Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Hello Gentle People:
  I also belong to the aging Baby Boomer population and presently I am wasting my precious time writing these words as opposed to painting my apartment, however, I can verify that Lloyd Alter is on the mark and hitting the nail on the head. After you read his article I suggest you read Grandma Boo Boo, a commentator with good methods and ideas to help our generation survive with a little dignity. As for me and my "social science" solutions,  I  suggest once again we all plant vegetable gardens everywhere and anywhere, drive Electric Cars, create co-operatives of elderly citizens willing to help each other during the last few years and then attempt to stop global warming and World War Three.  Bye for now: Joseph Raglione. Ex/Dir: The world humanitarian peace and ecology movement.

Are boomers going to age in place or be stuck in place?

Millennials may not be buying what the boomers are selling.

April 25, 2017, 6:45 a.m.
Car parked in driveway, circa 1950s
A car parked in a driveway — that was true of housing in the 1950s, but it's still true of many boomer houses today. And that's a problem. (Photo: George Marks/Retrofile/Getty Images)
Four years ago, Emily Badger wrote in CityLab how the great senior sell-off could cause the next housing crisis, when all the aging boomers try to downsize and there aren’t enough buyers. Two years ago, I wrote that it won't be pretty when boomers lose their cars, also predicting trouble:
The oldest boomers are now just 68. But there are 78 million of them, and as they get older, the impact on suburbia will be profound. More and more of municipalities' taxes will be going to support them instead of schools and parks — Why? Because they vote a lot — while property values, and the tax base will decline as whole neighborhoods turn into senior citizens districts, with old Saturns rusting in the driveway like at my mother-in-law’s house. Transit costs will go through the roof as seniors demand services in low-density areas that cannot support it. The fact is, there is a major urban planning disaster staring us all in the face, which is going to seriously hit everyone young and old in about 10 years when the oldest boomers are 78. We have to prepare for it now.
mother in law's houseMy mother-in-law's house with that rusting Saturn in the driveway. (Photo: Google Maps)
So what has happened since? Not much. Over at CityLab they revisit the story and find that baby boomers are mostly staying put right now, hoping house prices will continue to rise. Many are still "under water" with houses worth less than their mortgages, or just treading water, where the house won’t sell for enough to retire on. So right now they're thinking about renovating. Arthur C. Nelson, who predicted the Great Senior Sell-off, says it's still coming, but later, in the mid to late 2020s.
“It’s not that Boomers are going to ‘age in place’,” says Nelson. “They’re going to be stuck in place, and they’re going to make the best of it.” Those who can afford it will remodel.
renovations are boomingBoomers are renovating more, moving less. (Photo: Joint Center for Housing Studies)
This is more in line with my understanding of the demographic; it will start getting messy when the boomers start hitting their late 70s. At some point, they're not going to have a choice but to sell. That also just might coincide with when the millennials’ kids are getting too big for the apartment and they're ready to move to the suburbs. The timing might just work out and avoid the urban planning disaster I've predicted.
On the other hand, there may well be a mismatch between what the boomers are selling and what millennials are buying. Jennifer Molinsky of Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies tells CityLab: 
“Millennials are likely to prioritize different features in their homes, such as greener materials or in-law suites,” says Molinsky. And according to the Harvard Joint Center’s projections, nearly 90 percent of those looking for homes in 2035 will be under 35 or 70 and over — and both groups tend to buy less square footage.
Yogi Berra was right when he said "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future." But there's one thing we know for certain: There are 78 million baby boomers who are getting old fast, and what they do (and how they vote) pretty much drives every issue from housing to health care . Many are confused about what they want (Read: Study confirms that boomers are clueless) and are not prepared for what happens when boomers turn into seniors. Sara Joy Proppe looks at the problem in Strong Towns, after telling a story of giving a lift to a senior:
This story reflects the isolation felt among many of our senior population as they maneuver the built environment. By designing our cities for cars, and consequently neglecting our sidewalks, we have siloed our elders in several ways. Not only does an inability to drive confine many seniors to their homes, but corresponding busy roads and inhumane streetscapes add to the isolating effect by also limiting walkability.
We're sentencing literally tens of millions of people to this fate if we don’t start planning for this now.
  • And, once again, I fail to seen the point of all this doom and gloom. I built my 3400 sq. ft retirement home in 2011 with the fact in mind that....not only will I need help one day, but that my aging parents who STILL live in the house that my Grandfather built them in 1965, could well need to move in with me at some point. I am 64, hubby is 74, my parents are in their mid 80's. My new home has an "in-law suite" that is fully handicap friendly. I did have stair lifts installed because my husband has COPD and Congestive Heart Failure. It's no secret that one day I may need a child, or grandchild....or a renting family to move into the upper 2 floors of my house which features 4 bedrooms and 3 baths. I have zero concerns about property values as I certainly have plans to ever sell my house, in fact...I'm putting the house into a trust for my grandchildren's future...not mine. I will retain the right to reside here until my death. There are numerous services available to help out. I have a lawn service to do my mowing...I still do the flowerbeds because I love it. While I'm in a rather rural area with no real bus service, there are vans available through the Area Agency on Aging that will, for a very small fee, take me to the grocery, and to doctor's appointments when necessary. I'm only 1/2 mile from the Marina where I dock my boat so I can either walk that distance or ride my mobility scooter that far.
    God Bless those who are willing to VOLUNTEER their services to help seniors do things like cleaning, yard work, bringing in meals, taking us to town for supplies. It's much cheaper for seniors to "age in place" than it is to herd us all off to senior citizens homes" Most of us have tried to plan for many contingencies......I have been rearing 2 grandchildren for the past 10 years, on top of providing assistance to my own parents and caring for a sick husband. We do the best we can with what we have. Personally, when my husband finally passes (and, even though he is ill...and 10 yrs older than me, there's no guarantee that he will die first) I plan to turn my home into "Grandma BooBoo's Home for Wayward Seniors". LOL! Hopefully one of us will be able to drive!
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        Love your post! You sound like one sharp cookie. if more people took responsibility in planning for their future as you have, we would not be sitting around talking about "what are we going to do about the elderly problem" in this country. Best of luck with the rest of your life--you deserve it!
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            I'm happy for you. Apparently your planning has been superb and you've been able to maintain a decent lifestyle, as did your parents and grandparents before you. The doom and gloom comes in for people who have not been able to accumulate assets, for a variety of reasons. Broken homes have taken their toll on families. Illness has devastated many. These people are looking into the abyss and not seeing anything to be hopeful about.
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                Importer, The broken homes issue you mention really hits the nail on the head! Yes, illness, job loss, etc. certainly affect people's finances in a big way sometimes. But the high rate of divorce in this country probably destroys more people financially than any other single factor. Even if it does not leave them completely broke, it certainly impacts their financial well-being in a big way.
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                A big problem coming up will be the inability for older people to navigate stairs. Unless they are in a ranch style home, those tri-level, split-level, two-three story behemoths that have been built are going to pose serious logistical problems.
                I was on foot at one point, it became painfully clear that mass transit was an afterthought. When the bus pulls up at the outside of the shopping mall and you are looking at walking half a mile, just to get to a door, it is daunting. Groceries are a logistical nightmare, unless you call a cab. Even cities that try, have trouble supporting enough bus lines to get people where they need to go within reasonable time frames.
                One answer I see would be to turn them into two-family or mother-in-law units. Unless things change for the better, housing is going to continue to be unaffordable. Young people are more inclined to live together, they haven't been able to strike out on their own in their teens or early twenties to support their own apartments and have had to bunk in with others. Traditional marriage is not something many of them aspire to with the 2.1 children and the house in the burbs.
                Joining those under 35's WITH the over 70's in a home would solve a lot of the problems. My parents were born at the turn of the 20th century. Everyone lived at home until they married, if times were tough, they moved back in, along with the grandchildren, more hands to help with the work and take care of the kids. We would be going back to what has been the norm for the rest of the world. We are the ones who built a middle class capable of supporting independent living for the generations, that's pretty much done. It has also left us with generations who have not learned to share, to have patience or compassion, it's been all about them. Better make peace with the old folks, you're going to need them and they are going to need you.
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                  2 words..... driverless cars. That will make a huge difference in combatting isolation.
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                    I am 68 years old and had to "retire" early due to disability. During my illness my now ex and deceased husband, spent every penny we had. He had not worked for the six years prior to my illness and was spending money on a new girl friend instead of finding a job to help support us. The divorce came in 2008 and selling the house was extremely difficult but not impossible. After the house sale I was left with unpaid bills that ate up any profits from the house sale. I have had medical bills that are out of this world and am totally reliant on social security and medicare. What are my housing options? Apartments that I can not afford, living with my daughter, or living in a senior housing project where the rents are a little better but utilities are still very high. My health has improved some but I still can't work. Who will hire a 68 year old human resources and risk management executive for any job? I have mobility issues and need single floor living. I don't need large space, just enough to be comfortable. I believe that innovative planning is needed for boomers. I would like to keep my independence as long as I can and live in a safe community with people my general age.
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                        Since the Millennials will still be living at home, no big deal. ;^)
                        Since the market will likely crash from Trump's coming recession, high interest rates best to sell now if one wants to get out of a home in the next 10 yrs.
                        I grew up in Florida which I called an elephant graveyard for old people, where they come to die.
                        And most die of loneliness separated from everything, everyone they knew, grew up with to come down here to sit and rot away.
                        So growing old where one's family, friends, resources are is a smart thing in most cases.
                        To lower costs generations will live together, refilling the too big homes.
                        Others will be divided into apartments, made into businesses, etc.
                        And many will be like me living in tiny houses that cost little to build, buy and live in.
                        And here in SE of Tampa, they are building at a rapid pace with 10 new subdivisions within 1 mile of me.
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                            Here in Seattle at least Millennial families with kids do not live in "downtown" market-rate apartments. The only significant cohorts of family apartment dwellers in the city are found in:
                            - Seattle Housing Authority communities;
                            - The few non-profit affordable units designed for families; and
                            - 2+ bedroom market-rate apartments renting for no more than $1,800/month (not pricey in the current market). These units are in the farthest, most suburban corners of Seattle.
                            Like almost every piece referencing Millennials this one ignores the majority who never moved to the big city and have always been working class or poor.
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                                I grew up in Ballard. My parents built a home in 1941 for $6K - twice the going rate for housing at the time. I just looked it up on Zillow - 2 bdrm 1 & 1/2 baths $750K! Most people will never make enough money to live in that area.
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                                    The cost of housing has become a serious problem. The median household income in Seattle is now about $80,000/year, so there are enough families with enough money to bid up your parents' home to $750K. If it were put on the market it would probably sell in a week or less.
                                    At the same time there are still plenty of jobs in the city paying $30-40K/year. Living in the city on that income means a studio apartment or roommates.
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                                      I built my TH for less than $1800 of new materials!! 
                                      So to afford that they would have to make before taxes $2400/month just to pay the rent!! 
                                      And since rent shouldn't be 30% of income, they need to make $6k/month.
                                      Maybe they should live cheaper and work a whole lot less?
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                                        We had a house built in 1987. It is about 2200 sf, all on one level. We have since replaced all windows and doors; enlarging all interior doors enlarged to 36" for wheelchair accessibility. We have remodeled both bathrooms, the kitchen, the bedrooms, the airlock entry and exterior walls. I'm a baby boomer, age 69, and I still plan to downsize. My 96+ year old father has been living with us for a year. When he's gone, I plan on selling this house and moving to the city where all of our doctors are located. Visual problems are increasing and we no longer care to drive 40+ miles one way to see the retinologist, glaucoma specialist and ophthalmologists!
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                                            Your gloom and doom article is way off. This article might have got some traction if it were written in the mid 50's early 60's. The boomers are not going to allow themselves to be put out to pasture by the younger generations. We are a mobile community with vast amounts of ability and intelligence. I am in my late 60's and I still work in my business and assist my son who is the primary. Technology will be of greater assistance than any young human. Machines that will be able to assist us in any endeavor. The only thing that is on the minds of the younger folks is how high they can get on all the drugs that are flowing into our country due to the negligence of law enforcement and government. If any thing, look for a resurgence of the boomers due to the great melt down in intelligence of the younger folks that were stuck with educational programs that left them as dumb as a box of rocks. Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't look forward for help by anyone but myself.
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                                                The oldest boomers are not now just 68. The oldest boomers as of 2017 are or will be turning 71. It doesn't matter if property values decline, the local taxing authorities will simply manipulate the calculations (raise the mils, etc.) to provide the schools with the same amount of money or more. My home in South Carolina dropped in value by about 30% after the crash of 2008. It is still down by about more than 15%, and yet my property taxes today are more than double what they were when my house was at peak value in about 2007.
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                                                    the "oldest boomers are 68" is in a quote from an earlier story that I wrote two years ago. You are correct about the oldest boomers today. You are also correct about how property taxes work; They still go up even if your property value goes down as the politicians decide how much money they need and divide it up according to value. But you can only squeeze so much blood from a stone.

                                                  Wednesday, April 19, 2017

                                                  The Best Web Sites.

                                                  Find number 5 on the list. It is filled with great sites and sounds.

                                                  OUR INTERNATIONAL INDEX OF BEST WEB SITES. IF SOME LINKS DON'T WORK, TRY COPYING AND 

                                                  PASTING DIRECTLY INTO GOOGLE. THIS WEEK I RECOMMEND YOU VISIT NUMBER 21 IN OUR LIST FOR 

                                                  BEAUTIFUL PICTURES.

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                                                  Tuesday, April 18, 2017

                                                  Stop the plastic pollution! It is killing marine life!

                                                  DOWNLOAD FOOD MONSTER: THE BIGGEST, BADDEST, YUMMIEST VEGAN FOOD APP!

                                                  Join One Green Planet’s #CrushPlastic 


                                                  Plastic can be found in virtually every shape and form. 
                                                  It is a material that makes our lives incredibly convenient,  
                                                  but most people rarely think about the impact plastic has
                                                  on the world around us. 
                                                  Unlike other materials, plastic never really goes away. 
                                                  We love plastic because it is durable, waterproof, and versatile,
                                                   but the downside of these qualities is that it lasts forever. 
                                                  Plastic does not biodegrade and it takes hundreds of years for it to break down 
                                                  through a process of photodegradation. Basically, plastic can only disintegrate
                                                  if it is exposed to UV rays which break its structural bonds apart – 
                                                  and even when this happens, it never truly goes away, 
                                                  it just becomes tons of microscopic pieces of plastic.

                                                  Marine Animal Extinction is the Real Cost of


                                                  • Globally, we produce 300 million tons of plastic every year, 78 percent of 
                                                  • which is NOT reclaimed or recycled.
                                                  • Around  8.8 million tons of plastic get dumped into the oceans every year!
                                                  • 700 marine animals are faced with extinction due to the threat that plastic
                                                  •  poses to them in the form of entanglement, pollution, and ingestion.
                                                  • 50 percent of sea turtles have plastic in their stomachs.
                                                  • By 2050, 99 percent of all seabird species will have ingested plastic waste.
                                                  To learn more about how plastic pollution impacts marine animals, 
                                                  click here.

                                                  What Can YOU do?

                                                  While efforts are being made to remove debris from the oceans, 
                                                  improve recycling systems and innovate barriers to prevent plastic from 
                                                  getting into waterways, we can all take action in our daily lives to stop plastic 
                                                  waste at the source.
                                                  “Plastic is ubiquitous in modern society and seemingly unavoidable. 
                                                  But is it worth risking the lives of marine species, the health of the oceans 
                                                  and our own future in the name of convenience? 
                                                  By taking baby steps to minimize hidden plastics in our lives, 
                                                  we can crush plastic at its source and help the world take a giant collective
                                                   leap into a better future,” said Nil Zacharias
                                                  Co-Founder of One Green Planet.
                                                  If we all take steps to identify where we use plastic and actively look for 
                                                  alternatives, we can drastically cut down on the amount of plastic pollution
                                                   that finds its way into the ocean. 
                                                  The average American throws away approximately 
                                                  185 pounds of plastic a year. If everyone in the U.S. alone were to stop
                                                   using plastic that would keep over 555 billion pounds of plastic out of the 
                                                  As the leading organization at the forefront of the conscious consumerism 
                                                  movement, One Green Planet believes that reducing hidden plastics from 
                                                  our lives is not about giving up anything or sacrificing convenience, 
                                                  but rather learning to reap the maximum benefit from the items you use 
                                                  every day while having the minimum impact.

                                                  5 Ways You Can #CrushPlastic in Your Daily


                                                  bag_with_logo  cp_cups-768x768  unspecified1  lunch_boxes  unspecified

                                                  Other Ways to #CrushPlastic

                                                  1. DIY your own cosmetics instead of buying ones in plastic tubes.
                                                  2. Try DIY-ing your shampoo and conditioner instead of buying plastic bottles.
                                                  3. Skip the plastic tube toothpaste and make your own!
                                                  4. Switch to bar soap and shampoo to avoid plastic packaging.
                                                  5. Use mason jars when grocery shopping to store all your bulk food items.
                                                  6. Use small cloth or reusable bags instead of produce bags when food
                                                  7. shopping.
                                                  8. Replace your plastic food storage bags with stainless steel tins or 
                                                  9. mason jars.
                                                  10. Reduce plastic packaging in your cleaning routine by
                                                  11.  making your own natural cleaners.
                                                  12. Avoid microbeads in your exfoliating face or body wash.
                                                  13. Buy plastic-free beauty, hygiene, and cleaning products,
                                                  14.  like bamboo toothbrushes, plastic-free makeup brushes and 
                                                  15. natural material sponges. 

                                                  For more information on how plastic harms 

                                                  oceans and marine animals, click here. 

                                                  Wednesday, April 12, 2017

                                                  The killing of Baby Seals is a stain on Canada's reputations.

                                                  BREAKING: Seal pup slaughter begins


                                                  Ingrid E. Newkirk, PETA via 

                                                  Apr 11 (1 day ago)
                                                  to me
                                                  Images are not displayed.Display images below - Always display images from
                                                  Please help! Seals need you!Dear Joseph,

                                                  We have made huge strides, but beginning today, thousands of seals—most between the ages of 3 weeks and 3 months—will be barbarically killed and may even be skinned alive, each one a victim of Canada's East Coast commercial seal slaughter.

                                                  We need your help to put an end to it—before even more baby seals die.

                                                  Seals are being slaughtered for their skins

                                                  Around the world, PETA and our affiliates have been a driving force behind the outrage against the massacre, and Switzerland has become the latest nation to ban the importation of seal products. Attempts to create a market in China—where PETA Asia works hard to promote compassion for animals—have failed, and because of bans on seal-fur products by the U.S., the European Union, and Russia, the bloody seal slaughter is only kept alive by Canadian tax dollars. Now we must work to end the subsidies!

                                                  Your gift right now will help us save countless young seals and other animals from a terrifying, painful death for their skins.Make your donation of just $5 or more to PETA today!

                                                  Sealers have already spent the last few weeks slaughtering adult male seals—which may also cause mother seals to be killed. But today, they are officially allowed to start killing seals too young even to eat solid food.

                                                  Even after young harp seals lose their white baby fur at just a few weeks of age, they're still babies. Left to thrive in the wild, they can live for more than 30 years as part of a large, social colony.

                                                  Seals are being slaughtered for their skins

                                                  But that idyllic life has been replaced with a nightmare as sealers head out on the ice with guns and crude clubs called "hakapiks"—thick wooden bats with a sharp metal hook on one end. Many seals won't die after the first blow, and they'll thrash around and scream in pain in front of other terrified seals who will soon meet the same violent end.

                                                  Your support today will immediately power our vital work to bring this and other nightmares for animals to an end. Even $5 will help!

                                                  The slaughter beginning today is an ugly stain on Canada's global reputation—particularly as the country celebrates its 150th anniversary—and PETA is making sure that this blot is seen worldwide via our campaign actions.

                                                  With your help today, we'll continue to work hard to protect seals from the skins trade.

                                                  Thank you so much for your support.

                                                  Kind regards,

                                                  Ingrid E. Newkirk

                                                  Was Jesus Christ a political activist? Yes he was!

                                                  Jesus Christ was a humanitarian activist for human rights.

                                                   According to a Three hour long documentary on Television, Jesus Christ and John the Baptist were cousins and after king Herod Antipas kidnapped John the Baptist, Jesus Christ took over the leadership of John's religious movement and entered Jerusalem with several thousand religious followers. They entered Jerusalem during the ceremony of Tabernacle and Jesus with his army of poor remained in Jerusalem for six months during which time he had the audacity to push over the tables of money lenders working in a Temple. Try going into a Bank and doing the same thing today!

                                                   This behavior was interpreted by the priests of the  temple and their Roman guards, as a direct attempt to assume religious leadership in Jerusalem. This may very well have been true because Jesus did have a political connection in King Herod's court; but that needs to be fully verified. The Temple guards, however, did nothing to stop Jesus. There may have been just too many thousands of followers for the guards to handle. It scared and angered the corrupt high priests and when their usually dangerous  guards did nothing to stop Jesus and his followers, they went to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilot, to complain.

                                                    Pilot did not want a Jewish uprising on his hands. He crucified or used his soldiers to beat thousands of Jews who dared cross his path or who failed to pay their burden of taxes,
                                                   however, Pontius was afraid of the leadership in Rome.  A Jewish uprising would put his own head on the block along with that of the wannabe king of all the Jews, Herod. He may have told his guards and the priests to back off and allow Jesus and his followers to remain in Jerusalem. The high temple priests, however, had other ideas. They went to Rome and then to Capri to talk to Tiberius. 
                                                  Having convinced the Roman emperor Tiberius to retire to Capri, the Praetorian Prefect: Aelius Sejanus quietly took over as leader. To back him up was his large and very dangerous Praetorian guards. They were the elites of the Roman soldiers. Sejanus wanted to quietly assume power and become Emperor of Rome. He did not need or want the Jews to create a problem for him during this transition period and he ordered all the prefects of the Roman Empire to keep the peace. One political hot spot was Jerusalem and both Pontius Pilot and Herod were listening attentively to the edicts Sejanus released from Rome.

                                                   Herod was disliked by the people he ruled and the Roman emperor, Tiberius. ignored him. Herod however, felt he had a chance with Aelius Sejanus, and he kept John the Baptist as a political prisoner for a full year to block any insurrection by John's followers. John had been publicly critical of Herod's marriage.  Herod had married his step-brother's ex wife and that was considered to be a moral weakness.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Herod was both frustrated and angry but as long as Aelius Sejanus was in charge of the Roman government, Herod felt he had a chance to be named king of all the Jews as opposed to King of only two provinces. Keeping the peace in Jerusalem was an imperative. He kept John the Baptist alive for a year until he was told that Jesus Christ was leading thousands of followers in Jerusalem. Herod hesitated to kill John the Baptist but his wife and her entourage forced his hand. They murdered John and served his head on a plate. Apparently Herodias did not like John's moralizing against her marriage to Herod.  Today the old saying "beware of a woman scorned!" still remains true.

                                                   Herod Antipas captured and murdered John the Baptist because he perceived John to be a political threat to his power. Now he was hearing how John's cousin, Jesus Christ, was the moral leader of thousands of people in Jerusalem. Some were even proclaiming Jesus as the King of all Jews and this created resentment in Herod. For many years he was  trying to be named King of all  Jews but angry or not, Herod obeyed the edicts of Sejanus. The dangerous Roman prefect was pretender to the throne of the Roman Empire and Sejanus had to be obeyed.

                                                   Pontius Pilate also refused to convict Jesus Christ in fear that a Jewish uprising would anger the new boss  in Rome. The Temple guards who were assigned to protect the high priests and the money lenders did nothing to stop Jesus. Back in Rome the very dangerous Praetorian Prefect: Lucius Aelius Sejanus, was attempting to assume the job of Emperor and Sejanus did not want the Jews disturbing his transition process. With his powerful Praetorian guards behind him, Sejanus convinced the Roman Emperor Tiberius to retire to his palace in Capri while he, Sejanus, took over the job as Emperor. 

                                                   Tiberius, however, was no fool!  He moved to Capri and from there investigated the death's of both his sons. He then wrote a letter to the Senators in Rome detailing how Sejanus had murdered his sons and he charged Sejanus with treason. Sejanus was then tricked and trapped and thrown into a dungeon where he was quickly garroted to death. Tiberius returned to Rome and he regained his status as Caesar. With an eye towards his tax collections, he also returned the power to the high priests of Jerusalem and they quickly arrested Jesus and had him crucified. They could not stop what John and Jesus started however and Christianity today has millions of followers who believe that caring and sharing and compassion are worth a place within the eternal energy of the universe...God for short! 
                                                  Roman Empire records say Herod was a capable administrator of the provinces of Galilee and Perea. They were, however, only one quarter of the total empire Herod wanted to rule.

                                                  "HEROD ANTIPAS' 
                                                    He married Herodias, the ex-wife of his half-brother Philip.
                                                    John the Baptist criticized Herod for this and Herod threw him in prison. Then, Herod gave in to the plot of Herodias and her daughter and had John beheaded (Matthew 14:6-11). However, the Jewish people loved John the Baptist and considered him a prophet. John's murder further alienated Herod from his subjects."
                                                  "After the death of his son Drusus Julius Caesar in 23 AD, Tiberius became more reclusive and aloof and in 26 A.D., removed himself from Rome and left administration largely in the hands of his unscrupulous Praetorian Prefects: Lucius Aelius Sejanus and Quintus Naevius Sutorius Macro."
                                                  PONTIUS PILATE (or Pontius Pilatus), a knight of the Samnite clan of the Pontii, is appointed governor of Judaea  (Prefect – Praefectus Iudaea) through the intervention of SEJANUS, a favourite of emperor TIBERIUS.


                                                  Saturday, April 8, 2017

                                                  WELL DONE DONALD TRUMP!

                                                  WELL DONE DONALD TRUMP!





                                                  SIGNED: JOSEPH RAGLIONE
                                                  EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: THE WORLD HUMANITARIAN PEACE AND ECOLOGY MOVEMENT.

                                                  Stephanie Hulse, Greenpeace Canada <>

                                                  Nelson,   A few months ago, I told you about the City of Montréal’s plans to ban natural gas in new buildings in the Fall of 2024. And I hav...