese, and copper from the seabed, under the guise of a clean energy transition.


We must act now to protect this vital part of our planet.


Over 800,000 people worldwide have joined the movement against deep sea mining. We need your support to increase political pressure and ensure Canada holds the line on a moratorium at the International Seabed Authority assembly that will take place at the end of July. [2]

For our oceans and our future,



Head of Plastic and Oceans, Greenpeace Canada

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Hot Air for sale!

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Have you heard about Shell's '2-for-1’ deal from our governments?


We just released a new investigative report, Selling Hot Air, which revealed that Shell made over $200 million selling carbon credits for reductions that never happened. All while lobbying against carbon emission cap regulations for the fossil fuel industry. Talk about multi-tasking!


It all started in 2008, when Shell launched the ‘Quest’ carbon capture and storage (CCS) project. It was the first, and remains the only, CCS project in the oil sands and was touted by the Alberta government as a solution to oil sands pollution. 


The project was based on carbon credits which represent one tonne of CO2 emissions that have been reduced or removed from the atmosphere. These are then sold or traded to fulfill corporate or political sustainability goals, meet climate targets, or demonstrate climate leadership. Unfortunately, in this case, they were just another false pretense for delaying real climate action


© Jiri Rezac / Greenpeace. Aerial view of seismic lines and a tar sands mine in the Boreal forest north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, 2009. 

Our investigation revealed that Shell lobbied for, and received a ‘2-for-1’ deal during 2008 negotiations with the Government of Alberta to help subsidize this CCS project.


“The Government of Alberta allowed Shell to claim two tonnes of emissions credits for every tonne it buried underground. This meant they could, in effect, sell each tonne twice, which means half of the total emissions credits sold were for reductions that never happened,” explained Keith Stewart, Greenpeace Canada’s Senior Energy Strategist.


By the end of 2022, Quest CCS had diverted 5.7 million tonnes of emissions, but thanks to this deal, the Government of Alberta cashed Shell out twice, and effectively paid them for capturing 11.4 million tonnes of carbon. All while increasing their fossil fuel production.


And here’s the kicker: since 2008, Shell has received $777 million in direct subsidies from the provincial and federal government, meaning Canadian taxpayers have subsidized 93% of the costs for this CCS project. The deal came to a close in 2022, but the damage has been done. We’ve all been swindled.


“The federal government is currently drafting a regulation to cap greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the oil and gas sector. We exposed the costs of the Shell ‘2-for-1’ deal to ensure that there wouldn’t be similar loopholes in the new regulation, and we hope our supporters will support the proposed GHG cap,” stresses Stewart. 


We’re asking oil companies and governments to be accountable, phase out fossil fuel production, and instead support communities to transition to renewable energy. For the sake of our youth, future generations and the planet, we must build an economy based on efficient, fair and clean renewable energy

Nelson, as a Greenpeace supporter, your voice helps keep the heat on big polluters like Shell, and those who enable them

Together we’ll continue to keep the pressure on. As proof that we can achieve incredible things together, I’ve included examples of recent global campaign updates and victories below.

In determination and gratitude,


Stephanie Hulsie
Supporter Communications Manager, Greenpeace Canada


P.S. I always look forward to your feedback on these newsletters, so please keep it coming by sharing your rating below. And as always, if you’d like to share this story with others, you can share this link



Monaco ratifies the Global Ocean Treaty

We’re one step closer to the Global Ocean Treaty becoming reality! Monaco has ratified the Global Ocean Treaty, becoming the first European country to do so and bringing the total number of ratifications to five. For the Treaty to become reality, 60 governments must ratify it and incorporate it into their national legislation by 2025. To urge your government to ratify the Treaty, sign the petition here.

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Canadian organizations unite to ban plastics

Following the fourth round of UN negotiations for a Global Plastics Treaty, Canadian organizations have formed a coalition to push the Canadian government to ban plastics. The coalition includes Greenpeace Canada, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, David Suzuki Foundation, Environmental Defence Canada, and Oceana Canada. The coalition will be represented by lawyers from Ecojustice, who will intervene in the plastic industry lawsuit against the federal plastics ban.

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Greenpeace Africa pushes government to address unauthorized fishing vessels

Here’s a victory for transparency in Senegal’s fishing industry! Greenpeace Africa called for the publication of the list of vessels authorized to fish in Senegalese waters — and the government agreed! Greenpeace was then able to check the list and find unregulated vessels that were flying the Senegalese flag. This revelation led the President to request an audit of all vessels flying the Senegalese flag in order to identify irregularities. Transparency in the fishing industry is critical for the protection of marine ecosystems — and Greenpeace is playing an important role in making it happen.

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From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...